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KWC Quiz 2022

John Wright

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We’ve had the KWC Quiz as a topic most years.

Here we go.

General knowledge paper, 2022-23, No 118, sat by the pupils of King William’s College, Isle of Man

“Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est”


1. During 1922:

1 what name was adopted by Siciliano?

2 where, following an election, did XI replace XV?

3 in what was one of the protagonists’ inappropriate liking for offal, and especially grilled mutton kidneys, revealed?

4 how might one have justified 0 x 8 + 11 (+4) = 15 and a most improbable result?

5 who started a six-year sentence for sedition, but would be released after two years owing to appendicitis?

6 whose unnatural death is perhaps recalled by airline passengers changing trains when heading for the Tafelhalle?

7 which prize winner gained a son who would in due course be similarly rewarded?

8 and who faced the firing squad five decades before his son was elected president?

9 who was gunned down outside No 36 Eaton Place?

10 how did the Seine cause 86 people to drown?



1 where did the Aston Martin become entangled with Tilly’s TR3?

2 where did Jake, Robert and Bill buy a pretty good rod cheap and two landing-nets?

3 which city sent the most insurrectionary tune into the world that was ever composed?

4 where was the portable guillotine put to good use in the town square following its transfer from Sophia?

5 where, thinking of dinner, did Christy-Pallière anticipate Hébert’s fish soup followed by langouste in court-bouillon?

6 what little place is noted for the making of lace, for drunkenness, for freedom of language and for unparallel political discussion?

7 where did the wine merchant receive a gunshot wound, leading to a request for the inspector to visit from Rennes?

8 where did des Grieux meet the prospective nun, following her arrival on the Arras coach?

9 where were Bibi and his beloved daughter rescued by those demmed English spies?

10 where was the lord primate’s costly turquoise found in a corvid nest?


3. In what:

1 yarn did the narrator champion a charismatic but doomed colonial ivory trader?

2 did the ship-wrecked Caucasian émigré wed the serving girl with a “heart of gold”?

3 story did the Eurasian daughter of the eponymous subject elope with the raja’s son?

4 simple tale did an accident spare the Greenwich observatory but result in the fragmentation of the bomb-carrier?

5 tale did the junior partner relate how he was wrapped in a hammock and stitched up from the feet to the throat as if he had been a corpse?

6 romance was an ancient, beached schooner, used as an arsenal, fired by the old Norwegian “caretaker”, enabling the escape of the hostages?

7 confession was it supposed that the ship’s entire supply of quinine had been sold in Haiphong for about 15 pounds?

8 narrative did a cargo of coal suffer spontaneous combustion to the south of Java Head?

9 did the eponymous hero recall repeatedly: “Eight hundred people and seven boats”?

10 preferred sub-titled maritime story was the dying subject accused of malingering?


4. Who:

1 was “sense” if Marianne was “sensibility”?

2 thanks to Longshanks, is remembered at Geddington?

3 adopted a disguise whose gender deceived Rocca’s daughter?

4 stood in after the Frederikshald tragedy before handing over to her husband?

5 according to legend, murdered the king’s mistress, in her Woodstock “prison”?

6 anticipated the RSPB by 500 years and is remembered in the name of a migratory raptor?

7 likened her sex to a teabag, with an ability to get stronger with increasing heat?

8 exchanged poetry with Amory one year after her attempted suicide?

9 wears the face that she keeps in a jar by the church door?

10 as Florimel, impressed the celebrated diarist?


5. Who:

1 could liquidise one like a carrot in a kitchen blender?

2 received a version of Agamemnon as a leaving present?

3 was associated with corporal punishment by the celebrated Venusian poet?

4 was a most come-at-able lady, who would dress the children’s chilblains in winter?

5 was the one-armed art master, who had lost the contents of his left sleeve in the Great War?

6 was reprimanded by his wife for reading a disguised copy of Lives of the Great Poisoners at table?

7 took Old Pompous’s umbrella without permission, and with disastrous consequences?

8 after wrongly pronouncing butter, was accused of making fritters of English?

9 was run over by a tram in Stoke-on-Trent when one-over-the-eight?

10 made the most dismal sounds when playing his flute?



1 where are the Pumas caged?

2 whose break is less destructive than Rolando?

3 what had a Sandhurst interlude lasting for 37 years?

