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Where do you see the Isle of Man in 10 years


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We will continue to bumble along with a bit of help from the UK (because it's in their interest) and probably more government borrowing (because we've set a precedent there).

The main issue at the moment and for the foreseeable is getting and retaining people to staff essential services. I know that recruitment of GPs and dentists, for instance, is a big problem, and the hospital is substantially under strength. Likewise teachers. People you need for quality of life, and notice the void in provision when they aren't there, as opposed to legions of government bureaucrats who wouldn't be missed.

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Now, ask yourselves, which "corrupt" government also looked after it's people during the pandemic, REALLY helping out all over the place? Let me give you a clue... the island that's half the size of the Isle of Man, but with half a million residents. Mafia State? 100%. But at least they throw breadcrumbs with some butter to the plebs, unlike this Heaven on earth over here, where it's all about those who can, the trough getting deeper, but for the fewer to enjoy.

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9 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Thanks for the feedback. A few points of order;

I'm not a copper, I’m an academic.

I have been to Malta more than once.

my strategic appraisal of Malta, based on research, observation and comparison is that there is a significant level of almost overt, hence ‘unashamed’ corruption.

For a small nation, what it acheives, especially within the scope of EU membership, is nothing short of remarkable, and makes the Isle of Man appear that it isn’t even trying.

The current issues within British policing pertain more to matters of behaviour, rather than corruption as we might more widely understand the term.

Currently, I am indeed domiciled in the UK. My visits back ‘home, are currently limited to increasing visitor numbers and spend, visiting relatives and maintaining my remaining interests.

Olympic standard dissembling , congratulations. Like no other EU nation might just have overt or ‘unashamed’ corruption - you words not mine. UK springs to mind with its ‘unashamed’ acceptance of laundered Russian money. But hey , let’s just pick on a small sovereign state punching above its weight. And your comparison with IOM is just daft as the IOM does not have the ability to do what Malta does. The words ‘ crown dependency’ is the big clue.

And I’m sorry , I had not realised you had all of a sudden become an academic. Good for you. Perhaps you should publish your research on unashamed corruption in Malta and have said research subject to peer review. 

I think , although I could be wrong , that the latest Malta corruption thing involves , guess what , a copper. Yes Malta has its issues with these sort of things just like the place in which you now live. 

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42 minutes ago, majkul said:

Now, ask yourselves, which "corrupt" government also looked after it's people during the pandemic, REALLY helping out all over the place? Let me give you a clue... the island that's half the size of the Isle of Man, but with half a million residents. Mafia State? 100%. But at least they throw breadcrumbs with some butter to the plebs, unlike this Heaven on earth over here, where it's all about those who can, the trough getting deeper, but for the fewer to enjoy.

Malta is not a Mafia state. It’s the same as the IOM but with different rules. Don’t be so cynical.

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7 hours ago, Anyone said:

Olympic standard dissembling , congratulations. Like no other EU nation might just have overt or ‘unashamed’ corruption - you words not mine. UK springs to mind with its ‘unashamed’ acceptance of laundered Russian money. But hey , let’s just pick on a small sovereign state punching above its weight. And your comparison with IOM is just daft as the IOM does not have the ability to do what Malta does. The words ‘ crown dependency’ is the big clue.

And I’m sorry , I had not realised you had all of a sudden become an academic. Good for you. Perhaps you should publish your research on unashamed corruption in Malta and have said research subject to peer review. 

I think , although I could be wrong , that the latest Malta corruption thing involves , guess what , a copper. Yes Malta has its issues with these sort of things just like the place in which you now live. 

Indeed, but how many times has independent been submitted as the panacea? The government believes it too, promoting the island as the first ‘country’ to have full biosphere status.

the Isle of Man is sort on idea for growth. Looking at success stories elsewhere is good practice. And you can filter out the bad bits with reinvention.

Alas, international politics isn’t my field of research but thanks for the feedback.

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At least most of the birds living in, or visiting, the IOM are allowed to exist without being shot. 


There are supposed to be laws protecting most of the birds, but nobody takes any notice. And that's "just" birds (which could be "ours" if they're allowed to continue their flights north).

If you want more on the Mafia in Malta, read this https://theshiftnews.com/2023/01/02/malta-the-mafias-paradise/

Not so cynical, maybe?

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17 hours ago, woolley said:

Just more Grauniad sniping as we expect. I saw this article the other day and thought of you...


How sweet...

I suppose I should be grateful that you are at least now reading a decent newspaper. You can even spell the title proper as well!

So here's the quandary. Do I believe your prognosis when you clearly have your brexit blinkers firmly attached, much like the rest of them, or do I side with one of the members of the Bank of England's independent Monetary Policy Committee? Their task in life being to figure out which direction the UK's finances are headed and to react accordingly.

Sorry Woolster, no contest...


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12 minutes ago, P.K. said:


How sweet...

I suppose I should be grateful that you are at least now reading a decent newspaper. You can even spell the title proper as well!

So here's the quandary. Do I believe your prognosis when you clearly have your brexit blinkers firmly attached, much like the rest of them, or do I side with one of the members of the Bank of England's independent Monetary Policy Committee? Their task in life being to figure out which direction the UK's finances are headed and to react accordingly.

Sorry Woolster, no contest...


I explained why the figures don't stack up in the article as they are clearly comparing apples with oranges. I note that you haven't disputed the disingenuous nature of the calculations I highlighted?? On the trajectory from 2019 indeed! It's elementary.

The only reason I was reading this prior to you posting it here is that you have linked me to so many articles in the bloody thing over the years. As a result of me clicking on them to find out what the hell you are on about, they have run away with the idea that I like them, so now they send me the links unsolicited and regularly beg for money. Cheers, PK.


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4 hours ago, woolley said:

I explained why the figures don't stack up in the article as they are clearly comparing apples with oranges. I note that you haven't disputed the disingenuous nature of the calculations I highlighted?? On the trajectory from 2019 indeed! It's elementary.

The only reason I was reading this prior to you posting it here is that you have linked me to so many articles in the bloody thing over the years. As a result of me clicking on them to find out what the hell you are on about, they have run away with the idea that I like them, so now they send me the links unsolicited and regularly beg for money. Cheers, PK.


You have read 400 posts from PK in the last month. We appreciate that everyone does not have the time to read all this crap. But if you are in a position to give him a few likes we would be grateful.

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