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School Teachers... Your Memories...

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I see nobody has mentioned the Ballakermeen science teacher who used to plonk his testicles on the corner of the desks when talking to girls (best not mention his name) ;)


Mr Oates? He did that regardless of who he was talking to, and sometimes as he just stood there quietly watching as every one worked.

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What was the name of the guy who did teach science at Balla then became a born again Christian and swapped to RE?


And I can't belive no one has mentioned half a pint of guiness!!!


The guy who switched to RE from science must have been Phil Millerick. The switch must have happened after I left coz he was only a science teacher while i was there. he was certainly well into his religion though.


Another top chap was the geology fella Mr Barker. Plays guitar with Walter Ego I think.


Who's half a pint of guinness then?

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The guy who switched to RE from science must have been Phil Millerick. The switch must have happened after I left coz he was only a science teacher while i was there. he was certainly well into his religion though.


Another top chap was the geology fella Mr Barker. Plays guitar with Walter Ego I think.


Who's half a pint of guinness then?

Mr Millerick, he always had a bible sticking out of his pocket. John Barker also played with the school band, ace guitarist, like you say, with class local band walter ego now. think he teaches at QEII now.


-Mr Shepstone (I think?) the loony with red braces and patchwork trousers - science


-Mr Nolan, my form tutor and the Balla "penfold" puddy mentioned - maths


-Mr Elliot, scary french teacher with a hairyness disease


-Miss Galbraith who didn't shave her legs so everyone said she was a lesbian - english


Mr Heggs - taught me for business studies, had a soft spot for me for some reason & I was the only one who could get away with anything in his class, much to the disgust of my classmates


-Miss Yeung - worst teacher ever with such a strong accent (chinese?) and a major speech impediment that I nearly cried when I was put in her set and knew I'd not learn a single extra bit of math that year


I also hated vaukins with a passion, fortunately I got my own back on him as my dad knows him (NOT as a friend!) and he told me when vaukins wife left him for a sailor, and I passed it onto everyone at school :)

he was the main reason I didn't stay to do A levels, prick


I well remember Mr Oates and his desk rubbing too, also his way of leaning over the girls from behind if we asked a question about our work


I was at Balla from around 1988-1994...I think.

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-Mr Shepstone (I think?) the loony with red braces and patchwork trousers - science


-Mr Nolan, my form tutor and the Balla "penfold" puddy mentioned - maths


I also hated vaukins with a passion, fortunately I got my own back on him as my dad knows him (NOT as a friend!) and he told me when vaukins wife left him for a sailor, and I passed it onto everyone at school :)

he was the main reason I didn't stay to do A levels, prick


Shepstone (if I remember correctly) was OK. He also worked at Balla Kebabs on Bucks Road which was amuzing when you were a wee bit stoned and needed a kebab late at night.


Vaukins - I always tried my hardest to xxxx him off - he hated me and I loved annoying him. He twice threatened to throw me out of the sixth form and when Ofsted came to inspect he politely suggested that I skive school so I'm not around to moan and complain to the inspectors.

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This thread has brought back a few memories.


Does anyone remember Miss Spate, the 20 something PE teacher? All the lads really had a thing for her.


Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice. I think she died of cancer though.


Remember Mr Johnson, who was a PE teacher, also Mr Thomas.

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Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice.  I think she died of cancer though. 

I remember a Mrs Whitehead who taught PE and was nice, she passed on but I don't think if was the big C.


Anyone remember Mr Bradbury? Eejit of the highest order, with a ginger handlebar moustache that there was simply no excuse for sporting. Maths teacher.

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I thought penfold was Mr Watson (history). Well meaning and a good teacher, but would always panic when things got out of hand and would threaten to get 'The Boss' in, otherwise known as Vaukins, the hirsute tweed beast himself.


Glad to hear the rumour about his wife running off with a sailor confirmed. I've had a hankering to track him down and perform a little jig in front of him whilst singing 'A life on the Ocean Wave' ever since I first heard that rumour.


Also, thank god someone else has had Shepstone delivering their pizzas to them, for ten years I thought I had just imagined it.


The only thing I can remember about Mr Millerick is that he was rubbish, and wasted an entire science lesson making us watch a video showing 'scientific' proof that the biblical flood happened. Science was terrible at ballakermeen: with Millerick using every opportunity he had to try and bring jesus into science, Mr Miller making us play crappy BBC computer games, Mr Oats distracting everyone by rubbing his crotch against every surface available during lessons, and Mr Shepstone devoting every lesson to demonstrating just how zany he could be, it's a wonder than anyone managed to pass their science GCSE's.


Does anyone remember the futile gesture of 'building character' that was the near compulsary year nine camp, complete with forced march and dangerous canoeing activities in Port Erin harbour?

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