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Douglas Council to investigate 'corruption' allegations


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10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

No, i disagree. If I was burgled it would me me contacting the police and telling them what had been stolen. I would be the victim. In this case it isn't the the victim of a crime making an allegation, its just someone on twitter. Twitter is full of shit, screenshots are easy to make up and the police shouldn't get involved. If someone thinks some corruption has taken place and wants something done they should put together in a meaningful way what exactly they think has gone on. Dumping a load of screenshots, as funny as it was, is not enough. It's no surprise that everyone wants to ignore it. Write a fucking piece explaining yourself and people, including the corpy and police, might take it a bit more seriously.

I say this as someone who is fully aware of people who've been given the nod and have picked up houses on the cheap, renovated and flipped. The allegations are, in my mind, likely true. I just think its a shit way to make them. Do it properly.

And have you bothered to speak to the police?

Just guesswork, but reading between the lines it seems DBC did investigate and they have referred it to the police. Bit like the Abbotswood situation I guess.

Edited by NoTailT
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11 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

No, i disagree. If I was burgled it would me me contacting the police and telling them what had been stolen. I would be the victim. In this case it isn't the the victim of a crime making an allegation, its just someone on twitter. Twitter is full of shit, screenshots are easy to make up and the police shouldn't get involved. If someone thinks some corruption has taken place and wants something done they should put together in a meaningful way what exactly they think has gone on. Dumping a load of screenshots, as funny as it was, is not enough. It's no surprise that everyone wants to ignore it. Write a fucking piece explaining yourself and people, including the corpy and police, might take it a bit more seriously.

I say this as someone who is fully aware of people who've been given the nod and have picked up houses on the cheap, renovated and flipped. The allegations are, in my mind, likely true. I just think its a shit way to make them. Do it properly.

How would the victims ever have become aware of what was allegedly going on, to make the report?

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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

How would the victims ever have become aware of what was allegedly going on, to make the report?

Agreed as per Roger Mexicos considered post above. It’s the role of the police to investigate and to collate evidence and build a case (or not) not to wait to be presented with slam dunk evidence that a crime has de facto taken place. If someone has posted allegations and texts (or what claim to be texts) online they should be easily verifiable as either genuine or fakes. They’re obliged to take such claims seriously as I believe in this case they came from a known person who was easily identifiable not from some fake account. If the claims have been investigated it must be six months or so now so you’d presume there would be some sort of outcome either way. 

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16 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

Must be some some kick arse drugs your're on if you think you have ever made either, the dullest dribbliest poster on here.

No, just considered and experienced, rather than the knee jerk stuff you often post.  

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31 minutes ago, The Port Soderick Herald said:

Agreed as per Roger Mexicos considered post above. It’s the role of the police to investigate and to collate evidence and build a case (or not) not to wait to be presented with slam dunk evidence that a crime has de facto taken place. If someone has posted allegations and texts (or what claim to be texts) online they should be easily verifiable as either genuine or fakes. They’re obliged to take such claims seriously as I believe in this case they came from a known person who was easily identifiable not from some fake account. If the claims have been investigated it must be six months or so now so you’d presume there would be some sort of outcome either way. 

The thing is, they are not going to investigate every online allegation, they will need a bit more, probably a report.  So, you would guess that someone, other than a victim, would have a look at the circumstances then make a report to the police.   They don't have to do the investigation themselves, just establish that there are reasonable grounds to report to the police.   The police will then undertake the investigation. 

That is why I just don't understand why people are asking why they are not being told about this.  There are two possibilities - it has not been reported to the police as after an internal review,  there was insufficient evidence to even make a report, or there was and a report has been made and from that point on, it is a police matter and we will hear nothing until arrests or charges. 

The rumour is it is now with the police, so why expect to hear anything from DBC?  They will not be able to say anything for fear of prejudicing an inquiry. 

This is in no way a pro DBC post, just thinking about what the reality may be. 

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6 hours ago, Gladys said:

That is why I just don't understand why people are asking why they are not being told about this. 

This forum is brilliant. Looking at many of the other threads if there was a rumour of a similar allegation of corruption against any government department then there would be threads rife with speculation. Yet here there’s a rumour about DBC published by an actual identifiable person on Twitter but it’s just constant posts about move on this all makes sense, I can’t see what the issue is, I’m sure it all be fine in the end what’s your problem? And who moderators this forum. A Douglas Councillor! Spectacular stuff! 

Edited by The Port Soderick Herald
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8 hours ago, Gladys said:

The thing is, they are not going to investigate every online allegation, they will need a bit more, probably a report.  So, you would guess that someone, other than a victim, would have a look at the circumstances then make a report to the police.   They don't have to do the investigation themselves, just establish that there are reasonable grounds to report to the police.   The police will then undertake the investigation. 

That is why I just don't understand why people are asking why they are not being told about this.  There are two possibilities - it has not been reported to the police as after an internal review,  there was insufficient evidence to even make a report, or there was and a report has been made and from that point on, it is a police matter and we will hear nothing until arrests or charges. 

The rumour is it is now with the police, so why expect to hear anything from DBC?  They will not be able to say anything for fear of prejudicing an inquiry. 

This is in no way a pro DBC post, just thinking about what the reality may be. 

Like I've said in the past, it was perfectly reasonable - apparently - for DHSC to say that following an Expol review of Abbotswood that the matter has been referred to the police.

What is different here?

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9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Never really understood why abbotswood was potentially a police matter either, building full of old people and a novel virus that overwhelmingly affects the elderly. Bonkers.

Abbotswood was a clusterfuck from start to finish. The home was horrifically badly managed, which is why what happened happened. But equally DHSC just left the management to muddle through alone, so it’s also no wonder what happened happened. It certainly suited certain people high up in DHSC to chuck the blame at Abbotswood when the truth was more complicated. And, funnily enough, those same people were found by an Employment Tribunal to be nasty bullies.

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On 6/26/2023 at 10:42 PM, Gladys said:

i have corresponded with one real survivor who wishes she would stop and allow the survivors to deal with their loss (very personal) in their own way.  

Yet other survivors feel happy to go to the Daily Mail about how their anger will never cease.


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  • 1 month later...
On 6/29/2023 at 8:43 AM, NoTailT said:

What is different here?

You know exactly what’s different here. Still no answers after nearly 9 months because this forum is moderated by the person this situation was raised with who then did nothing and just hoped it would go away. But it won’t. Because the silence is deafening. 

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