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More allegedly naughty IOM lawyers


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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Ooooooohhhh yeeeahhhh, lets ruin a young womans career and whole life for sending a fucking letter. Massive congratulations all round.

Jesus fucking christ.

I hate society.

The only person that has ruined her career is herself. Even somebody like you can work that out

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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

The press should also stop publishing stories about thinks have haven’t reached a conclusion yet (or preferably just stop posting gossip for clicks  full stop)

To be fair to the press they restrict themselves to reporting factually what has been said in Court (and hasn't been indicated can't be reported by the judge) as they legally have to.

Others would be wise to restrict themselves in the same way and not speculate about guilt or make personal comments about the defendant or their life.

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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

The press should also stop publishing stories about thinks have haven’t reached a conclusion yet

That could only be achieved by excluding both press and public - i.e. secret trials. Don't give the gov. ideas - given half a chance they would have held the Ranson tribunals in secret.

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10 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

That could only be achieved by excluding both press and public - i.e. secret trials. Don't give the gov. ideas - given half a chance they would have held the Ranson tribunals in secret.

Or. It could be achieved by the press having morals and common decency.

Why they feel the need to report anything that anyone is ever accused of is beyond me.  They should be ashamed of some of the distress they have caused people over the years.

Of course, if people weren’t so bloody nosey and just stopped reading the crap that would also work.

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20 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

Why they feel the need to report anything that anyone is ever accused of is beyond me.  They should be ashamed of some of the distress they have caused people over the years.

If it's got to Court, it's more than an accusation. What happens in a criminal trial is a matter of public record. Anyone can go along and watch, if they've got nothing better to do.

I'd agree the papers aren't always as good at reporting acquittals as they are at reporting the prosecution's opening speech, mind.

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55 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

To be fair to the press they restrict themselves to reporting factually what has been said in Court (and hasn't been indicated can't be reported by the judge) as they legally have to.

Others would be wise to restrict themselves in the same way and not speculate about guilt or make personal comments about the defendant or their life.

Whilst I don't condone it, saying someone looks like a thunderbird character is not exactly prejudicing the case is it?

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