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More uselessness from DBC


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6 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

The bulk of packaging is the likes of M&S and Tesco's etc. fault - not Joe Public's fault. 

Not really. It's mostly down to the products which people choose to buy.

Raw ingredients involve minimal packaging which takes up almost no space. A frozen pizza comes wrapped in plastic on a polystyrene base and then in a box.

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Just now, Albert Tatlock said:

We're also in the middle of an energy crisis, people aren't willing to heat their homes at the moment, let alone run the hot tap to clean out a couple of jam jars and an old tin of Heinz Beans.

They could use the dishwater from when they have washed up all the family's dishes. Unless they have used the dishwasher, of course. 

It is simple, give it a try, it isn't hard and not a great inconvenience.  Well, I suppose it is a huge inconvenience when you have been  used to just chucking everything in the bin. 

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20 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

The bulk of packaging is the likes of M&S and Tesco's etc. fault - not Joe Public's fault. This bag tax bollox should be going to local councils who have to deal with the actual waste - as well as a packaging tax to encourage minimal, environmentally friendly or no packaging. People would then go for the best deal.




What actually happens to bag charges in the Isle of Man?

20p at my local spar now!!

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1 minute ago, C Montgomery Burns said:

It seems to be you who is confused about democracy. Not ONE person voted for Councillor Frank in Douglas South. Literally not one persons vote was required to install him in office to play his part in instilling this mad bin process on anyone. 

And not ONE person stood against him.  That is democracy.  The people spoke,  they could not be arsed. 

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1 minute ago, C Montgomery Burns said:

It’s good to see that you agree that he got in by default. An unelected high profile social media moaner. Now complaining about other high profile social media moaners. 

its the frank and josem show , it's like galipoli.

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2 minutes ago, C Montgomery Burns said:

It’s good to see that you agree that he got in by default. An unelected high profile social media moaner. Now complaining about other high profile social media moaners. 

It wasn't by default,  that's how it works.  That is democracy.  Only one person put their name up, so in the the absence of anyone else, the presumtion is the people do not wish to oppose.  In effect, the voters gave him the biggest majority by not voting.

Not sure what is not understandable about that really.  That is democracy. 

It is everyone's process, if you choose not to engage in that process then you can hardly complain with the result  

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It wasn't by default,  that's how it works.  That is democracy.  Only one person put their name up, so in the the absence of anyone else, the presumtion is the people do not wish to oppose.  In effect, the voters gave him the biggest majority by not voting.

Not sure what is not understandable about that really.  That is democracy. 

It is everyone's process, if you choose not to engage in that process then you can hardly complain with the result  

and that folks is one reason why democracy is shit.

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1 minute ago, WTF said:

and that folks is one reason why democracy is shit.

Well,  it isn't really, but it requires the demo (the people) to engage with it.  If you don't engage through complacency and then only become aware because you have been asked to recycle is not a great basis for overturning the whole concept. 

There are very many countries who have had very real martyrs to gain democracy and that still goes on today.  But we decry it because it worked but we could not be bothered engaging with it. 

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