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Where do you see the Isle of Man in 10 years


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TThe Island is a little to the west of the offshore wind farms, lat/long whatever, I don't think that is has moved  much lately, maybe a little due to continental drift but it can't be much surely?

More importantly do we have adjust our 'auto time' clocks to account for this drift? \my alarm is going off at ridiculous times I keep waking up the the 'Archers'!!!!

Is thee a cure  for this???

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You have read 400 posts from PK in the last month. We appreciate that everyone does not have the time to read all this crap. But if you are in a position to give him a few likes we would be grateful.

I have read thousands upon thousands of PK's posts over the years. I've been known to post at some ungodly hour of the night only to find he's there 2 minutes later with the response. He's truly like the old dog with a bone he won't put down, but he knows I love him dearly.

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10 years

20 years

30 years


Still coming up with ad hoc policies to attract businesses the rest of the world wants gone.

Still run by a group of self serving imbeciles who's ego outweighs their intellect.

Still pretending the Athol St Mafia don't exist, but the Fairy's do.

And still seeing a population static or shrinking because their focus remains on entertaining the whims of a core of wealthy land and property owners at the expense of the rest of the population. 


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The new vision 2035 document is published, vision 2020 6.0. 

Policy focusses on climate damage escape tourism, under ground bunkers at cregneash used as holiday lets.  

Liverpool landing stage nearly £1 billion over budget and due to be finished for TT2034.

Islands sole wind turbine finally starts turning, generates enough power for one wing of Supreme leader Alfs fortress.

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

I have read thousands upon thousands of PK's posts over the years. I've been known to post at some ungodly hour of the night only to find he's there 2 minutes later with the response. He's truly like the old dog with a bone he won't put down, but he knows I love him dearly.

I'm glad you're back, that's for sure...

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Awwww. It's a KODAK moment.  🥰

Kodak went bust.  From being arguably one of the top film/camera companies to nothing.

Because they failed to adapt.  Digital cameras came and Kodak did absolutely nothing to embrace this now standard medium of photography.

Rather apt considering the thread.

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11 minutes ago, quilp said:

Kodak still exist, though not as previously known. 

Yeah but not as they were previously.  I think someone who really liked ye olde film brought it back out of the ashes and it now specialises in chemical type business. 

The real irony is that Kodak actually invented the digital camera. 

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

He does indeed,he moved off the Island and never shuts up about the place.  He'll be solving world peace next


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10 hours ago, Banker said:

He's something else. Goes on about the lack of funding over the years, but finishes with a flourish by laying the resulting shortcomings in the service at door of the outgoing chief constable. I have no doubt his former colleagues have a few interesting views on his blatherings.

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26 minutes ago, woolley said:

He's something else. Goes on about the lack of funding over the years, but finishes with a flourish by laying the resulting shortcomings in the service at door of the outgoing chief constable. I have no doubt his former colleagues have a few interesting views on his blatherings.

You seem to forget the amazing super car event he ran, and the distillery that he also set up plus that successful wine curation busines that he ran and of course the legendary managing of his 13 year old daughters early career, those Japs don't normally go for little girls doing jiggy jiggy it was sheer entrepreneurial genius that won through.

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23 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

You seem to forget the amazing super car event he ran, and the distillery that he also set up plus that successful wine curation busines that he ran and of course the legendary managing of his 13 year old daughters early career, those Japs don't normally go for little girls doing jiggy jiggy it was sheer entrepreneurial genius that won through.

No, I'm mindful of it all. Wasn't there a job at Nobles too for about 5 minutes? Or was that one of our other illustrious heroes? Still, he's found his level as an academic now.

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