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Innocent until proven guilty??

Passing Time

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This is indeed yet one more example of everything that is sloppy, incompetent or corrupt on our little island. Or not.
The situation is though far worse than highlighted. As many of you are no doubt aware.
Until his death last year the AG‘s office was run by the sinister and masonic John Quinn. Quinn was a failed religious minister and lawyer who had multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, and worse, against him. All were suppressed. I myself heard first person accounts from three different people who alleged he had assaulted them as youngsters. I also know of a Manx advocate who attempted a private criminal prosecution against Quinn over multiple allegations about his behaviour re. the Knotswood children’s home. Surprise, surprise that didn’t go anywhere. One of Quinn’s final acts before he died was to push through an ‘historical sexual offenses act’ - no doubt to get him and his equally sinister cronies off the hook as future allegations arose.
This is the kind of conduct and department we have all allowed to operate on this little island, by our own apathy. Grizzling here won’t achieve anything - it will continue until we stop it. Concluding that it is incompatible to have lawyers pretending to dispense justice who are actually answerable to their secret society masters would be a great first step.


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51 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Yeah bit more to it 

There probably is, but in my binary world it's one of two things

  • The guy is guilty, but police or prosecutors have lost the evidence or otherwise screwed up
  • The guy is innocent, and police or prosecutors have screwed up by pursuing this for 4 years

Either way, police or prosecutors have ballsed it up. Are there ever any consequences for doing so?

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2 minutes ago, wrighty said:

There probably is, but in my binary world it's one of two things

  • The guy is guilty, but police or prosecutors have lost the evidence or otherwise screwed up
  • The guy is innocent, and police or prosecutors have screwed up by pursuing this for 4 years

Either way, police or prosecutors have ballsed it up. Are there ever any consequences for doing so?

Your safe binary World must give you some comfort. And allow you to oversee people, and children, injected with substances you know little or nothing about, with long-term effects you can only guess at. I should stay in it if I were you - cos it’ll look quite ugly outside it

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2 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Yeah bit more to it 

This is exactly the kind of speculation that makes it so wrong that he was ever named.

The guy has been to court, been through our legal system. The prosecutors didn't even offer any evidence against him, let alone prove him guilty.

Yet here we have some dickhead offering wild speculation that there may be more to it.

It's a dangerous world we live in where our legal system can spectacularly fail to convict, yet someone can be found guilty by implication by some anonymous troll on the internet.

Wrighty is 100% correct, the police and/or prosecutors should be done for this and either their incompetence or spite made public. 


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1 hour ago, Thereisnt said:
This is indeed yet one more example of everything that is sloppy, incompetent or corrupt on our little island. Or not.
The situation is though far worse than highlighted. As many of you are no doubt aware.
Until his death last year the AG‘s office was run by the sinister and masonic John Quinn. Quinn was a failed religious minister and lawyer who had multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, and worse, against him. All were suppressed. I myself heard first person accounts from three different people who alleged he had assaulted them as youngsters. I also know of a Manx advocate who attempted a private criminal prosecution against Quinn over multiple allegations about his behaviour re. the Knotswood children’s home. Surprise, surprise that didn’t go anywhere. One of Quinn’s final acts before he died was to push through an ‘historical sexual offenses act’ - no doubt to get him and his equally sinister cronies off the hook as future allegations arose.
This is the kind of conduct and department we have all allowed to operate on this little island, by our own apathy. Grizzling here won’t achieve anything - it will continue until we stop it. Concluding that it is incompatible to have lawyers pretending to dispense justice who are actually answerable to their secret society masters would be a great first step.


the witch finder general is often a wizard.

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4 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Wrighty is 100% correct, the police and/or prosecutors should be done for this and either their incompetence or spite made public. 

Absolutely. It is binary - either guilty or innocent. And either one way or the other way the police and/or prosecutors really, really screwed things up.

What are the possibilities of any MHK saying anything?

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16 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Don't blame the media for doing their jobs - blame the prosecution and the legal system for releasing the information.

I agree to a point, the prosecution and legal system should not name him, that is wrong.

I would argue however that the media's job is to produce content that's in the public interest. By far the bigger story here is the no doubt tons of public money which has been wasted bringing this individual to court, only to offer no evidence against him, or the impact naming him has had on his life.

I very much doubt we'll see anything of this sort in the local media, far easier to regurgitate press releases regardless of the consequences or point in doing so.

I guess advertising money speaks louder than moral courage or integrity. Best to stick to reporting who's house has burned down and who's been accused of what regardless of evidence. 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Whilst not supporting the actions of the media in the slightest, I would say that this set the reason for potential offenders’ names to be released is in the hope that more people may come forward with supporting evidence? 

"we haven't got any evidence, how about anybody else?" sort of thing. 

A very open to abuse system if you ask me.

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Do we know how the allegation came to light. ?

Even the IOM police can not just randomly pick someone up off the street and forcibly examine a computer or phone? There must have been a finger pointed somewhere or somehow by someone surely.

If not the the information has maybe come from some sort of internet monitoring by the authorities on or off island into what is viewed on the internet by IOM residents, which could probably been attributed to the wrong person ?

All speculation of course and we will probably never know. I hope he takes them to the cleaners either way.

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