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Meat Plant Slaughtered


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On 4/6/2024 at 10:20 AM, Holte End said:

He who laughs last last laughs loudest, Lets not forget poor Tim Baker  he was totally butchered by Mrs Barber, when she took the environment and infrastructure policy review of the meat plant to Tynwald, when he was in charge in 2021.  He was hung, drawn and quartered by Clare Barber, but now she seems to have gone very quiet on the meat plant front.

Yes Holte.   I have been wondering why the DEFA Minister has gone so quiet.   (Maybe she is even deafer than I thought!  😀)

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  • 2 weeks later...

MR reports that nearly 2000 kgs of meat have been destroyed recently!!!

While I try to make allowances for minor glitches, this seems to be catastrophic?

That's 12,000 hamburgers and god knows how many sausages?

They've either killed too many Animals for market requirements or have seriously lost control of their stock in storage!

It's a serious waste of Animal lives and food availability.

Claire Barbers response on MR was totally inadequate?

Edited by Kopek
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23 minutes ago, Kopek said:

MR reports that nearly 2000 kgs of meat have been destroyed recently!!!

While I try to make allowances for minor glitches, this seems to be catastrophic?

That's 12,000 hamburgers and god knows how many sausages?

They've either killed too many Animals for market requirements or have seriously lost control of their stock in storage!

It's a serious waste of Animal lives and food availability.

Claire Barbers response on MR was totally inadequate?

This is becoming a real problem .The month before there was a problem with having to dispose of meat.Locals are up in arms because Tesco haven't always been willing to support the local meat yet the local meat supply is really shooting itself in the hoof .

"2 Feb 2024  More beef processed at the Isle of Man's abattoir will need to be disposed of after an investigation by the Department of Environment, ..."

Nothing wrong with the meat just the business end of the supply chain. Someone needs to get this sorted PDQ.

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35 minutes ago, Kopek said:

MR reports that nearly 2000 kgs of meat have been destroyed recently!!!

While I try to make allowances for minor glitches, this seems to be catastrophic?

That's 12,000 hamburgers and god knows how many sausages?

They've either killed too many Animals for market requirements or have seriously lost control of their stock in storage!

It's a serious waste of Animal lives and food availability.

Claire Barbers response on MR was totally inadequate?

2 tons of meat is not that much in beef carcass terms , 6 or 7 animals, 

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12 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Oh, that's OK then? Depends if it was carcases, bones n all, or butchered meat???

It's still a huge waste and adding to the overall cost!

1.5% of monthly output so not great, not terrible 

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16 minutes ago, Mercenary said:

1.5% of monthly output so not great, not terrible 

It's not huge in straight accountancy terms.But it gives the impression of an inefficient business ,and when you are trying to grow a business and gain exports and new customers it throws up all sorts of questions that make trading that much more difficult.

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2 minutes ago, emesde said:

It's not huge in straight accountancy terms.But it gives the impression of an inefficient business ,and when you are trying to grow a business and gain exports and new customers it throws up all sorts of questions that make trading that much more difficult.

Not to mention the ethics of waste.

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Not to mention the ethics of waste.

Ethics full stop.

The worldwide meat industry is disgusting. Here on the Isle of Man we have the opportunity to have 'field to slaughter' in very little time and very few miles. It should be a selling point.

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53 minutes ago, emesde said:

This is becoming a real problem .The month before there was a problem with having to dispose of meat.Locals are up in arms because Tesco haven't always been willing to support the local meat yet the local meat supply is really shooting itself in the hoof .

"2 Feb 2024  More beef processed at the Isle of Man's abattoir will need to be disposed of after an investigation by the Department of Environment, ..."

Nothing wrong with the meat just the business end of the supply chain. Someone needs to get this sorted PDQ.

That amount was "commercially confidential" too, IIRC.

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On BBC news on line today

More than 1.8 tonnes of meat was thrown away earlier this month at the Isle of Man meat plant, the environment, food and agriculture minister has said.

"Clare Barber MHK confirmed the amount in Tynwald after being asked how much meat was disposed of each month in 2024.

She said while it was "always disappointing to dispose of any meat" the amount lost so far during the month equated 0.01% of the 1,950 tonnes on average per year processed by the facility.,"

Now I appreciate that the amounts concerned are relatively low and that politicians and accountants will look to minimise the happening 

By my calculation it doesn't equate to 0.01 %.  It works out to 0.09%.   I agree not a large figure but why can't they just state the truth.  I will apologise if I have miscalculated but I don't think I have.

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But it's a large figure if 

a) It was on the shelf in your fridge and

b) If you can't afford to buy it regularly.

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34 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

But it's a large figure if 

a) It was on the shelf in your fridge and

b) If you can't afford to buy it regularly.

Couldn't agree more.its around 4000 pounds weight of meat .so several tens of  thousand £s value. But as you get to realise politicians only deal with the,"bigger picture,". It saves then dealing with real issues that affect people on a day to day basis.


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