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36 minutes ago, daisy said:

Developing in town is the answer - revitalise the shops and restaurants .... The high density dorm look needs to be sorted - but that is where development is needed

Braddan residents pay cheap rates so should expect the sort of traffic jams you get when you’re commuting into town from a rural area. There’s 70 low cost houses on this plot too and people can actually buy unlike the Douglas proposals which are for key worker dormitories. Loads of parking for all those car owners who will have their own drives on which they can charge their EVs. Much more sensible idea.

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Braddan residents pay cheap rates so should expect the sort of traffic jams you get when you’re commuting into town from a rural area. There’s 70 low cost houses on this plot too and people can actually buy unlike the Douglas proposals which are for key worker dormitories. Loads of parking for all those car owners who will have their own drives on which they can charge their EVs. Much more sensible idea.

Doubt there will be many with EVs 

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14 hours ago, Banker said:

Totally agree, the roads around there are rammed from 8 to 9.30 &  3.30 to 6 & busy at other times. There’s 1 access road coming out/in & just above Braddan bridge entrance!!

All this development will do is enrich the Drinkwater family who own the land & Hartford homes! If they we’re going to build cheap housing for key workers & had further access points then maybe it may have some merit!

Bradaan commissioners, DBC & many local residents have lodged objections 

It’s not just these issues. Other areas of concern is going to be the effects of additional residents on the medical facilities, particularly Palatine Group Practice. What about dentists, or lack of. There are so many questions, and whilst the developers are planning a primary school, is this a sop to IOMG so Braddan School can be closed? If so, who benefits, as there is additional land to be built upon? 

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14 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

People need houses built to modern standards.

I agree, but where these houses are to be built, it’s going to put lots of pressure on the infrastructure in the local vicinity, which in turn is going to put pressure on other areas. 

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3 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It’s not just these issues. Other areas of concern is going to be the effects of additional residents on the medical facilities, particularly Palatine Group Practice. What about dentists, or lack of. There are so many questions, and whilst the developers are planning a primary school, is this a sop to IOMG so Braddan School can be closed? If so, who benefits, as there is additional land to be built upon? 

Same issues exist everywhere that’s no reason to stop this development.

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1 minute ago, 2112 said:

I agree, but where these houses are to be built, it’s going to put lots of pressure on the infrastructure in the local vicinity, which in turn is going to put pressure on other areas. 


4 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It’s not just these issues. Other areas of concern is going to be the effects of additional residents on the medical facilities, particularly Palatine Group Practice. What about dentists, or lack of. There are so many questions, and whilst the developers are planning a primary school, is this a sop to IOMG so Braddan School can be closed? If so, who benefits, as there is additional land to be built upon? 

Totally agree, if you look at plans it says a 2 form primary school & nursing home will be built subject to separate planning applications which in due course will turn into applications for more housing!

Its an unsuitable green field development for many reasons with unsuitable access being a major one.

They did try to get access via ballafletcher road but the church refused to sell as the land presently grazed by horses is earmarked for graveyards expansion .

A good site for housing would be Castlemona , lido , palace hotel area huge sites 

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:


1. Totally agree, if you look at plans it says a 2 form primary school & nursing home will be built subject to separate planning applications which in due course will turn into applications for more housing!

2. Its an unsuitable green field development for many reasons with unsuitable access being a major one.

3. They did try to get access via ballafletcher road but the church refused to sell as the land presently grazed by horses is earmarked for graveyards expansion .

4. A good site for housing would be Castlemona , lido , palace hotel area huge sites 

1. The school would replace the existing school which is oversubscribed, hemmed in and cannot easily expand. A bribe if you like.

2. Yes it’s a greenfield site and infill. Access isn’t the best. What is the land designated for on the Eastern Plan?

3. if the school is moved then expansion of the cemetery onto the school site would free up Ballafletcher Road access. Actually taking the school access and drop off/pick up off Braddan Road would remove a term time bottleneck and safety risk point.

4. Castlemona? You’re having a laugh? Yes, bus station, old customs house, the Palace site, Park Road, Lord Street flats and summerland all need (re) developing. There needs to be a mix of brown and greenfield.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

1. The school would replace the existing school which is oversubscribed, hemmed in and cannot easily expand. A bribe if you like.

2. Yes it’s a greenfield site and infill. Access isn’t the best. What is the land designated for on the Eastern Plan?

3. if the school is moved then expansion of the cemetery onto the school site would free up Ballafletcher Road access. Actually taking the school access and drop off/pick up off Braddan Road would remove a term time bottleneck and safety risk point.

4. Castlemona? You’re having a laugh? Yes, bus station, old customs house, the Palace site, Park Road, Lord Street flats and summerland all need (re) developing. There needs to be a mix of brown and greenfield.

Who wants to develop housing and brownfield sites in the decrepit and failing capital when there is all this lush green field sites where you can throw them up with the bare mininimum of infrastructure (tax payer will foot the bill) on a postage stamp with little to no real amenities within walking distance and get to walk away with a fat wad of cash? Pretty much guarenteed coz you can bin anyone who has paid a deposit and bump the prices whenever you want.

Considering government are having to bribe developers with actual cash and throwing adjacent sites at them to get any traction on brownfield sites after decades of growth whilst trying to impose all manner of caveats and heritage rules on those same developers is like pushing water uphill. The empty offices, shops and the stalled developments on Strand Street* and the never ending Victoria Street project 

*At least they built something and didn't just add more concrete to the town square/carpark/ /1888 concert venue. 

Much like I suspect the Ballasalla surgery will no doubt end up in a new public monolith a la Braddan along with other essential services like the commsioners and a chemist at tax payers expense at great cost because it 'suddenly' became apparent the old amenities couldn't handle the hundreds of new residents that 'unexpectedly' moved into the area.

I say stop wasting time, effort and money on brownfield nonsense at the taxpayers expense and full steam ahead with all the green field sites so everyone can live in the modern warrens with a nice view of the... neighbouring warren. 

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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:

I say stop wasting time, effort and money on brownfield nonsense at the taxpayers expense and full steam ahead with all the green field sites so everyone can live in the modern warrens with a nice view of the... neighbouring warren. 

Agree it makes sense to develop these sort of sites on the outskirts of town where there is the space. Braddan is the Essex to Douglas’ London. Where all the wannabes go to to live in their identikit 4 bedroom houses with their little drives so this sort of development certainly won’t be out of keeping. As for the traffic in the morning well that’s what you get when you don’t want to live in town. 

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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

More on concept here from UK, lots of right wing conspiracy theories there as well 



A local shop and doctors being part of a conspiracy is a great theory.

They’ll be giving us sedatives in our mars bars, or something equally bonkers. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/21/2023 at 7:39 PM, TheTeapot said:

Is something happening at the old DHA/Civil Defence place on Woodbourne Road? 

You’ve probably got a day left before the mighty old DHA place is flattened. Still not sure what’s happening there. 

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the price of the scaffolding on the Nurses home must be astronomical  its been up almost  7 months now and practically not been  used yet ,   its hardly  a business like project  must be plenty of extras being earned for the Mates  ,   this job should never have been started while the rest of the building industry  is so overheated , it will never be value for money , but never mind its only the good old taxpayers being  for a ride ,  

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