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White Christian woman arrested for silent praying

Shake me up Judy

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8 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Well I think I did. Teapot hasn't really added anything to the story apart from chucking the 'fascist' word in there. What have I missed ? Your contribution Thommo seems to be that the police asked her to move on, but I'm asking what offence was she committing ? The police couldn't move her just for silently standing in a British street.   

I'm no fan of the authorities and police forces and all that, but this story is entirely about this woman wanting to get arrested, to generate exactly the kind of response you have given by starting this thread. You can see that, can't you?

Edit - she's probably also got a patreon/ko-fi/gofundme going too, there's always a grift.

Edited by TheTeapot
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6 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Well I think I did. Teapot hasn't really added anything to the story apart from chucking the 'fascist' word in there. What have I missed ? Your contribution Thommo seems to be that the police asked her to move on, but I'm asking what offence was she committing ? The police couldn't move her just for silently standing in a British street.   

If someone was stalking an ex and a restraining order was in place prevent the stalker from coming within x yards of the victims home and was found outside "praying" in their head, you'd expect the police to intervene. 

This is the same. There is a prohibition in place, on the face of it she was in violation of that prohibition. 

Now could be having a discussion about whether protests outside Abortion Clinics should be banned or the extent of what's included in the ban but you bizarrely frame that in terms of race and religion and then get all snowflakey when the word fascist is used.

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

If someone was stalking an ex and a restraining order was in place prevent the stalker from coming within x yards of the victims home and was found outside "praying" in their head, you'd expect the police to intervene. 

This is the same. There is a prohibition in place, on the face of it she was in violation of that prohibition. 

Now could be having a discussion about whether protests outside Abortion Clinics should be banned or the extent of what's included in the ban but you bizarrely frame that in terms of race and religion and then get all snowflakey when the word fascist is used.

She wasn't stalking anyone. She wasn't under any restraint order. It's a totally different law. I ask again: What was she violating just by silently standing there ?

You of all people calling me a Snowflake. You're the Grand Chief Wizard of snowflakes on here 🤣 

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The current buffer zones are granted by local authorities as a public spaces protection order (PSPO) – under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

They can be applied for by the police or the clinic. Different local authorities impose different restrictions and distances. A recipe for confusion, perhaps. However none criminalise thought or silent prayer. Just presence.

Its been recognised that there is a need for consistency and they are to be enshrined in legislation in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

In Northern Ireland there was a challenge to the legislation which was determined by the Supreme Court, just three weeks ago. They said that the legislation sufficiently balanced a persons right to privacy over their medical treatment and the right to freedom of expression, thought, prayer.

All your fears are analysed here, much better than I could.


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7 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

She wasn't stalking anyone. She wasn't under any restraint order. It's a totally different law. I ask again: What was she violating just by silently standing there ?

You of all people calling me a Snowflake. You're the Grand Chief Wizard of snowflakes on here 🤣 

She was violating a public spaces protection order, which she knew about.

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26 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

She wasn't stalking anyone. She wasn't under any restraint order. It's a totally different law. I ask again: What was she violating just by silently standing there ?

I was drawing a comparison. There's an order in place - you violate it and the police are required to intervene.  

To be honest there are concerning elements to this incident. 

Personally, I start from the perspective that people attending that clinic are going to engage in a lawful activity. One that's been hotly debate and the public concensus seems to be that woman have a right to choose whether to have an abortion (within certain constraints). Given the sensitive nature of the procedure and that it's a traumatic time for them so it's reasonable to take measures so that mean they don't have to run the gauntlet of protesters calling them child murderers and displaying the kind of banners we saw in Strand Street during the legalisation debate here.

I also have to ask why protest there rather than in the City Centre or outside the Town Hall / Parliament etc? If you want to change policy or public opinion - protest where the public or policy makers are. No those protests are about intimidating the staff and clients of the clinic.

Therefore having laws that prohibit protest outside abortion clinics seems reasonable. 

Does that extend to banning a "silent one person vigil"? I'm not sure. I'm less comfortable about that,  and would like to hear other perspectives before I reach a conclusion. My gut feeling is it could be justified if the "protester" was a regular presence outside the clinic so that the staff knew her, particularly if she'd harassed them previously. But that would depend on case specific details we don't have. 




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59 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Well I think I did. Teapot hasn't really added anything to the story apart from chucking the 'fascist' word in there. What have I missed ? Your contribution Thommo seems to be that the police asked her to move on, but I'm asking what offence was she committing ? The police couldn't move her just for silently standing in a British street.   

read the story that teapot has posted and it tells you why she was arrested

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