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motorists see red on the promenade


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39 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The most depressing one is the “new” bus shelter on Loch Prom. One of the rusty old ones re-used and looks like it’s been hand painted in black Hammerite. Why make a £25M project deliberately look like some grim Kazakhstani bus terminal? It’s just shit. I’m going to pay 5 blokes to stand in it wearing fur hats and cheap Borat style nylon suits while I take a picture just so we can capture the true Soviet-era depressive shitness of it all. 

That’s bollocks. I’ve just been past there. It’s nothing like that. 


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19 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

That is a photographs that is outstanding, in places. I am pleased to note that you have captured the authenticity of the rusty seats.

I have to agree outstanding. I think the one on Loch Prom is even more rotten than that one on the inside. Why did they re-use such shitty rusty old shelters just to save pennies on a £25M contract? It’s a bit like a developer who can’t be assed painting a house he’s just built to save £80 on 20 litres of masonry paint. 

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3 hours ago, 0bserver said:

They have little sensors on the track too. Those have now been got to by sea water and debris which is now causing these problems.

Jeeeesus you couldn’t make it up could you 🤣 So that’s the LED street lighting AND the traffic lights that have both failed due to the fact that they are not suitable for the conditions on the promenade 

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7 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Do we really need those traffic lights? Horse trams are quite big and easy to see.

At the other end of the line, at Derby Castle, the tram tracks also cross a traffic lane but with no lights - I assume they get grandfather rights there.

It would seem that the Horse Tram Inspectorate mandated the lights are installed because, in a modern safety conscious environment, lights are sensible. But then we get to the next point - south of that point they intend to run the horse tram through a pedestrian area. How do they intend to get that past modern safety regulations? What are the likely injuries if a horse tram at full trot, and with minimal protect of the flanged wheels, collides with a pedestrian?

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Yes it's interesting that the other road users, vehicles and pedestrians, which have been controlled/protected for donkey's years by lights, now enjoy a free-for-all of unmarked junctions and crossing - whereas the horse trams, which have operated successfully without traffic lights for over a century, now need the protection of lights to go a shorter distance than they did before.

The more yo hear and see of this project the more I become convinced it had little to do with improvement, and more to do with giving a legion of Civil servants something to do and as a means of getting Government money into the right pockets.

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3 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

At the other end of the line, at Derby Castle, the tram tracks also cross a traffic lane but with no lights - I assume they get grandfather rights there.

It would seem that the Horse Tram Inspectorate mandated the lights are installed because, in a modern safety conscious environment, lights are sensible. But then we get to the next point - south of that point they intend to run the horse tram through a pedestrian area. How do they intend to get that past modern safety regulations? What are the likely injuries if a horse tram at full trot, and with minimal protect of the flanged wheels, collides with a pedestrian?


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