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Gay Marriages


Should Gay Marriage (IoM) Be Allowed?  

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Personally, I despise religion - of every shade and nuance. I was married in a civil ceremony. I would not like it, however, if every time I tell someone that I'm married, I then have to clarify by saying 'to a woman!'

I am proud of being the husband of a wondeful wife. As far as I'm concerned, that is what marriage is about and nothing is ever likely to change my mind about that.

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I know the guy who wrote the article in the Independant about gay marriages, he is a lovely genuine guy (difficult to find these days) and I have the utmost respect for him for putting it in the paper.


I think gay people should definetley be allowed to marry, after all there are ordinary people like the rest of us.


I also think they should teach kids about homosexuality in schools. Its difficult enough being a teenager and its a very confusing time for most, so at least if they did teach it in schools, kids might realise whats happening to them rather than thinking something is wrong with them.


I have alot of gay friends and two of them have just got engaged, which I think is great and i can't wait for the wedding. It's gonna be sooooo camp.

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I know the guy who wrote the article in the Independant about gay marriages, he is a lovely genuine guy (difficult to find these days) and I have the utmost respect for him for putting it in the paper.


I think gay people should definetley be allowed to marry, after all there are ordinary people like the rest of us.


I also think they should teach kids about homosexuality in schools. Its difficult enough being a teenager and its a very confusing time for most, so at least if they did teach it in schools, kids might realise whats happening to them rather than thinking something is wrong with them.


I have alot of gay friends and two of them have just got engaged, which I think is great and i can't wait for the wedding.  It's gonna be sooooo camp.


Can't agree more with you Lucky.


Education is very important. I remember no mention of homosexuality in Manx schools which may explain the rather disgusting attitudes I have seen on the island including many people I know being abused on the street and in their place of work - even by kids! For some reason a small minority seem to think that by teaching teenagers about these things we may somehow "encourage them to be gay" which just shows the lack of their own education.


Plus of course a gay wedding would be a fantastic ceremony I'm sure - the dresses and extravagence would be phenonmonal.


Does the island have a gay area or specific gay bar yet? When I was younger people used to say Sammuel Webbs on Castle Street was the main Douglas gay bar.

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Personally, i'm all for gay marriages. I think everyone in the world deserves equal rights no matter what race, religion or sex you are. But as far as teaching homosexuality in schools - hmmmmmmmm not so sure on that one. For gods sake they can't even get hetrosexuality right in schools! I think maybe a general education relating to the emotional side of relationships (regardless of sexual orientation) would be more beneficial. What about the actual sex education side of it?, how would you suggest they deal with that? Reckon that could be somewhat tricky don't you think? I think we are certainly, as a society, a long way off from that happening!


And to be honest, why should people still be put into pigeon holes anyway. I have never understood why it matters if someone is gay, bisexual, hetro or even celibate?

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Personally, i'm all for gay marriages.  I think everyone in the world deserves equal rights no matter what race, religion or sex you are.  But as far as teaching homosexuality in schools - hmmmmmmmm not so sure on that one.  For gods sake they can't even get hetrosexuality right in schools!  I think maybe a general education relating to the emotional side of relationships (regardless of sexual orientation) would be more beneficial.  What about the actual sex education side of it?, how would you suggest they deal with that?  Reckon that could be somewhat tricky don't you think? I think we are certainly, as a society, a long way off from that happening!


And to be honest, why should people still be put into pigeon holes anyway.  I have never understood why it matters if someone is gay, bisexual, hetro or even celibate?


I understand your point but difficult issues should be addressed and I think it's best to do this in compulsory education. Other issues which people often don't like to talk about (drugs, AIDs, divorce) are covered already. Just because schools talk about drugs doesn't mean the students will be more likely to use them - they'll just be more informed which I think is very important. That said though, it didn't stop me using certain substances. :)

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I see what you are saying Cheesemonster2005 - and I am in no way implying that by teaching homosexuality in schools, that that would make a person "turn" gay. The emotional side i think is far more important than the actual physical sex side. And maybe if everyone learnt more of that, then the idea of homosexuality might not be such a problem for some people. I have to say, i took no notice of my sex education in school, I was too busy doing it behind the bike sheds - LMAO - KIDDING!! :lol: HONEST :unsure: But i do agree that diseases such as STD's and AIDS should be way up on the agenda. My teenage years were in the 80's and even tho i knew about HIV, AIDS etc, when it came down to the nitty gritty so to speak, all logic went out the window and that is why I think the emotional side should be spoken about. Don't make sex so mechanical sounding, kids should know it's not just about williess and fuds, or fuds and fuds, or willies and willies. And i notice kids are doing it younger and younger - or am i just getting older and more cynical? ;)

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it's not just about williess and fuds, or fuds and fuds, or willies and willies. 


Fud. The funniest name I've heard for it in quite some time.




Survivor is a great girl ..she has educated me as well in her numerous other posts



you're too kind :blush:

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I despise homosexuals. To me it is not intolerance. I am convinced that we are genetically attracted to the opposite sex for the purpose of successful breeding, no more no less. To me anything outside of that simply cannot justify it's existance. Sure you get all the usual lentil-eating do-gooders carping on about homophobia etc etc etc yawn yawn yawn but at the end of the day I don't like them in the same way that I find certain races smell a particular way that I don't like either!


Homosexuals fortunately add nothing to the gene pool and therefore do not move evolution forward. If they want the same legal rights as "married" couples then fine but I'm sure they don't need to go through sham ceremonies to obtain them. So why do they see it as important? As I am not homosexual I'm afraid I can't answer that one. There you go,

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I despise homosexuals. To me it is not intolerance. I am convinced that we are genetically attracted to the opposite sex for the purpose of successful breeding, no more no less. To me anything outside of that simply cannot justify it's existance. Sure you get all the usual lentil-eating do-gooders carping on about homophobia etc etc etc yawn yawn yawn but at the end of the day I don't like them in the same way that I find certain races smell a particular way that I don't like either!


Homosexuals fortunately add nothing to the gene pool and therefore do not move evolution forward. If they want the same legal rights as "married" couples then fine but I'm sure they don't need to go through sham ceremonies to obtain them. So why do they see it as important? As I am not homosexual I'm afraid I can't answer that one. There you go,


WOW! Have to say P.K - you've got balls for posting that one that's for sure! Think i'm just going to slink into the background for now and watch the games commence :unsure:

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