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IOM Energy AKA Manx Gas

Major Rushen

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Fighting talk and defamatory comment’s won’t achieve anything, are you having a laugh ?    Not long ago Talking Heads would have been all over this debacle which has upset and angered a lot of people.    Customers deserve better this has not occurred in the last couple of weeks or even months it has got past the excuses that it is all the fault of a new system.    All thinking people are aware that OFT are not doing their job because the Government do not want another MEA shambles to deal with.    You have certainly changed your tune since you were elected.   Arrogance does you no favours.

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6 hours ago, ADELE said:

Fighting talk and defamatory comment’s won’t achieve anything, are you having a laugh ?    Not long ago Talking Heads would have been all over this debacle which has upset and angered a lot of people.    Customers deserve better this has not occurred in the last couple of weeks or even months it has got past the excuses that it is all the fault of a new system.    All thinking people are aware that OFT are not doing their job because the Government do not want another MEA shambles to deal with.    You have certainly changed your tune since you were elected.   Arrogance does you no favours.

Using facts and telling the truth isn’t arrogance. But apparently feelings are more important than facts these days. I like to think that Talking Heads would have gone for the throat on this issue, but reluctantly admitted that OFT and others had done as much as possible within the law.

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16 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Using facts and telling the truth isn’t arrogance. But apparently feelings are more important than facts these days. I like to think that Talking Heads would have gone for the throat on this issue, but reluctantly admitted that OFT and others had done as much as possible within the law.

I know there are quite a few especially longer term forum members who are quite appreciative of your views and efforts, but to have thought it wise to try and make any defence for either Gov, MG or OFT shows a very poor sense of judgement!

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31 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

reluctantly admitted that OFT and others had done as much as possible within the law.

Manx Gas has a monopoly - an essential monopoly. People who use gas rely on it for heat - which, in my opinion, is absolutely essential.

From the comments here, it is clear that Manx Gas has provided a deficient service for at least 18 months. Your comment is that - "There's nothing I can do about it. They are not breaking the law".

Well, as a politician it is up to you to do something about that.

For £71,000 a year I expect you to do something useful - and do not bother providing a list of the meetings you have attended. None of those meetings has done anything about Manx Gas' performance.

If you are unable to do anything about an organisation providing an essential service but doing it badly, what damn use are you?

[I assume that the directors and shareholders are getting paid on time. A different software system, probably]


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26 minutes ago, SuffolkNGoode said:

I know there are quite a few especially longer term forum members who are quite appreciative of your views and efforts, but to have thought it wise to try and make any defence for either Gov, MG or OFT shows a very poor sense of judgement!

This…Stu the people who voted you in , along with every other MHK did so so they would have someone representing them and fighting their corner on issues like this. Can I ask what have you done to change and improve the powers of OFT . Let me guess , nothing !. While likely to be hundreds still having issues with their Gas bills. Very wrong and all you can do is say you all have done what you can. You haven’t in any shape or form. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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26 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

If people are getting final demands for bills they have paid, where is the money?  How do they know that the money has not been syphoned off as their IT system has been hacked. Who audits IOM Energy?

Didn’t OFT say something about looking at everyone’s accounts after so many complaints. Pretty sure as expected it never happened. I’m with you and wonder what about customers who aren’t on top of their billing. Be very surprised if many thousands are sitting wrongly in IOM Energy’s accounts. 

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If there's a billing glitch such as MGas seem to be having, there are two ways of dealing with it.

Get on the phone within two mins of getting your bill, rant and rave or rely on the paper trail, 

put in a customer reading to prove MGas meter estimates are wrong and ask for a re-billing!!!

If the credit balance is affordable, use it to reduce your next two billing periods to have no debit requirements!!!! Or ask for a credit repayment?

When you phone a utility company to complain of a service cut off, they are almost certain to be ahead of you!!!

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Kopek you get nowhere with them on the phone.    If you go down to the office, when it decides to open, it is busy with people all with complaints.   Don’t you think all the sensible suggestions you have made have been tried ?

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I understand the anger about this and can assure people that OFT has worked hard for consumers and considered all the options available (I think new regulations will provide penalties in future). But the gas continued to be supplied and AFAIK nobody was cut off or driven into destitution during this issue. Kopek has a reasonable solution.

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Adele, your actual bill is all down to your meter reading, if MGas have estimated your usage, an actual reading, customer or MGas reading, will sort out out your true debit to MGas.

If they have taken, say, 600 quuuuid from your account via DD and this has put you in dire straights, then by pointing out to them that this was a mistake withregard your actual meter reading, ypu can reasonably expect them to reimburse you and I thi8nk that you can claim damages for any Bank charges on your account if you are over your limit???

Thje point I was making, not popular, was that, eventually your account will be back on an even keel withregard your actual and estimated usage.!!!!



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Stu according to one of your ministerial colleagues, the greedy clownshow known as Manx Gas came close to going pop in the past. May I suggest that next time these rip off merchants screw up their cashflow, they are not saved and instead taken over for a song? Residents first, greedy investors later. 

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