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plans to spend millions destroying the ambience of Douglas promenade


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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

The first shows a seating area covered in green slime, with stealth UFOs flying above, and industrial barriers and lost road cones in the background.

The second show a memorial to dead soldiers, with a background of industrial barriers. There is also a smaller image of a memorial to David Kewley, but I am confused about the relevance of this.

The other images are a kids-level-photoshop complete fantasy and cannot be anything to do with Douglas promenade.

Maybe it is me. Maybe I cannot understand grand concepts. Perhaps I am unable to understand the meaning of art.

But I think that a sensory garden (if they can find the space to install it) is going to get the crap knocked out of it every time there is a storm.

Let’s face it whatever will be done will be wank plastered over the top of a project that is already an expensive exercise in wank to top off Dante’s Nine circles of promenade infrastructure wank. When will they just back off from trying to make what they’ve done already even worse?


“A major piece of long-term infrastructure shown is the rock defences placed on the shore between Summerland and Summer Hill to protect the highway, reduce overtopping and reduce flood risk”

They took all the groynes out that had been protecting the build up on that stretch for 100 odd years. Why are we all of a sudden worried about protecting the highway and reducing the same flood risk we’ve had there since the prom was built 150 odd years ago? 

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3 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Towards the start of this thread I posted a link to Gef's article on this subject (https://gef.im/2022/11/17/our-hopes-for-prom/) . When I looked at the supposed photos of the plan, I thought that Gef must have totally lost his mongoose marbles  and posted the wrong images.

There are only two photos of the promenade:

Of course the funniest picture in that Gef piece (I assume supplied by the DOI) is the picture of the sea defenses. If you do a Google image search the picture is of the £10 million Kirkaldy Sea Wall project implemented by Volker Stevin in 2015. Which was a failure and which had to be raised less than 3 years later to much outcry by the authorities who paid for it as it wasn’t up to doing the job it had been installed for. 



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9 million, they know how to negotiate a price. Unlike the tossers in power here. We would end up 37 million with an open end finishing date and cheque book. Almost forgot the extra for the garish piece of shite finish of many colours pertaining to be like the pubic hair that Orry the dane liked to intwine in his beard of the foe's he had vanquished in days of yore.

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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