4 what passed from Britain to the Netherlands in 1824?

5 where did the two enjoy coffee and kümmel with von Brüning in a dingy inn-parlour?

6 after which conflict did Alfred show compassion for the defeated leader’s wife and his two sons?

7 in what do everlasting praise and magnification appear repeatedly?

8 where did Charles Edward adopt a disguise as Betty?

9 which Girl of my Heart perished at Kastellorizo?

10 which brewery owed its origin to a Pope?



1 what is liable to herniation?

2 what was the haunt of the Tom Puddings?

3 where is Juno still working after more than 140 years?

4 which canal is carried over another by a unique swing bridge?

5 on which canal did Cressy find a lock full of the bloated, putrifying bodies of rats?

6 on which canal did Arethusa find the water at about the drinking temperature of tea?

7 where did the club-footed poet succeed, while Scott and Mengaldo failed?

8 where can you darn your socks when it’s still in its locks?

9 which two canals are linked by a rotating boat lift?

10 what was the target of Garlic?


1 who practised the “so easy” sidestroke in the turbid Amazon?

2 which Torpedo pioneered the swim from Donaghadee to Portpatrick?

3 who swam to Safety Bay beside the Swiss pastor’s makeshift vessel of eight tubs?

4 who escaped entanglement with a cephalopod during a 300 yards swim in Shark Bay?

5 who was reduced to a mass of blue-grey mottled flesh after skinny-dipping between Old Mill Road and Scotch?

6 after an epic Manhattan swim, which Olympian made a trail-blazing crossing of the English channel the following year?

7 whose parent did the son of Ecgtheow decapitate, having swum to the bottom of the monster-infested lake?

8 whose swim through the iron curtain received praise from Gorbachev and Reagan?

9 which Salopian failed, terminally, to swim through the Whirlpool Rapids?

10 who faintly stretched his dripping limbs, having swum for Glory?


9. Which:

1 plotter composed an elegy on the eve of his execution?

2 traitor was sympathetically described in poetry by a Nobel laureate?

3 Irish officer in the British army was executed for leading his eponymous plot?

4 couple were, according to another Nobel laureate, “sacrificial lambs in the marketplace sold”?

5 Dutch suicide’s embalmed body was posthumously executed by hanging in its coffin from a gibbet?

6 black sheep from an eminent political family pleaded guilty to treason in a trial lasting eight minutes?

7 RAF pilot stole a Hurricane and later infiltrated resistance groups on behalf of the enemy?

8 sometime governor was executed close to the present site of a noted island school?

9 bellicose abolitionist’s soul is still mobile 160 years after his execution?

10 vulpine traitor lost his head after capture beside Loch Morar?



1 with what does a sharp play on an untrue cloth?

2 who invited Frederic Henry to play billiards at Stresa?

3 at what was Felson opposed by Findley during the Kentucky Derby?

4 what islet did Mr Anthony Hurrell describe as being as bare as a billiard-table?

5 why did Charmian decline the queen’s demand that they play billiards, suggesting that she play with the eunuch instead?

6 which six-times World Champion claimed that snooker would prevail if a choice was to be made between marital constancy and snooker?

7 where were Harris and his friends denied overnight accommodation on the billiard-table?

8 which sovereign’s body was temporarily shrouded in her own billiard cloth?

9 to what did the Billiard-marker apply chalk with quivering hand?

10 to what were the sleeping Platypus family likened?



1 where are they urged to serve to lead?

2 and where should I do as much as I can?

3 where was the French Prince, killed in the Zulu war, initially laid to rest?

4 where are two holders of the VC entombed in the Church of St John the Baptist?

5 where does the prominent octagonal water tower offer a distant view of a royal residence?

6 where was accommodation provided for Young, Sutcliffe, Clark and many others of similar persuasion?

7 what insular trading post was named after the secretary of state for war and the colonies?

8 where was the great novelist’s return from Paris interrupted by a fatal derailment?

9 where is it thought that the infant Taxus started life around 2,000 BC?

10 where do the Verderers hold Court in the Queen’s House?



1 who started quite simply in Pimlico?

2 whose popular show lacked the anticipated nudity?

3 which fraternity started with a street urchin in Mayfair?

4 who graduated from a passage in N1 to a stately home in Suffolk?

5 who barbecued marinated puffin, but also had a life-threatening fall into the sea?

