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Gay Marriages


Should Gay Marriage (IoM) Be Allowed?  

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Which is why the jury is out. The hypothesis is that it's a genetic feature (or disorder, depending on your viewpoint) that is believed to be passed on through the female side of the family. There was research in Russia that showed there was an increase in homosexual males following Chernobyl, which was apparently linked to their mothers stress and environment at the time.


The other viewpoint is, if it is indeed genetic, how come there is still a proportion of the population that remain 'gay'. Some would like to believe it's influenced.


If its genetic then it could be said its the same as a baby being born with blue eyes, blond hair and athletic physique. Others may argue its a 'disorder' that should be screened for. I tend not to have an opinion, and what is, is - for whatever reason. Society has more important things to worry about.

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I'm read lots in different magazines (Nothing gay mind). Scientific American, New Scientist and the like. The Scientific standpoint is interesting, because they like to explain everything.


But apparently, women are the carriers or deciding factor whether a child has same-sex tendancies (that's if you buy it) - and some Scientists suggest that there are patterns throughout a family when traced through the female side. Its hard to do though, because it was taboo in the past.

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Well, two gay men could have a child through surrogacy [sp] and two lesbian women could have a child through artificial insemination [sp] so, technically, the gayness could be passed on.


Or they might get married in an attempt to fit into society while keeping their sexuality a secret for fear of rejection from their family and friends. The frustration might build up inside them, causing them to sit in pubs loudly proclaiming their dislike for homosexuals, because afterall, it is homosexuality that makes them so unhappy, while most people don't give a toss about it. They might even make their way onto internet forums acting in a similar manner, until one day they meet another likeminded individual in some public toilets and temporarily relieve the tension that has been building up. And that.

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Dear oh dear....think about it...gay people often have hetro relationships, are often in denial at some point, even forever, often get married, have kids, lead a "normal" life.


Though I suppose if gay people do get properly accepted, as they should, and kids no longer go around calling things and each other "gay" because being gay is just something some people are, like lefthandedness, less and less people will feel the need to pretend to be anything other than they are, which could make for a change if it is a genetic thing.


Be quite an interesting social experiment anyway. If you were interested in social experiments. Which I'm not. Honest.

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Is being "gay" derogatory?


Gay - Usage Note

The word gay is now standard in its use to refer to homosexuals, in large part because it is the term that most gay people prefer in referring to themselves. Gay is distinguished from homosexual primarily by the emphasis it places on the cultural and social aspects of homosexuality as opposed to sexual practice. Many writers reserve gay for males, but the word is also used to refer to both sexes; when the intended meaning is not clear in the context, the phrase gay and lesbian may be used. Like the other names of social groups derived from adjectives (for example, Black), gay may be regarded as offensive when used as a noun to refer to particular individuals, as in There were two gays on the panel; here phrasing such as gay members should be used instead. But there is no objection to the use of the noun in the plural to refer collectively either to gay men or to gay men and lesbians, so long as it is clear whether men alone or both men and women are being discussed


Homosexual - Usage Note

Many people now avoid using homosexual because of the emphasis this term places on sexuality. Indeed, the words gay and lesbian, which stress cultural and social matters over sex, are frequently better choices. Homosexual is most objectionable when used as a noun; here gay man and gay woman or lesbian and their plural forms are called for. It is generally unobjectionable when used adjectivally, as in a homosexual relationship, although gay, lesbian, or same-sex are also available for adjectival use. See Usage Note at gay.


Take from http://www.dictionary.com

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Yeah, but how does that get them pregnant?



Because they get married to somebody of a different sex, have sex with that person, and that causes... wait for it... BABIES!


But, but you said they try to make babies with other like minded people in public toilets.


Oo-er, I'm all confuddled now :wacko:

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Firstly I am not confusing cultural differences with racial ones. How a culture evolves has nothing whatever to do with how I view the race of the people concerned. BUT I am not blind to the reality. The culture in places such as Greece and Turkey around anal sex has aids getting a very firm grip - two races that actually abhor one another. No, confusion about race and culture is not something I have.

Secondly I am not confusing an objective difference with a subjective opinion. That's like claiming a negroid does not have a flat nose when a negroid chracteristic is - a flat nose. I smell a certain way. Someone who smells differently from me can detect it. Purely objective - not subjective.

<deleted bullxxxx>



No, I don't say that at all. If a couple of poofters living together want the same rights as a married couple in law then fine, but they don't need to go through a sham ceremony to get them. I posed the question why are these rediculous farcical pantomime marriages required at all? So far no bleeding-heart lentil-eating jobsworths have come up with an answer.



The terminology you use is very outdated and offensive whtehre deliberate or accidental. Your crap about smells of people of various races distracts from the point yet even so it's bullxxxx and I don't understand it other than saying that not everyone chooses to use Lynx aftershave.


The last time I heard 'poofter' used was in the 1980's. What makes a gay marriage a 'sham'? Why would their ceremony be a sham? I'm a bleeding-heart lentil-eating jobsworth and proud yet you haven't actually posed a question for me to answer. Put down your Daily Mail and wake up!

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Can i pose a question for you?


Why did you include the word "Manx" in this statement?


You are the perfect example of a small minority of Manx people


Do you believe it is an Isle of Man only problem? Because i have seen some of the most racist, homophobic and xenophobic views when i have been off the island.

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