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School Teachers... Your Memories...

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Does anyone remember the futile gesture of 'building character' that was the near compulsary year nine camp, complete with forced march and dangerous canoeing activities in Port Erin harbour?


I heard about it when I entered Ball 6th - didn't people end up in hospital? Was it one of Masterton's radical ideas?

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Was it one of Masterton's radical ideas?


Along with spending a significant amount of the school's budget on building a concrete pediment or something over the main enterance, and the bizarre charade that was the annual prize giving ceremony at the Villa Marina, year nine camp was, I believe, indeed yet another part of Masterton's misguided attempt at fooling himself into thinking he was running a fine old grammar school instead of the run down comprehensive Ballakermeen actually was.


He was a terrible head teacher with an arrogance and pompous air that made his actually woeful abilities seem all the more diminutive by comparison.

Edited by VinnieK
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I did year 9 camp in the year of the canoeing 'accident', as i remember it one of the teachers (matthews?) didn't want to lose the canoes so swam out after them, only to get too far out and have to be rescued by the coastguards.


Also masterton would come down to cook* the bbq on one of the evenings.


*by cook i mean most people saw someone take a bite of a burger which was practically black on the outside but red and dripping blood/juices in the middle.



This thread has brought back a few memories. 


Does anyone remember Miss Spate, the 20 something PE teacher?  All the lads really had a thing for her.


Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice.  I think she died of cancer though. 


Remember Mr Johnson, who was a PE teacher, also Mr Thomas.


Miss Speight was my first form tutor at ballakermeen (the last year before she left) and she was really nice (nice person and nice looking :)), not sure about the others but Mr Thomas is still teaching sport in the USA afaik


Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice.  I think she died of cancer though. 

I remember a Mrs Whitehead who taught PE and was nice, she passed on but I don't think if was the big C.


Anyone remember Mr Bradbury? Eejit of the highest order, with a ginger handlebar moustache that there was simply no excuse for sporting. Maths teacher.


Bradbury was my maths teacher for most of the time i was there! I thought he was quality, and certainly knew his stuff (enough with the freakin' X!)

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Bradbury was my maths teacher for most of the time i was there! I thought he was quality, and certainly knew his stuff (enough with the freakin' X!)


Yeah, I had Bradbury in the sixth form(97-99) for Math. He was a sound guy and had a suprising amount of tolerance for me despite me annoying him and rarely doing any work other than talking to other lazy sixth-formers like yourself. Paul.

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Being in Bradbury's class is weird, you actually learn things without realising it... Miss Yeung was great, she tried to get our Yr 9 class to start practice coursework before the real thing in year 10...big mistake!


Anyone remember all that stuff hanging in Shepstone's classroom? Foam shapes and aeroplanes I think, almost as strange as he was, although he was a good teacher. He has now been replaced by an equally legendary teacher, Mr Allen, who bears an uncanny resemblence to Colonel Sanders from KFC.

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I hated school - I did have two kinda cool teachers though -


Mr Smith was my GCSE Biology teacher - extremely sarcastic and had a habit of saying stuff like "Top Banana" and randomly humming.. god knows why. He made it blatantly obvious he hated me with a passion though. Heheh...


Mrs Legg was my maths teacher around year 8 I think. She was an absolute battleaxe who whinged about my lack of homework alll the time - however she thought I was damn ace... and of course was correct :D


SNHS btw

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I was at Balla 87-92 did 'forth' year camp as it was back then and loved it, memorable moment being one of the girls being sent home for trying to get off her head on Coke (of the cola kind) and pro-plus - Haha


I remember a few of the Names mentioned:


Penfold - Wasn't that Mr Mylchreest the IT teacher?


Mr Heggs - affectionately know as pigeon - what a knobber


Mr Shepstone - my form tutor for my last 2 years, mentalist dress sense ever... but a decent guy - weird to have him delivering midnight munchies a few years down the line though...


Mr Baker - French teacher with an appaling sense of humour - He hit me over the head with a French text book, when I told him he better watch it that I'd have him done for assault he replied 'And I'll have you done for a pepper' then laughed for the rest of the lesson


I met Mr Masteron while working on the seacat last summer, he came up and asked if the 'Infernal noise from the movies could be turned down' I pointed out the concept and direction of the quiet lounge - bless


And there were deffo 2 pervey teachers that used to enjoy the sensation of desk rubbing *shudder* and another that would have his students walk round Hall A or B in his lessons, with thier eyes shut and arms outstretched, alledgedly an exercise in trust, however we rumbled him... feeling up the girls backsides! reported it too only to betold to stop being silly! <_<

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  • 5 years later...

Ahh was it Titwell or Tidwell... I can't remember, but I do remember her and the songs we used sing about her lol. Something along the lines of "Miss Titwell you make my d*ck swell, oh yes you do", now who was that fit bird who used teach Spanish at SNHS?



I think he may have been.


I think the female PE teacher was called Miss Titwell but then she married and I don't know what her new name was.

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