6 who could produce crisp sausages and fragrant shavings of bacon, and shapely poached eggs?

7 who, despite her limitations, prepared curried chicken for Mr Phelps’s breakfast?

8 who prepared roasted grasshopper with ladybird sauce?

9 which pioneer produced menus for Le Diable Boiteux?

10 who found the sandwiches fatally unpalatable?


13. Where:

1 was Goblin’s home port?

2 was grain milled under lunar influence until 1957?

3 does a plaque on the inn refer to a famously willing carrier?

4 was a Scene on a Navigable River captured by the East Bergholt master?

5 did the threat of invasion necessitate evacuation of the boys to Derbyshire?

6 did Magnus’s dinner companion suffer postprandial confusion and enter the bedroom of his prospective bride?

7 was the famed Glaswegian architect and artist arrested as a German spy?

8 did spontaneous combustion of nitrocellulose cause 28 deaths?

9 did The Building of the House launch the new venue?

10 is there a lighthouse in Stradbroke Road?


14. In which letter did the writer:

1 employ Phebe as postman?

2 address the recipients as foolish?

3 regard charity as superior to both faith and hope?

4 uniquely address his message to a lady and her children?

5 emphasise the superiority of Christ over, the angels, Moses and the high priests?

6 anticipate his own demise, and urge his “beloved son” to bring books and the parchments?

7 urge consideration of things honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report?

8 allude to the recipient being his representative in Crete?

9 reveal Enoch’s relationship to Adam?

10 provide marriage guidance?



1 where is the city’s leaning tower?

2 from what did Sarah parachute to a muddy landing?

3 where did the Second Master describe grinding at the mill for 27 years?

4 which famous vessel’s return home from Stanley was initiated by a Manxman?

5 what did the precocious teenager describe as the pride of Bristowe and the western land?

6 where does a Saxon carving represent the interlude between crucifixion and resurrection?

7 from where did the Squire write in duplicate to the Doctor regarding his recent purchase?

8 who found the stairs and basement kitchen in Pembroke Road too much?

9 which centre takes its name from a 15th-century masterpiece?

10 where did Mr Winkle take up quarters?



1 who spent four years in Bath in the 1930s?

2 which countess enjoyed holidays on the Côte d’Azur?

3 whose heir was killed in a colonial war in southern Africa?

4 who worked in a botanical garden after his return home from Russia?

5 who had to pay compensation for the damage he did during a visit to Deptford?

6 who was accorded full military honours when he arrived in Paris in 1976, centuries after his death?

7 who was rescued from a Black Sea port in a ship belonging to her nephew?

8 who spent his final days in the US, Panama and finally Egypt?

9 who was fatally stabbed on the shore of Lake Geneva?

10 who spent his final years in exile in Rangoon?



1 who failed to survive her 10th confinement?

2 who greeted premiers past and present two days before she died?

3 whose shared tomb bears the epitaph describing half-sisters In Spe Resurrectionis?

4 on the anniversary of the death of which like-named ancestor did her late majesty pass away?

5 who provided the ancestral link between the Houses of Stuart and Hanover and “ended her unfortunate life” in Leicester House?

6 following whose death did the king ensure that masses were said in the Auld Kirk in gratitude for the parishioners’ treatment of her mortal remains?

7 for which popular princess was court mourning interrupted by celebrations of the marriage of her niece?

8 who died tragically, aged four months, and is remembered with Scoular’s poignant statue?

9 who died on her 37th birthday, nine days after her seventh confinement?

10 who was placed upon the bier in happier times than on the throne?


18. During 2022:

1 how was Charlotte devastated by Ian’s behaviour?

2 how has Neanderthal facilitated which prize winner?

3 whose statue recalls his majesty’s grandmother’s greatest racing disappointment?

4 which two countries have agreed on an international border dividing which islet equally?

5 which former president survived an assassination attempt, thanks to a malfunctioning firearm?

6 justifying her name, which Framnæs product has been viewed for the first time after almost 107 years?

7 which soubriquet applied to Der Alte Fritz, was suggested in parliament for her late majesty?

8 at what prestigious ceremony did an oblique reference to alopecia lead to an assault?

9 whose round was painfully terminated at the 3rd at Pannal?

10 whose Slow Death has very sadly been accelerated

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

We’ve had the KWC Quiz as a topic most years.

