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More uselessness from DBC


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Have any of the council members been out to speak to the residents about these issues? Seems like people don't want to email there councillors as they feel this is dictatorship not a democracy.

Claire Wells seems to have spent her reign hiding, only popping out for a vanity photoshoot.  


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2 hours ago, Whiskey said:

I got a leaflet (of the “Coming soon!” variety) but it didn’t have dates of which bin would be collected when. So we put both bins out and neither got collected. When I rang the office they couldn’t tell me either.

So not even the Corpy staff knew. Yep, superbly publicised. 

Did you use the QR code?  That would have given you the collection dates the leaflet says. 

I have no skin in the game as far as DBC are concerned.  The implementation date was publicised, but I don't recall getting an actual leaflet to confirm that.  How people can say they didn't know it was being introduced is beyond me. Perhaps people didn't think they would follow through or perhaps it is people who live in flats who are not direct ratepayers that haven't been informed.  But isn't that the fault of their landlord? 

The democracy is in the election of people to put in place policy, that is what politicians do.  Presumably, this was discussed at DBC public meetings and there is always opportunity to make representations to your local Councillor.

So, it would seem the communication did exist, possibly not in the actual implementation date, but there needs to be an improvement in the recycling arrangements and those with particular waste disposal needs should be handled better and less officiously.  

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Yes that would have worked well on my grandads Nokia 3110. 

Well, you could have helped him.  Also, the question was aimed at Whiskey who posts on here so I presume has the wherewithal to scan the code. 

It just seems to me that people haven't engaged or gave it no thought and were not prepared. 



Edited by Gladys
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5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I voted for it but I wouldn’t say I was influential. The process was started way before my time and I’m not on the committees that really drove this (Environmental Services and Exec. I’m only on Regeneration and Housing committees). 

What shocked me was the fact that we were over twenty years behind other places when it comes to recycling. It’s not just a change in bin schedule, it’s a change in culture and habits. We can’t be all biosphere this and beautiful country that while ignoring basics like this. 

Since when was having a vote not an influence.😅

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I'd like to see the contractual arrangements with the incinerator operator (SITA/PURA or whatever they're called this week) examined or revisited.

Because one thing is for sure, if DOI(?) were involved in the negotiations, they and by implication the tax/ratepayers, are very likely to be getting screwed over a barrel. I'm acquainted with a chap who contracted up there who always described it as an extremely profitable operation.

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39 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Well, you could have helped him.  Also, the question was aimed at Whiskey who posts on here so I presume has the wherewithal to scan the code. 

It just seems to me that people haven't engaged or gave it no thought and were not prepared. 



I don’t remember there being a code on the leaflet. Which is why I hedged my bets and put both out. They collected neither. 

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17 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I'm sure there will be an official response and I can only comment here as an individual.

As an individual, I find the open letter puzzling and disappointing. I note it criticises the current recycling scheme and think it's worth checking who introduced the same back in 2008. I also note that some of the images posted alongside the letter appear to show bins overflowing with waste that should never go into black bins, such as furniture pieces, etc:








Like I said, puzzling.

The number of queries and complaints I have received about the new scheme is in the single digits and the same seems to be the case with the fellow councillors I spoke to. As many people have already pointed out, many other local authorities on the island have introduced fortnightly collections ages ago and anarchy does not seem to have broken out there. Quite the opposite. 




Absolute lies Frank . The Facebook group clearly shows hundreds annoyed by you and your useless mates . If you count only answered complaints in this number you might be telling the truth . 

As for the councils claims its about saving money and not the fact Douglas Borough Council is penetrated by the greens, why would you be speaking to companies about being a contractor to be bin police . Which I know to be true before you claim otherwise as I've spoken to someone who's been approached.  Surely that's not cutting costs but increasing them .

Families of 5 or more being forced to either drive to refuse centres or struggle for anywhere to put their waste including nappies(altho I don't think many of you lot have experienced this , so assume your just nieve) and now getting rid of public bins to stop people putting rubbish in them , yes we've noticed. Yeah that will sort it!

Just accept your are wrong , 500 plus people on a Facebook site and increasing every day(that's more than voted you in btw) , proper politicians having to get involved because of your refusals to accept you've made a mistake . Refuse centres increased usage with people driving rubbish down and probably doing more damage to the environment.  Just admit it you've messed up . 

Even if some rubbish is not acceptable for black bins people disposed of things this way in the past hidden in bins , you wait till Christmas we will definitely have a rat infestation which you will still claim a success.

Only good thing to come of this , is you and your other inept mates will ultimately end up voted out (as lots I know who've never voted for councillors are all signing up as wr speak)and you will never blag your way into government, and the mistakes will be fixed by future councillors who have the best interests of the people at heart . 

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