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More uselessness from DBC


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I have a dash cam. I disconnect it on island. I use it when travelling on motorways, UK cities and in Europe.

It doesn’t just record video but location and speed.  Someone ran into the back of my car in Spain and blamed me for braking sharply.

Cam showed I was stopped for nearly a minute in standing traffic, even although it didn’t capture the impact itself.

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17 hours ago, HeliX said:

Why not just register, as they likely should be anyway?

Apart from the £70 fee and the pain in the arse paperwork, if you are registered as a Data Controller you can be fined (horrendously) for mishandling data, even through a mistake.   For sharing video with the Police, you’d have to go through some form of formal process of approval etc, otherwise again you could accidentally end up getting fined if you miss a step.  Even though you’re trying to do your ‘civic duty’ and help out the police.

The Data Control Officer chasing him was more keen to point out the fines associated with not complying really and this was what he was most concerned about, as he didn’t have a clue about the whole GDPR registration requirements other than he was being threatened with fines. 

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8 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Apart from the £70 fee and the pain in the arse paperwork, if you are registered as a Data Controller you can be fined (horrendously) for mishandling data, even through a mistake.   For sharing video with the Police, you’d have to go through some form of formal process of approval etc, otherwise again you could accidentally end up getting fined if you miss a step.  Even though you’re trying to do your ‘civic duty’ and help out the police.

The Data Control Officer chasing him was more keen to point out the fines associated with not complying really and this was what he was most concerned about, as he didn’t have a clue about the whole GDPR registration requirements other than he was being threatened with fines. 

But you said this was "the owner of a business in Strand Street", so it's possible they should be registered in any case, depending on how they handle customer etc information, and they certainly should if they have CCTV (and that would have been the position before GDPR). 

They probably wouldn't be fined though unless they kept on refusing to cooperate or comply with the ICO, the aim is to get people to follow the law, not to punish.  It's only if they keep on taking the piss (waves in the direction of Manx Care) that fines are issued.  Similarly fines for data breaches only tend to be raised against big companies who should do better (and have the resources to) or when people have been criminally reckless.

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11 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

But you said this was "the owner of a business in Strand Street", so it's possible they should be registered in any case, depending on how they handle customer etc information, and they certainly should if they have CCTV (and that would have been the position before GDPR). 

All cash/card purchases.  This is the only data they hold on 'clients' no addresses or other personal details, no credit or contracts offered.  So my understanding is they probably wouldn't have been required to register. 

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17 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

All cash/card purchases.  This is the only data they hold on 'clients' no addresses or other personal details, no credit or contracts offered.  So my understanding is they probably wouldn't have been required to register. 

But they do if they are filming people walking down the public street and retaining that data.  It’s only £70 a year and the paperwork takes minutes.  

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42 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

All cash/card purchases.  This is the only data they hold on 'clients' no addresses or other personal details, no credit or contracts offered.  So my understanding is they probably wouldn't have been required to register. 

That should be all right, but any CCTV (even inside a shop) means that they should be registered.  Of course insurers may insist on having CCTV anyway, so there may be no alternative.

Edited to add:  The ICO has a page on Non-Domestic Use of CCTV which links to a more extensive document and will presumably be happy to give advice on what must be a very common situation.  The fees are actually £70 for the registration, but £50 for the annual renewal after taht.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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1 hour ago, Manx17 said:

So they have had the public toilets made pay as you go. plant pots hanging baskets looking pretty.  Are attempting to have recycling and rubbish covered. Fireworks look bright for half an hour at most . But what are they doing about the housing stock? As in heating, in social housing before they become damp, as people will not be able to afford Manx gas. They spent a lot of tax payers money on one provider. 
They seem quite quiet on the situation  as the island heads into winter. Most of the  housing stock , I would say have paid themselves 3 times over if not more. So what are they doing with the money ? We need to know this before the houses become unliveable and look for more taxes.

LAs are only allowed to retain a certain amount of rents income for repairs etc, not sure of amount. Also doesn’t social housing cost taxpayers about £6m pa in subsidies?

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

FFS they won’t even pay for a carnival 


Correct and I was one of the ones voting against holding it again at committee. I was for it last year as the public wanted it. The effort and cost for this one day event is enormous and the resources are better used in other ways going forward. We still have great events like the fun day and Christmas lights, and are looking to support others with their events where we can. I also want to see north quay used more for community events. 

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12 hours ago, Manx17 said:

So they have had the public toilets made pay as you go. plant pots hanging baskets looking pretty.  Are attempting to have recycling and rubbish covered. Fireworks look bright for half an hour at most . But what are they doing about the housing stock? As in heating, in social housing before they become damp, as people will not be able to afford Manx gas. They spent a lot of tax payers money on one provider. 
They seem quite quiet on the situation  as the island heads into winter. Most of the  housing stock , I would say have paid themselves 3 times over if not more. So what are they doing with the money ? We need to know this before the houses become unliveable and look for more taxes.

With what money? Not sure I follow. We have a housing plan and budgets for everything. 

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6 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Correct and I was one of the ones voting against holding it again at committee. I was for it last year as the public wanted it. The effort and cost for this one day event is enormous and the resources are better used in other ways going forward. We still have great events like the fun day and Christmas lights, and are looking to support others with their events where we can. I also want to see north quay used more for community events. 

Although many will ask how the fuck can it cost the Corpy £20,000 to allow people to dress up in a public street? Honestly it can’t possibly cost £20,000 to allow a road to be closed so that people can dance on it. 

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

Although many will ask how the fuck can it cost the Corpy £20,000 to allow people to dress up in a public street? Honestly it can’t possibly cost £20,000 to allow a road to be closed so that people can dance on it. 

It’s just more proof of their lack of commerciality. They’ll have street cleaners on triple time etc to pick up the litter. What would have cost £500 25 years ago as people just did their job now costs £20,000 with all the public sector leaches hanging off everything in order to enrich themselves.  It will be a bonanza of overtime and mates contracts. 

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Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. And please stop with the leeches and similar comments. Jeez. The time and effort needed to put this one day event on is a lot bigger than you think and resources, including officers time, cost money and are sparse. If a private sponsor wants to put on a carnival I’d happily support them where we can. 

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18 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s the housing stock. Where income comes from. What have Douglas corporation done or doing to stop houses going damp after them making sure most tenants money went to Manx Gas. Not a lot of people will be able to turn the heating on.

in fairness Douglas corporation do not make a profit from their housing stock  and the responsibility  for the financial support for tenants does rest with the department of social security , where they can seek advice if they are unable to pay gas, rent  or other living related  bills , there should be an officer in the  corporation housing office  able to give information , when we know there is a period of financial hardship  coming up  as there  undoubtably  is now ,

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