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More uselessness from DBC


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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

That may be the case, but is a different issue.

It is a different issue....but if apathy and disillusion besets the prospective candidates, how can the voters be expected to display anything different?

The system is broken, quite frankly. People talk about the 1970s attitude of the unions during the current woes. But our own public sector exists quite happily in a similar world that IT has largely designed and IT maintains in order to justify much of ITS existence.

Within a couple of weeks of being elected, Stu Peters posted on these boards of realising just how long and difficult it was to implement any change.

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There are conflicting demands from the GMP. On the one hand we want every decision made recorded and available should anyone wish to question when and how it was arrived at and by whom. On the other hand, we want an efficient, cost effective service with the minimum of red tape. So you end up with systems that are ossified into procedures that are often literally box ticking exercises that add no value other than covering someones back. 

Things like planning, health and safety, healthcare, tax and law all end up with more and more rules and regulations. Often things get added as the result of a very rare event but no-one would ever dare remove it. Certainly not a low level, or even mid-level CS. They are not allowed to. As in all walks of life, some will try to do their best within and despite of the rules and others will hide behind them. Red tape works both ways.

So it keeps snowballing until the legislators (i.e. elected officals) decide to do something about it or new rulesa are imposed from outside like GDPR, DDA, Beneficial Owners etc. And even that is not simple as there are procedures for that too.

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9 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It is a different issue....but if apathy and disillusion besets the prospective candidates, how can the voters be expected to display anything different?

The system is broken, quite frankly. People talk about the 1970s attitude of the unions during the current woes. But our own public sector exists quite happily in a similar world that IT has largely designed and IT maintains in order to justify much of ITS existence.

Within a couple of weeks of being elected, Stu Peters posted on these boards of realising just how long and difficult it was to implement any change.

And it will never change, well not in our lifetimes.

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We are being told what to do by politicians who did not advertise their intentions in their manifestos. That's a dictatorship. 

We're not being asked to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.
We're not being encouraged to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.
We're not being given incentives or facilities to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.

When we try and fail, we're being branded as philosophically backwards.
When we complain, we're being branded as philosophically backwards.
When our elected officials protest, they are branded as philosophically backwards.

We are reduced to throwing ourselves on the mercy of the Bin-Lords for special bin-stickers like 9 year olds.
No planning. No consideration of impact. No evidence except, "they do it across*"

It's a train wreck, and the worst of it is that DBC's response seems to be to hunker down until the pesky electorate sucks it down and gets used to third world standards.



*with four wheelie bins rather than two cartons and a bag.


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7 hours ago, Viddy well said:


We are being told what to do by politicians who did not advertise their intentions in their manifestos. That's a dictatorship. 

We're not being asked to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.
We're not being encouraged to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.
We're not being given incentives or facilities to recycle. We're being forced to recycle.

When we try and fail, we're being branded as philosophically backwards.
When we complain, we're being branded as philosophically backwards.
When our elected officials protest, they are branded as philosophically backwards.

We are reduced to throwing ourselves on the mercy of the Bin-Lords for special bin-stickers like 9 year olds.
No planning. No consideration of impact. No evidence except, "they do it across*"

It's a train wreck, and the worst of it is that DBC's response seems to be to hunker down until the pesky electorate sucks it down and gets used to third world standards.



*with four wheelie bins rather than two cartons and a bag.


Very well said , this here is the reality . What they've basically done by literally forcing people to recycle , is the complete opposite.  Memo to all the greens , if we did a referendum on climate change,  literally no one cares . Do to get a few councillors from the green party and place them in power unelected,  and try and force green on people has actually had the opposite effect to what they tried to do.  

I burn my rubbish and literally everytime I watch the smoke in the air , it makes me happy . Not because I'm not recycling or trying to make the world cleaner but I'm getting one over the WEF infiltration in our council . 


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11 hours ago, genericUserName said:

100%. The people who cannot cope with 2 collections per month could, for example, opt to pay twice the amount for the service as those who are perfectly happy with 2 collections per month.

Or they could ask themselves why they are buying so much packaging? Or, at least, they could compact the contents of their bins a bit.

Ultimately people who throw away less stuff should pay less.

🤣🤣🤣 I get told off for pointing out where Frank's from and why his country is proving the so called climate battle is pointless and causes more harm than good.  Yet ridiculous posts like this are allowed up . Clearly a covid / climate crank , very possibly Bonzo telling people what we must do . If Douglas Council ignore us tommorow,  I'm arranging a mass burn rubbish evening.  It would give me massive satisfaction watching all that smoke in the air and ill be thinking of cranks like you !

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1 hour ago, mollag said:

I predict much "We hear you" and maybe "Lessons have been learned" kind of posts after Monday's meet. 

I will have my stall outside the Hall selling Free Range eggs, and for those at the back of the meeting, Long  Range eggs.  😇

put me down for 2 dozen.

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

The one thing there won’t be is any form of honestly. Just more bullshit. 

It's a climate emergency don't you know. Everyone has to suffer for the greater good (i.e. them). 

Cut services to save money so they can spend it on rebranding everything for the 'city'. That's how it'll work.

Mealy mouthed excuses after implimenting a poorly planned change that effects a lot of people and then doubling down in the hope of weathering it out. 

One question though, if they've gone to fortnightly collection what precisely is the saving? It should have been available in the business case before the decison was taken presumably? 


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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:

It's a climate emergency don't you know. Everyone has to suffer for the greater good (i.e. them). 

Cut services to save money so they can spend it on rebranding everything for the 'city'. That's how it'll work.

Mealy mouthed excuses after implimenting a poorly planned change that effects a lot of people and then doubling down in the hope of weathering it out. 

One question though, if they've gone to fortnightly collection what precisely is the saving? It should have been available in the business case before the decison was taken presumably? 


I think they quoted around £25k per annum. Less than £1 per resident per year. 

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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

It's a climate emergency don't you know. Everyone has to suffer for the greater good (i.e. them). 

Cut services to save money so they can spend it on rebranding everything for the 'city'. That's how it'll work.

Mealy mouthed excuses after implimenting a poorly planned change that effects a lot of people and then doubling down in the hope of weathering it out. 

One question though, if they've gone to fortnightly collection what precisely is the saving? It should have been available in the business case before the decison was taken presumably? 


Scheiße sprechen, for the want of an alternative?

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10 hours ago, Manxieover65 said:

🤣🤣🤣 I get told off for pointing out where Frank's from and why his country is proving the so called climate battle is pointless and causes more harm than good.  Yet ridiculous posts like this are allowed up . Clearly a covid / climate crank , very possibly Bonzo telling people what we must do . If Douglas Council ignore us tommorow,  I'm arranging a mass burn rubbish evening.  It would give me massive satisfaction watching all that smoke in the air and ill be thinking of cranks like you !

I doubt many will turn up , most of the whiners just like to post anonymously on Manx forums!!

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