Here we go.

General knowledge paper, 2022-23, No 118, sat by the pupils of King William’s College, Isle of Man

“Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est”


1. During 1922:

1 what name was adopted by Siciliano?

2 where, following an election, did XI replace XV?

3 in what was one of the protagonists’ inappropriate liking for offal, and especially grilled mutton kidneys, revealed?

4 how might one have justified 0 x 8 + 11 (+4) = 15 and a most improbable result?

5 who started a six-year sentence for sedition, but would be released after two years owing to appendicitis?

6 whose unnatural death is perhaps recalled by airline passengers changing trains when heading for the Tafelhalle?

7 which prize winner gained a son who would in due course be similarly rewarded?

8 and who faced the firing squad five decades before his son was elected president?

9 who was gunned down outside No 36 Eaton Place?

10 how did the Seine cause 86 people to drown?



1 where did the Aston Martin become entangled with Tilly’s TR3?

2 where did Jake, Robert and Bill buy a pretty good rod cheap and two landing-nets?

3 which city sent the most insurrectionary tune into the world that was ever composed?

4 where was the portable guillotine put to good use in the town square following its transfer from Sophia?

5 where, thinking of dinner, did Christy-Pallière anticipate Hébert’s fish soup followed by langouste in court-bouillon?

6 what little place is noted for the making of lace, for drunkenness, for freedom of language and for unparallel political discussion?

7 where did the wine merchant receive a gunshot wound, leading to a request for the inspector to visit from Rennes?

8 where did des Grieux meet the prospective nun, following her arrival on the Arras coach?

9 where were Bibi and his beloved daughter rescued by those demmed English spies?

10 where was the lord primate’s costly turquoise found in a corvid nest?


3. In what:

1 yarn did the narrator champion a charismatic but doomed colonial ivory trader?

2 did the ship-wrecked Caucasian émigré wed the serving girl with a “heart of gold”?

3 story did the Eurasian daughter of the eponymous subject elope with the raja’s son?

4 simple tale did an accident spare the Greenwich observatory but result in the fragmentation of the bomb-carrier?

5 tale did the junior partner relate how he was wrapped in a hammock and stitched up from the feet to the throat as if he had been a corpse?

6 romance was an ancient, beached schooner, used as an arsenal, fired by the old Norwegian “caretaker”, enabling the escape of the hostages?

7 confession was it supposed that the ship’s entire supply of quinine had been sold in Haiphong for about 15 pounds?

8 narrative did a cargo of coal suffer spontaneous combustion to the south of Java Head?

9 did the eponymous hero recall repeatedly: “Eight hundred people and seven boats”?

10 preferred sub-titled maritime story was the dying subject accused of malingering?


4. Who:

1 was “sense” if Marianne was “sensibility”?

2 thanks to Longshanks, is remembered at Geddington?

3 adopted a disguise whose gender deceived Rocca’s daughter?

4 stood in after the Frederikshald tragedy before handing over to her husband?

5 according to legend, murdered the king’s mistress, in her Woodstock “prison”?

6 anticipated the RSPB by 500 years and is remembered in the name of a migratory raptor?

7 likened her sex to a teabag, with an ability to get stronger with increasing heat?

8 exchanged poetry with Amory one year after her attempted suicide?

9 wears the face that she keeps in a jar by the church door?

10 as Florimel, impressed the celebrated diarist?


5. Who:

1 could liquidise one like a carrot in a kitchen blender?

2 received a version of Agamemnon as a leaving present?

3 was associated with corporal punishment by the celebrated Venusian poet?

4 was a most come-at-able lady, who would dress the children’s chilblains in winter?

5 was the one-armed art master, who had lost the contents of his left sleeve in the Great War?

6 was reprimanded by his wife for reading a disguised copy of Lives of the Great Poisoners at table?

7 took Old Pompous’s umbrella without permission, and with disastrous consequences?

8 after wrongly pronouncing butter, was accused of making fritters of English?

9 was run over by a tram in Stoke-on-Trent when one-over-the-eight?

10 made the most dismal sounds when playing his flute?



1 where are the Pumas caged?

2 whose break is less destructive than Rolando?

3 what had a Sandhurst interlude lasting for 37 years?

4 what passed from Britain to the Netherlands in 1824?

