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Proposed Increase in Vehicle Duty

Major Rushen

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37 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

And this one. It can never have been more relevant...



This should be on every lamp post throughout the island, and especially on  every wall in every room in Tynwald. Infact put it on every manx bank note, just so they do not miss the message.

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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You wonder if politicians really ever thought it through when they all rushed to be greener and save the world. Fuel duty is currently levied at a flat rate of 52.95p per litre for both petrol and diesel, while VAT at 20% is then charged on both the product price and the duty. 

In their rush to convert us all to electric power they offered zero rate "car tax" on a vehicld powered by a fuel that carries 5% vat. 

Did they really not see that their income would be cut so much that they would have to replace it with some draconian tax rises in other areas. Having made the decisions they now want to discuss with the public on how they want to be screwed. Then when we find that they have introduced some crippling tax to replace the millions lost they will say that it was discussed and was public choice, not the politicians  choice etc. Nothing to do with them. Etc. Etc

Is it any wonder the general cynicism towards many of our politicians.? 


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The 0% tax "offer" on zero emissions vehicles was merely paying lip service to and jumping on the eco-bandwagon, realistically, offering 0% road tax was never going to make buying an electric vehicle affordable for most of the population anyway, particularly a population squeezed by indirect taxes to the degree that the IoM's is.

So given the numbers involved (@ 800 x £65= £52k presently barely equals one CS salary?) even that 0% can't be much of a loss in the great scheme of things. Sure, this quietens the argument that EVs should be paying tax on the grounds of highway wear but imposing it still doesn't make them any more affordable to skint Joe P, their numbers aren't going to suddenly leap overnight.

Of course, you could also argue that taxing EVs also then drives a coach and horses through the reasons that fossil-fuel vehicles are "road taxed" on "emissions" which we all know is bollocks anyway. If you're suddenly starting to tax emission-free vehicles, then the tax can't be about emissions, can it?

None of this, to include the proposed huge 30% rises in licence and test rates, is about emissions, the environment or the planet and very little about the road network which is apparently already in excellent condition. And there's nothing about "fairness" to the population in it either.

The only thing this is intended to be "fair" to is a f@cking great gap in previously non-contributory pension funding and other Treasury shortfalls that our elected haven't had the backbone to address since it was flagged up in 2006; a can that they've endlessly kicked down the road because it might involve upsetting their largest voter base and it was too much like hard work to do so. Although we've had endless assurances that it was all sorted out and was now on a sustainable footing (a bit like the MUA debt...).

Well, we are now seeing what that "sustainability" means. Remember that, next time a spineless puddle of lard knocks on your door wanting your vote.

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1 hour ago, emesde said:

You wonder if politicians really ever thought it through when they all rushed to be greener and save the world. Fuel duty is currently levied at a flat rate of 52.95p per litre for both petrol and diesel, while VAT at 20% is then charged on both the product price and the duty. 

In their rush to convert us all to electric power they offered zero rate "car tax" on a vehicld powered by a fuel that carries 5% vat. 

Did they really not see that their income would be cut so much that they would have to replace it with some draconian tax rises in other areas. Having made the decisions they now want to discuss with the public on how they want to be screwed. Then when we find that they have introduced some crippling tax to replace the millions lost they will say that it was discussed and was public choice, not the politicians  choice etc. Nothing to do with them. Etc. Etc

Is it any wonder the general cynicism towards many of our politicians.? 


So how would you replace the lost income or would you cut services?

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42 minutes ago, Banker said:

So how would you replace the lost income or would you cut services?

Of course they will have to replace the lost income. But were totally dishonest when they taxed electric vehicles at zero  and implied that this was the way to go and save the world and  would be a cheaper way for all.   The Isle of Man has the population  approx. that of an average constituency in the UK.  For that we have 24 MHK and all the  costs associated. If some effort was made to start cutting the costs of Governing this Island  it would  at least give a message that  efforts were being made to control things  and that  the tax payers are not just there to support  those with their noses in the trough.

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2 hours ago, emesde said:

You wonder if politicians really ever thought it through when they all rushed to be greener and save the world. Fuel duty is currently levied at a flat rate of 52.95p per litre for both petrol and diesel, while VAT at 20% is then charged on both the product price and the duty. 

In their rush to convert us all to electric power they offered zero rate "car tax" on a vehicld powered by a fuel that carries 5% vat. 

Did they really not see that their income would be cut so much that they would have to replace it with some draconian tax rises in other areas. Having made the decisions they now want to discuss with the public on how they want to be screwed. Then when we find that they have introduced some crippling tax to replace the millions lost they will say that it was discussed and was public choice, not the politicians  choice etc. Nothing to do with them. Etc. Etc

Is it any wonder the general cynicism towards many of our politicians.? 


They are just doing what vampires do... move from suckee to suckee. If revenue falls because of the impact of a policy then create a new policy to maintain the revenue. Move the goal posts.

This is just Monoploy to them as they have no skin in the game. Screw up, blame anyone but their own actions and move on to the next department. When was the last time an MHK or MLC ever actually resigned over anything during a term? To be clear, I mean actually step down as an MHK or MLC.

Edited by CallMeCurious
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Sorry Mr Councillor Joe Public and his car tax paid for this lot so we are going to drive on it.

A Douglas Councillor says Victoria Street should be open to buses and taxis only.

The road has been under construction since October 2022 and is now fully closed to traffic whilst resurfacing takes place.

Andrew Bentley believes the town should be using its ‘opportunities’ to create public spaces and Victoria Street could be ‘great’.

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44 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Sorry Mr Councillor Joe Public and his car tax paid for this lot so we are going to drive on it.

A Douglas Councillor says Victoria Street should be open to buses and taxis only.

The road has been under construction since October 2022 and is now fully closed to traffic whilst resurfacing takes place.

Andrew Bentley believes the town should be using its ‘opportunities’ to create public spaces and Victoria Street could be ‘great’.

If he wants to give the public a huge empty space to wander around in, there's one between his ears.

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1 hour ago, Major Rushen said:

Andrew Bentley believes the town should be using its ‘opportunities’ to create public spaces and Victoria Street could be ‘great’.

Doing that would probably be quicker than waiting for the crossing to get finished. 

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