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Douglas Council to investigate 'corruption' allegations


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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Everything, particularly when certain terms are being bandied about.  

This forum is like a wonderful education in propaganda. I’m sure if a Douglas Councillor actually murdered a ratepayer, rogered their corpse on CCTV, then placed their decapitated head in a basket ball net at Kensington Road and posted it on Facebook there would still be people on here posting - well it’s been really stressful being a councillor recently what with all the kerfuffle over the bins and that. She’s perfectly entitled to point out that she’s had legal letters from Town Hall telling her to button it about Summerland. What a great use of public money. Trying to silence a member of the public from expressing their opinion. 

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9 minutes ago, The Port Soderick Herald said:

This forum is like a wonderful education in propaganda. I’m sure if a Douglas Councillor actually murdered a ratepayer, rogered their corpse on CCTV, then placed their decapitated head in a basket ball net at Kensington Road and posted it on Facebook there would still be people on here posting - well it’s been really stressful being a councillor recently what with all the kerfuffle over the bins and that. She’s perfectly entitled to point out that she’s had legal letters from Town Hall telling her to button it about Summerland. What a great use of public money. Trying to silence a member of the public from expressing their opinion. 

It was a bit more than an opinion, and the letter was quite a while ago. She is entitled to point out that she has had a letter, but not sure she is right to campaign the way she is.  There is a memorial, it just doesn't meet her requirements, who knows what the real survivors' requirements are. 

Apart from that, it was the old Douglas Corporation 50 plus years ago and there was an inquiry.  There were also many more parties involved than just the Corpie -  the architects, the planners, the fire inspectors, the operators, to name just a few from the top of my head.  

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

It was a bit more than an opinion, and the letter was quite a while ago. She is entitled to point out that she has had a letter, but not sure she is right to campaign the way she is.  There is a memorial, it just doesn't meet her requirements, who knows what the real survivors' requirements are. 

Apart from that, it was the old Douglas Corporation 50 plus years ago and there was an inquiry.  There were also many more parties involved than just the Corpie -  the architects, the planners, the fire inspectors, the operators, to name just a few from the top of my head.  

Shushhhhh it never really happened!

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Just now, finlo said:

Shushhhhh it never really happened!

Of course it happened, nobody is denying that.  It was a terrible and avoidable tragedy.  But to use it to point score against DBC, or to campaign for something against the wishes of real survivors, is disrespectful to them and bandwagoning on a distasteful and insensitive level. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Apart from that, it was the old Douglas Corporation 50 plus years ago and there was an inquiry. 

You understand that the letters only allegedly relate to use of the word corporate manslaughter? So basically the only purpose of a corporate entity sending them out now would be to try to protect themselves. Nothing to do with the victims, or harking back to the event, or anything else. Just their objection to a phrase that associates that entity with what happened. As for it being 50 years ago and a lot has changed. Then why is the current council apparently sending legal letters to her now then? 

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Must admit I know , as most on here will do too , who this lady is doing the campaigning . Don’t agree with it tbh especially it’s almost my way or the highway. I agree with Gladys comments and a little more subtle would be in order. Wasn’t there a kick up from her on one of the anniversaries when they was an alternative event to honor the memory.      

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4 minutes ago, The Port Soderick Herald said:

You understand that the letters only allegedly relate to use of the word corporate manslaughter? So basically the only purpose of a corporate entity sending them out now would be to try to protect themselves. Nothing to do with the victims, or harking back to the event, or anything else. Just their objection to a phrase that associates that entity with what happened. As for it being 50 years ago and a lot has changed. Then why is the current council apparently sending legal letters to her now then? 

And you understand that it was one letter, and the objection was to the use of a phrase now that has a specific legal meaning that was inaccurate in the circumstances?


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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

And you understand that it was one letter, and the objection was to the use of a phrase now that has a specific legal meaning that was inaccurate in the circumstances?


But was it? Their cheapskating is a significant part of the problem!

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4 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Must admit I know , as most on here will do too , who this lady is doing the campaigning . Don’t agree with it tbh especially it’s almost my way or the highway. I agree with Gladys comments and a little more subtle would be in order. Wasn’t there a kick up from her on one of the anniversaries when they was an alternative event to honor the memory.      

You just have to search the Manx Nostalgia FB page to see who it is.  TBH, she can campaign for whatever she likes, and DBC can reply in whatever way they like.  But having had, first hand, a real survivor's view and how difficult they find the attendant controversy, I just think she is way off beam and should be more deferential to their views. 

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6 minutes ago, Gladys said:

And you understand that it was one letter, and the objection was to the use of a phrase now that has a specific legal meaning that was inaccurate in the circumstances?

Yes I understand that in the 21st Century legal people in Douglas Council are allegedly writing to try to silence members of the public with rate payers money to try to get them to refrain from suggesting they might be vicariously responsible for deaths in a building that they built 50 years ago. Yes. Sorry I haven’t swallowed the DBC red pill that seems to be required to overlook all of this Douglas Corporation stuff on this forum. 

Edited by The Port Soderick Herald
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2 minutes ago, The Port Soderick Herald said:

I understand that in the 21st Century legal people in Douglas Council are allegedly writing to try to silence members of the public with rate payers money to try to get them to refrain from suggesting they might be vicariously responsible for deaths in a building that they built 50 years ago. Yes. Sorry I haven’t swallowed the DBC red pill that seems to be required to overlook all of this Douglas Corporation stuff. 

Did they build it?  Also, your law degree would tell you that vicarious liability is not the issue with an allegation of corporate manslaughter in these circumstances.  

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Did they build it?  Also, your law degree would tell you that vicarious liability is not the issue with an allegation of corporate manslaughter in these circumstances.  

Don't think they built it but they had it built!

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Just now, Gladys said:

Did they build it?  Also, your law degree would tell you that vicarious liability is not the issue with an allegation of corporate manslaughter in these circumstances.  

You’re so funny. Ah yes my law degree mentioned again sarcastically when you run out of talent. You people really are some or the worst on the internet. It’s pretty special. Keep on drinking that Douglas Corporation Kool Aid. It’s probably all that keeps you on here. 

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