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Where do you see the Isle of Man in 10 years


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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

It is unashamedly corrupt. But the investment is massive. Eu money provides great infrastructure and within that bubble it does pretty much what it likes.

I think what I'm.trying to say is that it has balls. For an island there's a lot to learn about punching well above one's weight.

It doesn't seem to suffer from Manx inertia 

You don't want to be like Malta:

The journalist who led the Panama Papers investigation into corruption in Malta was killed on Monday in a car bomb near her home.


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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You don't want to be like Malta:

The journalist who led the Panama Papers investigation into corruption in Malta was killed on Monday in a car bomb near her home.


That was 2017 dude. 

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36 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

That was 2017 dude. 

I remembered it from the Panama Papers. The journalist involved triggered an early election by linking the then Prime Minister, one Joseph Muscat, to the Panama Papers scandal. In other words it goes all the way to the top in Malta.

It's still actually rumbling around bringing the person who allegedly "ordered" the killing to justice:

Businessman Yorgen Fenech, who stands charged with masterminding the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has appealed the latest decision by the court which denied his request to have a judge disqualified from presiding over his trial.


You don't want to be like Malta...

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Knackered as they’ll be no engineers or manual workers by then. Schools to busy selling the dream of IT, finance, e gaming. They’ll be severe infrastructure issues as a result of it.

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19 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

It is unashamedly corrupt. But the investment is massive. Eu money provides great infrastructure and within that bubble it does pretty much what it likes.

I think what I'm.trying to say is that it has balls. For an island there's a lot to learn about punching well above one's weight.

It doesn't seem to suffer from Manx inertia 

Interesting , a copper says corruption is fine as long as it gets you where you want to be. Slippery slope maybe? I know Malta very well. Unashamedly corrupt is a bit over the top for you based on one visit. Malta may not be perfect but unashamedly corrupt is not quite right. It’s not , perhaps you should target your efforts to corrupt police forces. I know one bad apple , but it seems to a pretty big barrel. No doubt you’ll dissemble and paint you lot as paragons of virtue and our saviours. I think I read 400 coppers in Scotland alone had quit to avoid being brought to account. But like you say just the odd bad apple. 
Also Malta is a sovereign nation and a full EU member. The IOM does not , and never will have , that advantage. So you are wrong. IOM can’t be Malta. Anyway I thought you’d buggered of to darkest England , perhaps you should stay there😂

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5 hours ago, Anyone said:

Interesting , a copper says corruption is fine as long as it gets you where you want to be. Slippery slope maybe? I know Malta very well. Unashamedly corrupt is a bit over the top for you based on one visit. Malta may not be perfect but unashamedly corrupt is not quite right. It’s not ,😂

I disagree it is unashamedly corrupt across the board. 

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On 2/15/2023 at 7:45 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

“gotten” ?

I always think it's a pity that we abandoned "gotten" whereas our American cousins sensibly retained it. It's a perfectly good old English past participle of "get". "Got" has its own job to do, and it grinds like crashing a gear box when pressed into use as past participle.

I'm not quite sure why "gotten" is so offensive. The similarly constructed "I forgot" and "I have forgotten" seem to raise no eyebrows. You wouldn't say "I have forgot". (Or at least you shouldn't!)

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