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More uselessness from DBC


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Apathy is the problem, people are ready to criticise,  myself included but not prepared to put themselves forward and participate for many good, genuine reasons.     I think a big concern people have and the reason they do not stand for councils or even Tynwald is the measure of abuse they get ,the main attribute anyone standing for public office has to be the skin of a rhino.   Perhaps it is time to turn the criticism towards the policies or actions of elected officials and leave the personal stuff out of it.   I fear we may be missing out on some talented and clever people because they don’t want or need the personal hassle that goes hand in hand with the job.

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1 minute ago, hissingsid said:

Apathy is the problem, people are ready to criticise,  myself included but not prepared to put themselves forward and participate for many good, genuine reasons.     I think a big concern people have and the reason they do not stand for councils or even Tynwald is the measure of abuse they get ,the main attribute anyone standing for public office has to be the skin of a rhino.   Perhaps it is time to turn the criticism towards the policies or actions of elected officials and leave the personal stuff out of it.   I fear we may be missing out on some talented and clever people because they don’t want or need the personal hassle that goes hand in hand with the job.

Kind of agree, but the apathy is not in putting yourself forward for election, but to vote.  That is the issue.  How do we improve voter engagement and turnout?

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9 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Apathy is the problem, people are ready to criticise,  myself included but not prepared to put themselves forward and participate for many good, genuine reasons.     I think a big concern people have and the reason they do not stand for councils or even Tynwald is the measure of abuse they get ,the main attribute anyone standing for public office has to be the skin of a rhino.   Perhaps it is time to turn the criticism towards the policies or actions of elected officials and leave the personal stuff out of it.   I fear we may be missing out on some talented and clever people because they don’t want or need the personal hassle that goes hand in hand with the job.

Hear what your saying.
But yes I think you have to have the skin of a rhino to put up with all the personal criticism you will receive as a councillor  or MHK but maybe that is one of the “qualities” you need to do the job effectively.

You don’t need elected representatives who will crumble the first time they suffer personal attacks, however unwarranted they may be ( its part of the territory)

I am not excusing personal attacks.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Kind of agree, but the apathy is not in putting yourself forward for election, but to vote.  That is the issue.  How do we improve voter engagement and turnout?

its a catch 22 , there is nobody worth voting for so we don't vote .  (  as the current member was unopposed nobody could vote anyway )  and as the last 20+ years have proven it doesn't matter who you actually vote for cos they all end up being useless anyway as the embedded vested interests maintain the status quo.

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Kind of agree, but the apathy is not in putting yourself forward for election, but to vote.  That is the issue.  How do we improve voter engagement and turnout?

Well I’m not sure you can. You would have to be pretty ignorant not to know there was an election  ( commissioner/ MHK ) in your borough/ ward. Local radio, newspapers, people in shops, pubs talking about it. 

If you are not interested and choose not to engage or vote that’s your prerogative. And one which should be respected.

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

Well I’m not sure you can. You would have to be pretty ignorant not to know there was an election  ( commissioner/ MHK ) in your borough/ ward. Local radio, newspapers, people in shops, pubs talking about it. 

If you are not interested and choose not to engage or vote that’s your prerogative. And one which should be respected.

Completely agree.  But once you have removed yourself from the process  you cannot legitimately criticise.

Voter engagement happens when there is no longer a reason to be complacent. 

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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Kind of agree, but the apathy is not in putting yourself forward for election, but to vote.  That is the issue.  How do we improve voter engagement and turnout?

I'm acquainted with a couple of ex- LA politicos, both responsible, mid-stream people, both of whom sacked it and didn't seek re-election because of not being able to make any change, courtesy of the Hoops and obstacles put in the way by "the system".

Which in the words of one appears to simply be designed to keep the relevant ps employees in endless and meaningless employment.

That's from the horse's mouth.

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