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The Next Labour Govt In London


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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

At least she wasn't astride the rider.

Oh no, that's another picture in my mind I can't shake off.

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10 minutes ago, Barlow said:

I don't want to sound all mysognyistic or whatever but the lass is a good ten pinter. That's good enough for me. And there's nought wrong with a ginger whinger now and again.

As a politician I don't think it's a left or right leaning thing, it's just shock that soneone like her has risen to deputy prime minister. ie non-working/working class, single mother as a schoolgirl ,granny in her mid 30s. All very unrepresentable -  at least I think - of most people. We can all relate to her dancing though, and perhaps that has made us realise she has something in common with the most of us.

And I bet she had a poster on her wall that inclnded the line "dance like no one is watching".

Very true. Ginger girls are the best, by the way. Crazy, sexy, wild, up for anything. As for her, you are right. To have got where she is, she must have something. I wonder what it is.

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They are rather unseemly. but as a person not representing anyone but myself (ie not a constituency or indeed a whole nation of countries) I think they are acceptable. The posts in effect are about unseemlyism (new word btw) itself.

'unseemly' - a fucking cracking word.

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

I don't want to sound all mysognyistic or whatever but the lass is a good ten pinter. That's good enough for me. And there's nought wrong with a ginger whinger now and again.

As a politician I don't think it's a left or right leaning thing, it's just shock that soneone like her has risen to deputy prime minister. ie non-working/working class, single mother as a schoolgirl ,granny in her mid 30s. All very unrepresentable -  at least I think - of most people. We can all relate to her dancing though, and perhaps that has made us realise she has something in common with the most of us.

And I bet she had a poster on her wall that inclnded the line "dance like no one is watching".

If you don't want to sound misogynistic, try not posting knuckle-dragging crap. She's done better than you. She has power and you do not, despite the advantage of a penis. Get over it.

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

As a politician I don't think it's a left or right leaning thing, it's just shock that soneone like her has risen to deputy prime minister. ie non-working/working class, single mother as a schoolgirl ,granny in her mid 30s. All very unrepresentable -  at least I think - of most people. We can all relate to her dancing though, and perhaps that has made us realise she has something in common with the most of us.

The reason she's Deputy Prime Minister is that she's Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and she got that position by being elected by the members.  I doubt she would have even been allowed to become an MP under the current leadership.

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2 hours ago, Barlow said:

soneone like her has risen to deputy prime minister. ie non-working/working class, single mother as a schoolgirl ,granny in her mid 30s. All very unrepresentable  impressive  at least I think - of most people.

I assume you made a typo, so I took the liberty in fixing it for you.

If you prefer a rabble of pompous incompetent toffs, who think they are born to rule (perhaps you approve their dire 14-year legacy they have saddled the UK with i.e., numerous structural problems such as: homelessness, a housing crisis, a prison system at a breaking point, an NHS on the brink, burgeoning national debt and the rise of the political extreme right), then it is your democratic prerogative. For me, any woman who comes from an underprivileged working-class background who has personally overcome poverty, prejudice and sneering, and has been able to rise to the top of any political party epitomises worthy modern-day politicians, especially if she is Labour.

That said, all backgrounds can find a political home in the Labour Party (Kate Middleton is more than welcome to join) – the only prerequisite is a desire to make the UK a better country for ordinary people.  

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33 minutes ago, code99 said:

I assume you made a typo, so I took the liberty in fixing it for you.

If you prefer a rabble of pompous incompetent toffs, who think they are born to rule (perhaps you approve their dire 14-year legacy they have saddled the UK with i.e., numerous structural problems such as: homelessness, a housing crisis, a prison system at a breaking point, an NHS on the brink, burgeoning national debt and the rise of the political extreme right), then it is your democratic prerogative. For me, any woman who comes from an underprivileged working-class background who has personally overcome poverty, prejudice and sneering, and has been able to rise to the top of any political party epitomises worthy modern-day politicians, especially if she is Labour.

That said, all backgrounds can find a political home in the Labour Party (Kate Middleton is more than welcome to join) – the only prerequisite is a desire to make the UK a better country for ordinary people.  

You weren't around during the Wilson/Callaghan/Heath/Union years then?

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2 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

If you don't want to sound misogynistic, try not posting knuckle-dragging crap. She's done better than you. She has power and you do not, despite the advantage of a penis. Get over it.

That made me think. "She has power." Do you really believe she has power? I wonder what Starmer thinks. I reckon she's his John Prescott. She's there to show that Labour is still down with the lower orders.

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5 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Why did you include Heath, if your point was about Labour (and not just the 1970s in general?

It doesn't matter what party they are allied to, they are all capable of fecking up.

The one thing that worries me is that we are about to enter a period of similar circumstances to those some forty/fifty odd years ago.

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