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The Next Labour Govt In London


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Speaking of “deficits” - the Public Service Employees Pension Reserve account must have ended the last financial year with a tiny balance (I note that the Government’s Accounts for the 2021-22 financial year have not yet been published), and therefore must be financially exhausted by now and must also be currently running a heavy annual deficit.

I am in favour of paying nursers, teachers, doctors, etc., fair pay and full pensions, but other categories of ‘pen pushing’ PS/CS and erstwhile politicians whose pensions are higher than the average working person’s salary on the Island should probably be taking a haircut. Times are tough for many, IMHO there is a need to apply means testing to all fat cat’s pensions (some of them have accumulated substantial private nest eggs as well) which are being paid for by taxpayers. Other countries are doing exactly that. After all, (supposedly) we are all in it together. Isn’t the mantra that they keep telling us?    

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32 minutes ago, code99 said:

Speaking of “deficits” - the Public Service Employees Pension Reserve account must have ended the last financial year with a tiny balance (I note that the Government’s Accounts for the 2021-22 financial year have not yet been published), and therefore must be financially exhausted by now and must also be currently running a heavy annual deficit.


It's shown as totally depleted in the government economic dashboard thread.

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1 hour ago, tucker said:

Did we recover from the last labour government ?

I think our VAT fiddle is back to around 2008 levels, not allowing for inflation.

When they (The Labour lot) go for that again we are royally fuc8ed

Last time we blew the money on infrastructure, Iris, new commissioners houses, hospital etc 

This time we have blown it on thousands of new CS and resultant pension needs, which cant just be stopped like construction.............

Edited by Boris Johnson
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2 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

I think our VAT fiddle is back to around 2008 levels, not allowing for inflation.

When they (The Labour lot) go for that again we are royally fuc8ed

Last time we blew the money on infrastructure, Iris, new commissioners houses, hospital etc 

This time we have blown it on thousands of new CS and resultant pension needs, which cant just be stopped like construction.............

Maybe instead of a minimum wage we could have a maximum wage in public office and a cap on their pensions. How about we make it 2 x state pension. 

Then they might be a bit more agressive when it comes to things that affect real people like taxation, energy costs and food prices and less on vanity projects like the prom that have no effing chance in ever recovering the money wasted on it. Bet the gas field would suddenly be way more appealing. 


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2 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

I think our VAT fiddle is back to around 2008 levels, not allowing for inflation.

When they (The Labour lot) go for that again we are royally fuc8ed

Last time we blew the money on infrastructure, Iris, new commissioners houses, hospital etc 

This time we have blown it on thousands of new CS and resultant pension needs, which cant just be stopped like construction.............

I didnt mean just us on the IOM i meant us as in the Islands and UK in general :)

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I'm pretty much centrist usually but I really think a new Labour government would torpedo whatever is left of the economy. They will spend much more than we can afford and in return remove our freedoms one by one, that is the few that we have left! Whatever, we are marching to the edge of the cliff.

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2 minutes ago, Max Power said:

They will spend much more than we can afford and in return remove our freedoms one by one

How, practically, will they spend more than we can afford? The markets clearly demonstrated to Liz Truss a few weeks ago that they are in charge when it comes to uncosted spending / borrowing. The only possibility of increased spending is if the markets believe that a government is genuinely investing in growth. It needs to add up.

Which freedoms are you concerned about Starmer removing?

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I'm pretty much centrist usually but I really think a new Labour government would torpedo whatever is left of the economy. They will spend much more than we can afford and in return remove our freedoms one by one, that is the few that we have left! Whatever, we are marching to the edge of the cliff.

For a centrist you parrot quite a lot of right wing tropes.

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Ah. Come on. I’m a 51 year old doctor. The only time in my living memory when the health service worked anything like it should is 1997 - 2010. It’s conservative ethos to dismantle the NHS. Always has been. Boils my piss that people keep voting for these jokers cos they think they’re middle class and the tories will look after them. Wake up. 

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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

I'm pretty much centrist usually but I really think a new Labour government would torpedo whatever is left of the economy. They will spend much more than we can afford and in return remove our freedoms one by one, that is the few that we have left! Whatever, we are marching to the edge of the cliff.

Labour consistently posts costed budgets and manifestos, the Conservatives consistently give billions of pounds to their mates for things that never end up existing.

But sure, Labour are going to sink the economy...

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12 hours ago, Max Power said:

I'm pretty much centrist usually but I really think a new Labour government would torpedo whatever is left of the economy. They will spend much more than we can afford and in return remove our freedoms one by one, that is the few that we have left! Whatever, we are marching to the edge of the cliff.

I don't like or trust either party, but don't think the Labour Party, under Starmer, will go down the path the democrats have in America, using big tech to suppress free speech. They will have to be watched, though.  As for the economy, how can they possibly be worse? I would have voted for Corbyn, at least he had a degree of integrity, even if he wasn't the greatest. But of course, there was no magic money tree. Until covid hit, the state decided to go mental, and found a whole forest. Then, when Johnson realised that a proxy war could help to booster his popularity, they found a few more trees. Funny how those trees, that forest, weren't there for our NHS, homeless, Schools etc etc.

I'm on one now, 8.10 am on a Sunday morning...........................

Edit - I find myself agreeing with Helix. This is a worrying development    😉

Edited by Hoops
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4 minutes ago, Hoops said:

I don't like or trust either party, but don't think the Labour Party, under Starmer, will go down the path the democrats have in America, using big tech to suppress free speech. They will have to be watched, though.  As for the economy, how can they possibly be worse? I would have voted for Corbyn, at least he had a degree of integrity, even if he wasn't the greatest. But of course, there was no magic money tree. Until covid hit, the state decided to go mental, and found a whole forest. Then, when Johnson realised that a proxy war could help to booster his popularity, they found a few more trees. Funny how those trees, that forest, weren't there for our NHS, homeless, Schools etc etc.

I'm on one now, 8.10 am on a Sunday morning...........................

Edit - I find myself agreeing with Helix. This is a worrying development    😉

How have the Democrats stifled free speech?

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