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Where do you see the Isle of Man in 10 years


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If it carries on its present course, it will revert to what it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

A small elite of wealthy and landowners influencing, if not in Govt, and lots of normal folk grubbing down the back of the sofas for their last pennies.

The difference between then and now however, is that while the Island might not have been wealthy then, it at least had a strong tourist industry to tide it over the winter period. Nor was it saddled with the crippling public debts that it now has.

There was also a stronger sense of community and at least social life was affordable.

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Healthcare will be private and only affordable by a minority of rich people.

Government workers will have long drained the coffers with wage demands and pension claims.

Workers in service provision, i.e. restaurants, shops etc will jack it in and live on benefits or move off Island. There will be no restaurants, pubs or entertainment industry to speak off (almost there now) as business costs will be unaffordable.

The population will rapidly decrease rather than grow.

The e-gaming industry will disappear as do-gooders realize climate change has been done to death and look for something new to campaign against. 

Climate change plans will have been forgotten as realization dawns on government that the poor of China, India, Africa and so on are more interested in saving themselves from poverty and starvation than reducing their emissions.

Government will encourage industries developing AI to setup here with low business rates, taxes etc. We will then be taken over by AI robots…….

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government or arms length things owned by government will be the only employer, with it's main aim being to expand government and finding ways of making government pay government for government activities owned by government. 

to ensure this works there will be no more rights of access to information, consultations (because meh) or questions allowed. anyone who questions government will be publicly outed, flogged and sent to the calf of man (which will be increased in size by the MDC who control all development - as the planning rules will be amended so that only MDC can build anything). 

in other news, the horse trams will still be running 

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2 hours ago, 0bserver said:


Where do you see the Isle of Man in 10 years

With continental drift from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge holding steady at about 2.5 centimeters per year, I'm going to say about 25 centimetres to the east. 

Now that is a government response if ever I heard one. Factually correct but totally useless. Though it might be great excuse when they have to realign the tram tracks on the prom.

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