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IOM Energy AKA Manx Gas

Major Rushen

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Has anybody had better luck than me trying to give IOM Energy some money online. Every time I enter username/pass word keeps fucking me off back to start of log in with a cherry details not recognised. Tried it with the three accounts I am having to use because it will not let me group them together, so whilst i may of registered a mistake on one of them three would be downright careless. If they do not wish to have my money all well and good, but is this new billing system really that shite. Any one else with probs or just smeee

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If everyone who owes them money just put it to one side and waited until they started chasing for it they would be in Queer Street and that is where they deserve to be.   OFT seems to have lost interest and the whole setup is shambolic.    They could not run a race and deserve to fail.

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The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Head of OFT and representatives of
the Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority (CURA) had
met with the Chief Executive and officers of Isle of Man Energy
(IoME) on 16th January 2023. IoME had advised that the billing
system had been corrected but a backlog of errors remained to be
resolved. IoME had agreed to resolve its billing problems by the end
of January 2023.

Now approaching April and has the OFT just taken Manx Gas's word for it? No OFT board meeting minutes since Janaury 27th , there should have been one in February which hasn't been posted yet.

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For the avoidance of doubt, the OFT is far from doing nothing and forgetting about Manx Gas, but you’ll just have to take my word on that. And if you have a variable direct debit you may consider hissingsid’s remedy, or swap it to a fixed DD/SO set at a reasonable amount.

Edited by Stu Peters
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49 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

For the avoidance of doubt, the OFT is far from doing nothing and forgetting about Manx Gas, but you’ll just have to take my word on that. And if you have a variable direct debit you may consider hissingsid’s remedy, or swap it to a fixed DD/SO set at a reasonable amount.

Ok but the OFT is generally toothless. Not the fault of the OFT just the way of the world. It’s just another of many hopeless gov things that generally gets not a lot done , but talk a good game. You have pretty much said that yourself ( ie we can’t really change anything sort of thing as it’s much to difficult so we just keep repeating the same mistakes). But at least we always learn from them. The mistakes that is. Anyway , my guess is 10 years from now the IOM will be in the same state as it is now and nothing will change for the better. Except the rich and the tax cappers. 

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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

For the avoidance of doubt, the OFT is far from doing nothing and forgetting about Manx Gas, but you’ll just have to take my word on that. And if you have a variable direct debit you may consider hissingsid’s remedy, or swap it to a fixed DD/SO set at a reasonable amount.

They told Manx Gas to have it sorted by the end of January or else. They clearly haven't and nothing has been heard since, what are we supposed to think?

Regardless of the January deadline, MG have been playing fast and loose with its customer's money for six months now without any consequences whatsoever.

I know you don't like to hear any criticism of your new employer Stu, despite having made a career out of it for 20 years prior to your election, but surely even you will admit that more could have been done by our extremely expensive department which exists solely for this purpose? 

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You can pay your gas bill over the counter at the Post Office by any of the usual means and they'll even supply you with a receipt number to acknowledge the payment.

So when IEG reckon that you haven't paid (like they did with me a couple of months back), you can wave the receipt number in their incompetent, corrupt, money-grabbing face. They tend to fuck off rather quickly then.

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It’d be nice for the island to have more than one supplier- maybe Crogga? Competition (checked) never did the consumer any harm.

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On 3/16/2023 at 10:12 AM, Moghrey Mie said:

I heard the advert again and it's about somebody moving out of a parking space. My mistake.

Is that one of a series? Another one being about kicking back a football to a group of lads playing in the park?

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

For the avoidance of doubt, the OFT is far from doing nothing and forgetting about Manx Gas, but you’ll just have to take my word on that. And if you have a variable direct debit you may consider hissingsid’s remedy, or swap it to a fixed DD/SO set at a reasonable amount.

First time for everything I suppose.  As for the the fixed DD being a ‘reasonable amount’. Ha! Once they have you they put it up and up, and up some more. 

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I would not go down the DD route with such an untrustworthy and useless Company.    Keep the money on one side so that when your account eventually gets sorted out you have the cash to pay it but keep control of the cash in your bank account I have heard reports of Companies increasing DDs without the permission of the customer.    Make sure you put sufficient away then if you have some left over when you pay the bill it is a nice surprise not a nasty shock.

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18 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I would not go down the DD route with such an untrustworthy and useless Company.    Keep the money on one side so that when your account eventually gets sorted out you have the cash to pay it but keep control of the cash in your bank account I have heard reports of Companies increasing DDs without the permission of the customer.    Make sure you put sufficient away then if you have some left over when you pay the bill it is a nice surprise not a nasty shock.

It’s not just billing issues. You email Island Energy as you can’t get through via telephone. Emails aren’t replied to, and when you eventually get through, you don’t get your issues dealt with, you are promised a manager callback, or your complaint escalated, nothing is done. I emailed in January this year, no replies. I spoke to MG in January and was promised escalation and callback. Guess what? Still waiting and I know it won’t be dealt with. CURA and OFT have details, but I’m not confident on them doing anything. 

IOMG have virtually given up on Island Energy, either they don’t want the aggravation or dealing with the aftermath. Burying their heads in the sand won’t help either, or will the issues. What I can see happening is IOMG taking over, and it becoming another behemoth, probably annexed to Manx Utilities. 

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12 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

For the avoidance of doubt, the OFT is far from doing nothing and forgetting about Manx Gas, but you’ll just have to take my word on that.

The problem is Stu, that the same thing was said before the previous regulatory agreement was binned and replaced by the new, current.

It took Barry Murphy & Co. to galvanise public opinion and organise the demonstrations outside Tynwald to get anything done, as OFT and Martyn Perkins were defending the existing agreement to the hilt and would have done nothing without those very public protests. If they hadn't happened, would anything have been done, certainly at the pace that it was?

Nothing focuses Tynwald's attention as effectively as the prospect of the plebs on the streets.

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