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Douglas Council to investigate 'corruption' allegations


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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

I would have thought someone who had studied law would be just the sort of person we wanted to be honest, you know, to understand and set laws and stuff.

The issue is that we have had just such people stand and been rejected by "the system". If you take for instance, the former High Bailiff Michael Moyle who stood for LegCo, what finer qualification for that post with his qualification and experience in law could there have been?

Far too dangerous, he might have shown up any number of flaws in the existing set up and its incumbents. Rejected in favour of another unqualified nobody.

Tynwald and the CS doesn't want 'em too bright.

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14 hours ago, NoTailT said:

Thanks for clarifying.

I went back and looked and I see there’s specific addresses mentioned in the screenshots that were posted too. It can’t be too hard for DBC to verify some of this, surely?

Yes a specific address was referred to in the texts published so really it can’t be hard for any of this to be properly investigated. The funniest part of it all that wasn’t mentioned above is that the DBC councilor who Scales says he approached apparently told him Wells had been looking into it and that she was apparently a hard hitting lawyer used to this sort of stuff. He was somewhat surprised to be informed of the below and to understand that she actually works in a fairly low level IT job at IFGL. If that is true then it perhaps suggests that absolutely nothing was investigated at all and yet more bullshit was applied to simply try to make him go away. 


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8 minutes ago, FANDL said:

Yes a specific address was referred to in the texts published so really it can’t be hard for any of this to be properly investigated. The funniest part of it all that wasn’t mentioned above is that the DBC councilor who Scales says he approached apparently told him Wells had been looking into it and that she was apparently a hard hitting lawyer used to this sort of stuff. He was somewhat surprised to be informed of the below and to understand that she actually works in a fairly low level IT job at IFGL. If that is true then it perhaps suggests that absolutely nothing was investigated at all and yet more bullshit was applied to simply try to make him go away. 


That's quite funny if true. Much like the legal guidance issued to users of this forum.

Edited by NoTailT
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2 hours ago, BriT said:

Oh God hopefully not even more self publicizing drivel. As has been said already the audience figures for your tedious roundabout centric nonsense are awful. 

I would have credited Ged with more sense to not get involved with the nonsense. 
Stick to his golf ️  tours business. 

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1 hour ago, FANDL said:

Yes a specific address was referred to in the texts published so really it can’t be hard for any of this to be properly investigated. The funniest part of it all that wasn’t mentioned above is that the DBC councilor who Scales says he approached apparently told him Wells had been looking into it and that she was apparently a hard hitting lawyer used to this sort of stuff. He was somewhat surprised to be informed of the below and to understand that she actually works in a fairly low level IT job at IFGL. If that is true then it perhaps suggests that absolutely nothing was investigated at all and yet more bullshit was applied to simply try to make him go away. 


that about sums here up, hocus pocus of the lowest order.

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3 hours ago, Asthehills said:

I would be happy to see the average of someone’s last three tax years, plus 30 percent.

Hopefully a decent motivation for anyone who really wants to do it, and take away the non achievers looking for a pay bump.

I am aware there are likely to be lots who would disagree, but to me it’s the fairest way to get people who are there for the right reasons and not ruling anyone out.

That’s a stupid suggestion, so someone earning £100k pa gets in & you pay them £130k , someone on £30k gets £39k , hardly fair that someone doing same job gets €90k pa less plus less pension 

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s nonsense even if your hypothesis held any water (which is doesn’t) as there’s plenty of retired and semi retired people out there who would be happy to get involved and not expect anywhere near £100K. 

And there is the problem!

Who wants a load of old duffers who are stuck in their ways and know nothing growing a modern and foreword thinking society.

We need successful people in their thirties and forties.

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51 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s nonsense even if your hypothesis held any water (which is doesn’t) as there’s plenty of retired and semi retired people out there who would be happy to get involved and not expect anywhere near £100K. 

Where are they come election time then?? Absolute bollocks

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