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Gay Marriages


Should Gay Marriage (IoM) Be Allowed?  

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I believe we need to be LESS judgmental.

We all have opinons which iS fine, would be boring if we all thought the

same way ect as we are all indivisuals.


But by judging others we run the risk of imposing our OWR will as to whats

write + whats wrong? whats write for one person may not be write for another?


My opion is that gay marrages are wrong, but that does not mean im write?



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! go with Freud and his analysis of abnormal sexual behaviour, and homosexual sex is abnormal and perverted.  It follows that homosexual people are de facto sex perverts.


It may now be permitted or at least (rightly) no longer illegal, but it certainly is abnormal.


Freud writes on the subject that perversion is “The pursuit of "abnormal" sexual objects without repression”.


Freud at one point lists five forms of perversion, which is to say five ways that an individual "differs from the normal" and so is perverted.


"First, by disregarding the barrier of species (the gulf between men and animals),


Secondly, by overstepping the social and inherent barrier against disgust. (crossing the ‘yeugh’ demarcation line.


Thirdly engaging in incest (the prohibition against seeking sexual satisfaction from near blood-relations).


Fourthly engaging in acts with members of one's own sex.


Fifthly the transferring of the part played by the genitals to other organs and areas of the body.”


He makes clear that a young child will not recognize any of these five points as abnormal—and only does so through the process of education.


For this reason, he calls children "polymorphously perverse"


Homosexuality is therefore a perversion. Homosexuals are sex perverts, the very idea of a homosexual marriage is ridiculous.


Should two sex perverts engaging in what society now has been obliged to accept decide to engage in a legal contract that has parallels to a proper marriage I see many advantages as long as all of the obligations associated with marriage are included up to bet refraining from the adoption of children.


What I personally would like to see introduced is a provision whereby two people, even blood relations such siblings can engage in a similar legal partnership in order to gain the averages offered to a married couple who are engaged in a permanent and binding union with the exclusion of adopting children.


In any case marriage as a description of a relationship should be reserved exclusively for the union between man and woman.



i love you rog. seriously. although i might not agree entirley with your post, i have to doff my cap to someone who can put forward such an argument. bravo.

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There was an article in New Scientist magazine not so long which was discussing the "gay" gene(s). Basically they were trying to explain that if the gay gene existed, how come homosexuals survive given they don't have children.





I've also read other articles that put forward the hypothesis that the trait is carried through the mother's (female) side of the family.


This isn't my view on things - but thought it'd be relevent. Even if it were true, that being gay is because of your genetic makeup - its exactly the same as being tall, small, fast, slow - its genetic and thats life.


i recommend the gaia hypothesis.if you truly believe its genetic, then its been put there by nature, hence, to stop people reproducing.


if its nurture, then parenting has a lot to answer for.



personally, i applaud homosexuals. theres too many people on the planet already, lets stop breeding.

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I think from the poll's votes that people don't have a problem with a gay marriage as such, but think that, for the sake of those who have a traditional view of marriage that there is no big deal in giving it the same status but a slightly different name... That seems a great compromise, to me.

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