5 where did the two enjoy coffee and kümmel with von Brüning in a dingy inn-parlour?

6 after which conflict did Alfred show compassion for the defeated leader’s wife and his two sons?

7 in what do everlasting praise and magnification appear repeatedly?

8 where did Charles Edward adopt a disguise as Betty?

9 which Girl of my Heart perished at Kastellorizo?

10 which brewery owed its origin to a Pope?



1 what is liable to herniation?

2 what was the haunt of the Tom Puddings?

3 where is Juno still working after more than 140 years?

4 which canal is carried over another by a unique swing bridge?

5 on which canal did Cressy find a lock full of the bloated, putrifying bodies of rats?

6 on which canal did Arethusa find the water at about the drinking temperature of tea?

7 where did the club-footed poet succeed, while Scott and Mengaldo failed?

8 where can you darn your socks when it’s still in its locks?

9 which two canals are linked by a rotating boat lift?

10 what was the target of Garlic?


1 who practised the “so easy” sidestroke in the turbid Amazon?

2 which Torpedo pioneered the swim from Donaghadee to Portpatrick?

3 who swam to Safety Bay beside the Swiss pastor’s makeshift vessel of eight tubs?

4 who escaped entanglement with a cephalopod during a 300 yards swim in Shark Bay?

5 who was reduced to a mass of blue-grey mottled flesh after skinny-dipping between Old Mill Road and Scotch?

6 after an epic Manhattan swim, which Olympian made a trail-blazing crossing of the English channel the following year?

7 whose parent did the son of Ecgtheow decapitate, having swum to the bottom of the monster-infested lake?

8 whose swim through the iron curtain received praise from Gorbachev and Reagan?

9 which Salopian failed, terminally, to swim through the Whirlpool Rapids?

10 who faintly stretched his dripping limbs, having swum for Glory?


9. Which:

1 plotter composed an elegy on the eve of his execution?

2 traitor was sympathetically described in poetry by a Nobel laureate?

3 Irish officer in the British army was executed for leading his eponymous plot?

4 couple were, according to another Nobel laureate, “sacrificial lambs in the marketplace sold”?

5 Dutch suicide’s embalmed body was posthumously executed by hanging in its coffin from a gibbet?

6 black sheep from an eminent political family pleaded guilty to treason in a trial lasting eight minutes?

7 RAF pilot stole a Hurricane and later infiltrated resistance groups on behalf of the enemy?

8 sometime governor was executed close to the present site of a noted island school?

9 bellicose abolitionist’s soul is still mobile 160 years after his execution?

10 vulpine traitor lost his head after capture beside Loch Morar?



1 with what does a sharp play on an untrue cloth?

2 who invited Frederic Henry to play billiards at Stresa?

3 at what was Felson opposed by Findley during the Kentucky Derby?

4 what islet did Mr Anthony Hurrell describe as being as bare as a billiard-table?

5 why did Charmian decline the queen’s demand that they play billiards, suggesting that she play with the eunuch instead?

6 which six-times World Champion claimed that snooker would prevail if a choice was to be made between marital constancy and snooker?

7 where were Harris and his friends denied overnight accommodation on the billiard-table?

8 which sovereign’s body was temporarily shrouded in her own billiard cloth?

9 to what did the Billiard-marker apply chalk with quivering hand?

10 to what were the sleeping Platypus family likened?



1 where are they urged to serve to lead?

2 and where should I do as much as I can?

3 where was the French Prince, killed in the Zulu war, initially laid to rest?

4 where are two holders of the VC entombed in the Church of St John the Baptist?

5 where does the prominent octagonal water tower offer a distant view of a royal residence?

6 where was accommodation provided for Young, Sutcliffe, Clark and many others of similar persuasion?

7 what insular trading post was named after the secretary of state for war and the colonies?

8 where was the great novelist’s return from Paris interrupted by a fatal derailment?

9 where is it thought that the infant Taxus started life around 2,000 BC?

10 where do the Verderers hold Court in the Queen’s House?



1 who started quite simply in Pimlico?

2 whose popular show lacked the anticipated nudity?

3 which fraternity started with a street urchin in Mayfair?

4 who graduated from a passage in N1 to a stately home in Suffolk?

5 who barbecued marinated puffin, but also had a life-threatening fall into the sea?

