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Public Toilets


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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The public toilets at the back of Michell Haywood's Dive Shop in PSM were sold on. Whether by the commissioners or DOI I haven't the faintest idea and care even less. They have been converted into a small dwelling that was going to be called "Wee Cottage" (too scottish!) but ended up as "White Cottage". Those at the bottom of the breakwater have been incorporated into the shellfish processing place. Which only leaves those opposite the Albert still as designed.

They put some "site" toilets on the prom for summer but amazingly one was vandalised. Which is a worrying sign.

The thinking seems to be "get rid to save money" but strangely the rates didn't fall. Funny that. Maybe the "Manxonia" farrago still needs to be paid for.


I'm not sure we ever got to know how much they got for those toilets behind Heywood's. Any idea?

They also opened the Town Hall toilets for public use during office hors iirc. 

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  • 2 months later...

It has been announced that the Castletown Harbour toilets are to reopen:

A public toilet block in Castletown is now being ‘operated’ by the commissioners after a dispute last December over the maintenance.

The toilets on Back Hope Street were previously owned by the Department of Infrastructure however it said they were not a ‘required facility’ and opted to close it down.

The local authority has signed a 12-month licence and says it will use the time to ‘negotiate’ the transfer of them to the commissioners.

In a statement Castletown Commissioners said: ‘We would like to thank Minister Thomas for his intervention in this matter and are hopeful that the facility will be available before the first visiting coaches are due to arrive in the town on 5th March.’

The fact that it takes the Minister to intervene to make sure that there is basic tourist infrastructure available while his own Department is trying to close it down, shows just how malfunctioning and un-'joined up' the Civil service has become.

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So the first coaches are arriving in Castletown on the 5th March, on Sunday, I wonder what they will find to do there beside christening the new toilets.  I do hope they realise the honour that is being bestowed on them…perhaps Castletown Band should get involved I am sure they could think of some appropriate music to accompany such an important occasion.

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4 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I am sure they could think of some appropriate music to accompany such an important occasion.

Obviously water music of some sort...

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