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Local Authorities 'no choice'


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Local authorities are trying to soften people up for a massive rates rise. 


The report states:

Cost of borrowing has increased by 270-percent - something they say is significant as loan funding is the 'main source' of financing for local authorities' capital schemes.

Here's a thought. Stop spending so much fucking money! Put all capital projects on hold for 2 years and help the ratepayer. People cannot afford these extortionate rates. 

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Impose some discipline and training on staff in respect of the use and care of vehicles and equipment. There must be many hundreds of thousands of pounds expended every year across the PS in repair and depreciation costs incurred by a couldn't give a shit attitude and weak, spineless management. But already we see the answer, it's to just hammer the ratepayers some more, why should anything change?

And FFS, somebody review that incinerator contract, which is impacting every authority.

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29 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Local authorities are trying to soften people up for a massive rates rise. 


The report states:

Cost of borrowing has increased by 270-percent - something they say is significant as loan funding is the 'main source' of financing for local authorities' capital schemes.

Here's a thought. Stop spending so much fucking money! Put all capital projects on hold for 2 years and help the ratepayer. People cannot afford these extortionate rates. 

It’s a bit like me saying oh shit I re-mortgaged three times when interest rates were really low and now I need someone else to contribute to my mortgage for me as I can’t afford to service the debt. 

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50 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Local authorities are trying to soften people up for a massive rates rise. 


The report states:

Cost of borrowing has increased by 270-percent - something they say is significant as loan funding is the 'main source' of financing for local authorities' capital schemes.

Here's a thought. Stop spending so much fucking money! Put all capital projects on hold for 2 years and help the ratepayer. People cannot afford these extortionate rates. 

Braddan Commissioners new HQ and multi purpose building which is taking forever to be completed, is a classic example. A testament to egos, both national and local, and an eco loons wet dream, but will cost Braddan ratepayers dearly, on a facility which wasn’t an essential and in part duplicates other facilities. 

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Braddan Commissioners part of the statement-issuing conglomerate too.

One might wonder how much their pet project behemoth at the Strang is contributing to the woes that they're about to dump on their ratepayers? And no doubt the generous PS wage demand settlements will also be contributing in no small way to the draw on authority finances - bearing in mind that the brunt will be felt by the ratepaying private households.

ETA Just saw 2112's post above, apologies.

Edited by Non-Believer
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9 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Sadly, like government, local authorities have no brakes when it comes to spending money that is not theirs. When the proverbial hits the fan (as it always does) they then hike up rates etc etc etc.

No doubt water and bog tax will rise heavily. Tynpotwalders will glad vote for eye watering rises, and then promote cost of living IOMG measures. 

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Local authorities are trying to soften people up for a massive rates rise. 



"fee for wood expected to rise by 199-percent"

Jebus! - that's a lot - for 4 vodka and cokes. I hope they're not thinking of taxing chat up lines too.

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55 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Braddan Commissioners part of the statement-issuing conglomerate too.

One might wonder how much their pet project behemoth at the Strang is contributing to the woes that they're about to dump on their ratepayers? And no doubt the generous PS wage demand settlements will also be contributing in no small way to the draw on authority finances - bearing in mind that the brunt will be felt by the ratepaying private households.

ETA Just saw 2112's post above, apologies.

It doesn't matter if it adds 50p or £5k. All capital spending needs to stop.

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4 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Approval from the DOI is needed before a local authority can take out a loan for capital expenditure. 

So this can very easily be controlled by Central Government. @Chris Thomasjust needs to read them the riot act and put a 24 month hiatus on all LA borrowing. 

But surely most LA borrowing is internal borrowing so why have the rates gone up? Government is lending them the money from our money.

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Especially DBC need to stop spunking hundreds of thousands of pounds. Stop this waste on a fucking mood garden, buy some lights that are just lights not expensive shite ,oh but we can control the colour by special nodes controlled from a centre on the mainland. Light/clean the streets, empty my bin once a week fuck every thing off  for the next five years. Simples

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