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20 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Trying things you know are likely to fail isn’t to my mind a quality, it’s a weakness. It was what got millions slaughtered in the trenches.

Just how many of these crap excuses do you have, almost any endeavor has a chance of failing, D-Day for example and every other campaign or battle. Ask a few other MHK's what they think and see if it floats rather than making up reasons to do fuck all.

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20 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You’re a reasonable person so I’ll reply. Trying things you know are likely to fail isn’t to my mind a quality, it’s a weakness. It was what got millions slaughtered in the trenches.

Most people slaughtered in the trenches were slaughtered by ill-informed politicians and Generals.

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21 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You’re a reasonable person so I’ll reply. Trying things you know are likely to fail isn’t to my mind a quality, it’s a weakness. It was what got millions slaughtered in the trenches. There are major issues I can and do champion or influence as part of my work in the DoI, CLAJ Committee, IOMPO or OFT, but like I said earlier I choose my battles rather than flail around making a lot of populist noise. There are probably better MHKs than me and there are probably worse, but I’m giving it my best shot.

My critics are welcome to do things their way if they can get elected, but I suspect they would soon reach a similar conclusion.

First of all fair play to you continuing to come on here and engage with us, especially in the face of such criticism, I'll give you that.

I think for someone whose job it is to persuade others of things you believe would be good for the island and its people, your attitude towards trying things that may fail is very concerning. How on earth do you expect to be able to persuade fellow members with an attitude like that? How on earth will you ever persuade them if you don't try?

I get you say that you go for small, quiet victories but come on Stu, the DOI continues to bumble from one costly cock-up to the next. As a man who was to champion the beleaguered motorist, how do you reconcile the department proposing a minimum 10% hike in road tax during one of the worst cost of living crises in living memory? Or the 90% reduction in front line road workers over the past decade? As for the CLAJ committee, when do you envisage our constitution leaving medieval times and becoming vaguely relevant to modern society? Has it even been discussed?

And then there's the IOM PO. The price of a stamp has gone up well over 100% in the last decade, yet we now have no Saturday deliveries and a seemingly never ending exodus of sub-post masters and declining Post Office services in general. As for the OFT, well our monopoly gas company has been playing fast and loose with customer's money for almost six months now and all the OFT have achieved is to ask them nicely if they'd mind sorting it out (by the end of January or else.......), which January?

Now I'm not holding you personally responsible for all the above, far from it, much of it is genuinely out of your control, I'll admit that. But to cite any of it as an example of small, quiet victories is guilding the lilly to put it mildly - perhaps you could be more specific as to what you've actually achieved.

I don't believe you've achieved much, or anything in fact, anymore than I believe you shy away from the big stuff due to the prospect of failure. You've been in the public eye a long time now Stu, I've never had you down as a shrinking violet and you gave completely the opposite impression when you were electioneering. 

I also openly admit that I would not do your job and so possibly shouldn't criticise. I think your last sentence is fair comment and possibly true, although a lot seems to be achieved when members directly benefit. Where there's a will there's a way, which it's why it's often better to judge a person by what they do rather than what they say.

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17 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Most people slaughtered in the trenches were slaughtered by ill-informed politicians and Generals...

Politicians and generals who stayed as  f a r  away from the frontline as possible. It's easy to send people to slaughter when you're not amongst them. 

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Maybe the worst thing is that if Stu is right that elected representatives of the people can’t really make any real change then why bother having them? Who are those who simply stymie any change? Comin ( why as change for the better is their job or so I’d hope ). Is it the all powerful civil servants who generally know they will outlast any minister or MHK? I’ll blame it on the boogie. 

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7 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

To be fair to Stu, he did well today bringing up the solar panels on the sorting office roof. As someone who I think it's fair to say is a bit  of a sceptic with the climate change thing, he could have just kept quiet and towed the party line but he didn't.

Or more to the point he was towing the party line rather than putting together a cogent counter argument. He gives it all anti woke on social media but in HOK he is just after an easy life and easy money  

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