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Douglas Council to investigate 'corruption' allegations


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1 hour ago, genericUserName said:

To identify someone as the same person is not the same as identfying who they actually are.

But you seem to be suggesting that some forums actually can match IP logins to other logins made elsewhere on the internet to actually identify posters. I’d have thought there would be big GDPR issues there if that was the case. 

Edited by Adam Jacko IOM
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1 hour ago, FANDL said:

Both active moderators here are directly linked to DBC. They’ve banned a lot of posters who have posted negatively in DBC threads in the last week. Seen the “advice” given to three which is laughable to be honest. 

Bullplop. I have absolutely no connection to DBC whatsover, other than being a ratepayer.

People have only been suspended for repeated abusive posts or not following the so often repeated legal advice not to copy libellous statements from elsewhere and republish them on here (as that is not a defence in law) - putting themselves and these forums in a potential legal spotlight.

It's very simple...not a conspiracy.

Abusive posts breach the T&Cs, republished libellous statements breach the T&Cs and IOM law.

Why is that so hard for some people on here to understand?

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6 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Bullplop. I have absolutely no connection to DBC whatsover, other than being a ratepayer.

People have only been suspended for repeated abusive posts or not following the so often repeated legal advice not to copy libellous statements from elsewhere and republish them on here (as that is not a defence in law) - putting themselves and these forums in a potential legal spotlight.

It's very simple...not a conspiracy.

Abusive posts breach the T&Cs, republished libellous statements breach the T&Cs and IOM law.

Why is that so hard for some people on here to understand?

Coz de bruvers init!

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15 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Many streets in Douglas are now overrun with litter and overflowing bins.

Could someone be so kind as to direct me to a concentration of such streets in one area of Douglas?

It's been over 32 years since I lived in NYC and I thought a stroll around these rubbish-laden streets might be an inexpensive trip down memory lane. 

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On 1/7/2023 at 8:35 PM, FANDL said:

Can only go on what’s been emailed through and said. Both active moderators here are directly linked to DBC. They’ve banned a lot of posters who have posted negatively in DBC threads in the last week. Seen the “advice” given to three which is laughable to be honest. Fully agree with the rest of your post. They are not pushing out the impression that they are interested in anyone else’s point of view. A few suspect that DBC membership is just being used as a platform for Keys next time round for some - so that is why a zero tolerance approach seems to be being taken over DBC criticism. Not sure that’s the case but it’s been suggested. But you’re right the staff are being let down (well at least those staff who aren’t actively bullying ratepayers into selling them property on the cheap) by people who simply see no point in listening to the people who actually fund Town Hall. 

So far I’ve only observed this thread from a distance for obvious reasons and I can’t comment on its main topic, but there comes a point:

Sorry how is Albert linked to DBC? It appears you are once again failing at basic fact checking. I’ve also not banned anyone (apart from spam accounts). You, like many others, are reading way too much into things again. Zero tolerance for criticism. Sure. That’s why there is a whole thread called “More uselessness from DBC” with tons of flak. I mean seriously, do you sometimes read the rubbish you’re writing?

As for laughable advice, we’ll mister wannabe journalist lawyer, it’s not your backside that’s on the line if things go pear shaped and there’s legal action. You are hiding behind a VPN and a fake email address and I guess you’re feeling all smug and superior because of it. Out here in the real name world we play by different rules. Rules you seem to be afraid of and unwilling to play by. I don’t know why you chose that name for your blog and account. You are nothing like HST. 

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3 hours ago, Amadeus said:

As for laughable advice, we’ll mister wannabe journalist lawyer, it’s not your backside that’s on the line if things go pear shaped and there’s legal action. You are hiding behind a VPN and a fake email address and I guess you’re feeling all smug and superior because of it. Out here in the real name world we play by different rules. Rules you seem to be afraid of and unwilling to play by. I don’t know why you chose that name for your blog and account. You are nothing like HST. 

Hope you feel better after that. As clarified several people came forward and emailed in information (well questionable “legal” opinion) supplied to them at the point of a ban. They didn’t appear to be spam accounts just people who expressed an opinion or pasted up a link to a public Tweet. Again just relaying what has been supplied by others although it seems to be a big mistake trying to participate in this forum to be fair and glad haven’t bothered making the effort before.

Its also fair to point out that the press has gone to publication with several articles based on Jason Scales Tweet (including some which included screenshots) that were almost exactly the same as quotes or references attributed to his Tweet on this forum which have been removed for “legal” reasons. As for Albert he’s your mate. It’s common knowledge who he is. He isn’t going to do anything that you don’t agree with. Some have suggested you only appointed him as you didn’t want to be seen to be taking down anti DBC comments yourself. Not sure of that, but that appears to have been some peoples personal optic. 

There’s a council meeting tomorrow so can the good people of Douglas assume that you will all be updating the public on how you are progressing in following up these allegations of potential fraud? Will the minutes be published also detailing what investigations have been commenced or concluded so far? Or are you simply waiting to see if Mr Scales is convicted next week and then you can do a Buster Lewin and write it off as the ramblings of a tainted individual with an axe to grind against the establishment? 

Never had an issue with any subject covered so far. Done write ups on Cannan, Ashford, Caine and others and yet the worse backlash ever is from a few tin pots on a local government board in a write up about bins and getting involved with anything said on Manx Forums.

Edited by FANDL
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27 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Hey I've got a question. Is it true that someone tried to slip you a story and that you told the subject of the story what you'd been sent and by who?

Don’t think so. If you want to send a less cryptic DM can answer it fully but can’t work out what you’re saying or suggesting from that.

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2 hours ago, FANDL said:

Don’t think so. If you want to send a less cryptic DM can answer it fully but can’t work out what you’re saying or suggesting from that.

It's just a story going round I guess. Nothing cryptic about my post, the story goes person A sent you a possible story about person B and you went to person B and said 'look what person A is saying about you'. I don't know who persons A or B are or any other details, I was just wondering.

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

It's just a story going round I guess. Nothing cryptic about my post, the story goes person A sent you a possible story about person B and you went to person B and said 'look what person A is saying about you'. I don't know who persons A or B are or any other details, I was just wondering.

No that wouldn’t have happened. Don’t share anything with anyone. It’s either published openly or it isn’t. 

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