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Meanwhile the CSP's and others struggle to get decent staff, because lots of them are working to regulate the businesses that can't get staff to keep up with their ever more petty demands !

Latest a threatening letter from statistics asking for statistical data ( not regulatory data) which a business doesn't have time to reply to, as it can't get staff to run it's own house.

Answer this SPUAN, why do we pay rafts of bureaucrats, to stand in the way of business on the island, all paid for by the people trying to make a success of their businesses to pay the fxxxxxx tax in the first place.

A stroke of a pen would save the island millions, then we wouldn't need some wig wearing prima donna to work out where to save money!.

Need coffee.




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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

The point is, if we are going with an almost feudal obligation, we aren't as "independent" as we like to think, and perhaps we should just recognise that and get on with making the best of the reality rather than pretending otherwise. 

Yeah but we're not really independent really are we?  I know we like to pretend that's the case, but without the UK we'd be completely screwed and realistically on the vast majority of stuff they dictate and we follow.

1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Phil Gawne's trip to Sierra Leone to flog a boat was the best one. A real Hemingway adventure for Phil. I'll bet he thought Sierra Leone was an Italian film director or perhaps a hot porn star before they crayoned it in for him on the map. Unfortunately it was a return ticket too.



Bet he got some cheap diamonds though. 

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52 minutes ago, asitis said:

Meanwhile the CSP's and others struggle to get decent staff, because lots of them are working to regulate the businesses that can't get staff to keep up with their ever more petty demands !

Latest a threatening letter from statistics asking for statistical data ( not regulatory data) which a business doesn't have time to reply to, as it can't get staff to run it's own house.

Answer this SPUAN, why do we pay rafts of bureaucrats, to stand in the way of business on the island, all paid for by the people trying to make a success of their businesses to pay the fxxxxxx tax in the first place.

A stroke of a pen would save the island millions, then we wouldn't need some wig wearing prima donna to work out where to save money!.

Need coffee.




Yep this.  Double thumbs up.  I feel your pain.  It's not just CSPs though, most banks are experiencing similar problems.  RBSI is actually now stating 'no new accounts for the next 3 months' whilst they get their house in order. 

Alas the reason is if we don't comply with OECD and various other enforced compliance requirements, then we'd just get blacklisted and then the whole industry is gone. 

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18 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Yeah but we're not really independent really are we?  I know we like to pretend that's the case, but without the UK we'd be completely screwed and realistically on the vast majority of stuff they dictate and we follow.


That is kind of my point really. 

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27 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Yep this.  Double thumbs up.  I feel your pain.  It's not just CSPs though, most banks are experiencing similar problems.  RBSI is actually now stating 'no new accounts for the next 3 months' whilst they get their house in order. 

Alas the reason is if we don't comply with OECD and various other enforced compliance requirements, then we'd just get blacklisted and then the whole industry is gone. 

Its not even just financial businesses, I've been trying to start a small business over the last couple of years, every (and I mean EVERY) government department has been an absolute pain to deal with, seemingly more intent on making it difficult to get started then provide any help. Its got to the point now where I'm just going to cut my losses and walk away from it, its not worth the stress.

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1 hour ago, Passing Time said:

they actually are. IOM can do the neck end of nothing without UK rubberstamping

Who appoints the 'board'? It is an analogy, and apologies to Stu for picking over it, but it isn't a good one.  Our 'board' is appointed by the electorate to whom they are accountable.  We are the 'shareholders', not the UK government.  Our government should act in the IOM's interests, not the UK's.  

That was my point, recognising that the UK is very important to us in all kinds of ways, our politicians still must act for us and represent us. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Who appoints the 'board'? It is an analogy, and apologies to Stu for picking over it, but it isn't a good one.  Our 'board' is appointed by the electorate to whom they are accountable.  We are the 'shareholders', not the UK government.  Our government should act in the IOM's interests, not the UK's.  

That was my point, recognising that the UK is very important to us in all kinds of ways, our politicians still must act for us and represent us. 

Maybe a better analogy (based on yours) is to think of the UK as 'The Regulator' then? Manx politicians have no interest in something that is of benefit to HMG and of detriment to IOMG (albeit a skirmish may be lost occasionally to win a war) - but engaging with the UK is a part of that representation surely? People talk about Zoom meetings but there's simply no better way to engage with someone than in person, quietly and ideally with beer involved (and no, we have to pay for our own).

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49 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Maybe a better analogy (based on yours) is to think of the UK as 'The Regulator' then? Manx politicians have no interest in something that is of benefit to HMG and of detriment to IOMG (albeit a skirmish may be lost occasionally to win a war) - but engaging with the UK is a part of that representation surely? People talk about Zoom meetings but there's simply no better way to engage with someone than in person, quietly and ideally with beer involved (and no, we have to pay for our own).

Is there an agenda, a meeting list etc, aims... outputs, etc?

ETA: Will you be meeting any supply chain business leaders and/or Royal Mail in your capacity as Chair of IOM Post?

Edited by Andy Onchan
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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Maybe a better analogy (based on yours) is to think of the UK as 'The Regulator' then? Manx politicians have no interest in something that is of benefit to HMG and of detriment to IOMG (albeit a skirmish may be lost occasionally to win a war) - but engaging with the UK is a part of that representation surely? People talk about Zoom meetings but there's simply no better way to engage with someone than in person, quietly and ideally with beer involved (and no, we have to pay for our own).

Yes, I was thinking the relationship was more akin to that of a regulator.  I agree that engagement is desirable and I have not challenged the trip at all.  My point is that the delegation should go with the right understanding of the relationship and not as a delegation to our parent.  

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

People talk about Zoom meetings but there's simply no better way to engage with someone than in person, quietly and ideally with beer involved (and no, we have to pay for our own).

Judging by the report on the 2017 trip I doubt there will be much chance for that (and Westminster's a less boozy place than it used to be).   The aim is supposed to be "an introduction to the UK Parliament and
the current political landscape", which frankly anyone from the Isle of Man who claims to be interested in politics should have a good idea about anyway.  It's mostly formal and semi-formal meetings and a few photos and meeting HoC staff.  No doubt interesting and you'll pick up a few bits of info, but not in the same way that you would on a business meeting and most stuff you can find online.

Still with luck you'll get a tour of Romford (no you won't).

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So, how will the success of the trip to Westminster be judged and how will the GMP be informed of its success?.

Networking with a few MPs who will note that the population of the Island is no bigger than a town in their constituency, and is not as important to them as securing their seat in two years or less will not be a measure of success.

A share of the UK windfall tax on BP etc, given that we are buying the same fuel, would be a success. A wind farm not being plonked in the middle of our sea routes would be a success. An agreement to share in the green energy produced by wind farms being placed around our Island would be a success. I am sure others can come up with measures of success……



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