6 who could produce crisp sausages and fragrant shavings of bacon, and shapely poached eggs?

7 who, despite her limitations, prepared curried chicken for Mr Phelps’s breakfast?

8 who prepared roasted grasshopper with ladybird sauce?

9 which pioneer produced menus for Le Diable Boiteux?

10 who found the sandwiches fatally unpalatable?


13. Where:

1 was Goblin’s home port?

2 was grain milled under lunar influence until 1957?

3 does a plaque on the inn refer to a famously willing carrier?

4 was a Scene on a Navigable River captured by the East Bergholt master?

5 did the threat of invasion necessitate evacuation of the boys to Derbyshire?

6 did Magnus’s dinner companion suffer postprandial confusion and enter the bedroom of his prospective bride?

7 was the famed Glaswegian architect and artist arrested as a German spy?

8 did spontaneous combustion of nitrocellulose cause 28 deaths?

9 did The Building of the House launch the new venue?

10 is there a lighthouse in Stradbroke Road?


14. In which letter did the writer:

1 employ Phebe as postman?

2 address the recipients as foolish?

3 regard charity as superior to both faith and hope?

4 uniquely address his message to a lady and her children?

5 emphasise the superiority of Christ over, the angels, Moses and the high priests?

6 anticipate his own demise, and urge his “beloved son” to bring books and the parchments?

7 urge consideration of things honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report?

8 allude to the recipient being his representative in Crete?

9 reveal Enoch’s relationship to Adam?

10 provide marriage guidance?



1 where is the city’s leaning tower?

2 from what did Sarah parachute to a muddy landing?

3 where did the Second Master describe grinding at the mill for 27 years?

4 which famous vessel’s return home from Stanley was initiated by a Manxman?

5 what did the precocious teenager describe as the pride of Bristowe and the western land?

6 where does a Saxon carving represent the interlude between crucifixion and resurrection?

7 from where did the Squire write in duplicate to the Doctor regarding his recent purchase?

8 who found the stairs and basement kitchen in Pembroke Road too much?

9 which centre takes its name from a 15th-century masterpiece?

10 where did Mr Winkle take up quarters?



1 who spent four years in Bath in the 1930s?

2 which countess enjoyed holidays on the Côte d’Azur?

3 whose heir was killed in a colonial war in southern Africa?

4 who worked in a botanical garden after his return home from Russia?

5 who had to pay compensation for the damage he did during a visit to Deptford?

6 who was accorded full military honours when he arrived in Paris in 1976, centuries after his death?

7 who was rescued from a Black Sea port in a ship belonging to her nephew?

8 who spent his final days in the US, Panama and finally Egypt?

9 who was fatally stabbed on the shore of Lake Geneva?

10 who spent his final years in exile in Rangoon?



1 who failed to survive her 10th confinement?

2 who greeted premiers past and present two days before she died?

3 whose shared tomb bears the epitaph describing half-sisters In Spe Resurrectionis?

4 on the anniversary of the death of which like-named ancestor did her late majesty pass away?

5 who provided the ancestral link between the Houses of Stuart and Hanover and “ended her unfortunate life” in Leicester House?

6 following whose death did the king ensure that masses were said in the Auld Kirk in gratitude for the parishioners’ treatment of her mortal remains?

7 for which popular princess was court mourning interrupted by celebrations of the marriage of her niece?

8 who died tragically, aged four months, and is remembered with Scoular’s poignant statue?

9 who died on her 37th birthday, nine days after her seventh confinement?

10 who was placed upon the bier in happier times than on the throne?


18. During 2022:

1 how was Charlotte devastated by Ian’s behaviour?

2 how has Neanderthal facilitated which prize winner?

3 whose statue recalls his majesty’s grandmother’s greatest racing disappointment?

4 which two countries have agreed on an international border dividing which islet equally?

5 which former president survived an assassination attempt, thanks to a malfunctioning firearm?

6 justifying her name, which Framnæs product has been viewed for the first time after almost 107 years?

7 which soubriquet applied to Der Alte Fritz, was suggested in parliament for her late majesty?

8 at what prestigious ceremony did an oblique reference to alopecia lead to an assault?

9 whose round was painfully terminated at the 3rd at Pannal?

10 whose Slow Death has very sadly been accelerated

AKA how to destroy the Christmas holidays.

  • Haha 2
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