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More uselessness from DBC


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11 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Well said, only 40% of the residents are Manx

some of the biggest critics of the island and whining is strangely by people who chose to move here.  

I am from here and seldom moan. But when people move to a place it is right that they join in - including being critical. They should.

In Scotland the SNP are very keen on the idea of civic-nationalism. Which is far more inclusive and attractive than nasty old miserable you're-not-from-'round-here nationalism.

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39 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

How about "There's a boat in the morning" nationalism, is that nasty and miserable.

And will my passport not show the not entitled to residency or succour in the back pages now the UK is no longer part of the EU.

Is that nationalism ?

The only people who get "there's a boat in the morning" are the whingers and serial complainers. It's not shouted at people randomly in the street. 

Edited by The Bastard
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2 hours ago, buncha wankas said:

Well said, only 40% of the residents are Manx

some of the biggest critics of the island and whining is strangely by people who chose to move here.  

Actually the percentage of Manx-born is just under 50% and has been at that level for some time.  It's surprisingly consistent:

1991  49.6%

1996  49.9%

2001  48.0%

2006  47.6%

2011  48.1%

2016  49.8%

2021  49.6%

And everyone is entitled to complain about the country they live in.  And everyone else is entitled to ignore what they say it's just whining and there's no suggestions for actually improving things.

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"Borough Rate 2022/2023 Motion moved by Councillor Mrs C.L. Wells, seconded by Mr Councillor I.J.G. Clague, “That the minutes of proceedings of the Executive Committee, as contained in report of special meeting held on Thursday, 13th January, 2022, and containing the recommendation: “That in accordance with Section 11 of the Local Government Act 2006, a Borough Rate of FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT PENCE in the pound on the net annual value of all rateable property in the Borough be levied for the year ending 31st March, 2023.” together with the associated Budget Report and Estimates be received, approved and adopted by the Council.” Amendment moved by Councillor Miss N.A. Byron, seconded by Mr Councillor S.R. Pitts, “That the following words be added to the Motion: “subject to reinstatement into the capital budget for 2022/23 of the provision for replacement changing facilities at Spring Valley.” The Council adjourned at 11.25am to enable the potential impact of the amendment to be assessed, and resumed at 11.45am when the Council Leader advised that the scheme could be accommodated with little impact in the 2022-23 financial year but greater impact in future years. Question put on amendment. There voted For the amendment: Councillors Mr P.J. Washington, Ms J. Thommeny, Mr F. Schuengel, Mr S.R. Crellin, Mrs C.L. Wells, Mr D.R. Watson, Mr A.J. Bentley, Miss N.A. Byron, Mr S.R. Pitts – 9 Against: Councillors: Mr F. Horning, Mr I.J.G. Clague, Mr J.E. Skinner – 3 Amendment carried. Question put on substantive Motion. There voted For the Motion: Councillors Mr P.J. Washington, Ms J. Thommeny, Mr F. Horning, Mr F. Schuengel, Mr S.R. Crellin. Mrs C.L. Wells, Mr D.R. Watson, Mr A.J. Bentley, Mr I.J.G. Clague, Miss N.A. Byron, Mr S.R. Pitts – 11 Against: Mr Councillor J.E. Skinner – 1 Substantive Motion carried."

Give me a like if you can't spot the connection between this Kafkaesque blandishment of the meeting and the fact that bins will be moving to fortnightly collections. 

I also found an answer to a question I asked Amadeus (but didn't receive an answer to), which was, "who moved the motion to switch bins to fortnightly collections?"

Environmental Services Committee:

Mr Councillor F. Horning (Chair) - for
Mr Councillor P.J. Washington (Vice-Chair) - for
Councillor Miss N.A. Byron - for
Mr Councillor J.E. Skinner - against

Some additional names to remember when the 2024 elections take place. 


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7 hours ago, Viddy well said:Give me a like if you can't spot the connection between this Kafkaesque blandishment of the meeting and the fact that bins will be moving to fortnightly collections. 

Give me a like if you can't spot the connection between this Kafkaesque blandishment of the meeting and the fact that bins will be moving to fortnightly collections. 

You are 100% right. It should not take days to work your way through deliberately Kafkaesque documentation to ascertain what a motion was actually about and consequently who actually voted for or against it. They certainly seem to have an aversion to open democracy at town hall. As for the 2024 elections - it’s again helpful to point out that of the 11 who voted for this 3 got in on uncontested seats. 

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17 minutes ago, FANDL said:

You are 100% right. It should not take days to work your way through deliberately Kafkaesque documentation to ascertain what a motion was actually about and consequently who actually voted for or against it. They certainly seem to have an aversion to open democracy at town hall. As for the 2024 elections - it’s again helpful to point out that of the 11 who voted for this 3 got in on uncontested seats. 

Nothing to stop you , viddy well or anyone else standing for council to change policies!

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31 minutes ago, Banker said:

Nothing to stop you , viddy well or anyone else standing for council to change policies!

I maintain there should be a minimum number of votes required for any seat. After that, then as long as eligibale voters in wards are evenly split then those with the most votes, regardless of ward, win until all the seats are filled. 


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8 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Nobody will ever change policies in there. You get the sense that even people like Watson are frustrated with the lack of openness and general inertia. Most normal people used to private sector decision making would probably deck some of the clowns in there within a week of having to deal with them. 

Well get you & your mates to all stand & change it!!

Problem in island is that everyone complains about every decision taken but they never stand for elections themselves 

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Nobody will ever change policies in there. You get the sense that even people like Watson are frustrated with the lack of openness and general inertia. Most normal people used to private sector decision making would probably deck some of the clowns in there within a week of having to deal with them. 

Turkeys don't vote for Christmas and politicians rarely tell the truth.

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