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School Teachers... Your Memories...

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Mr McQuillan was great, he retired about 3 years ago I think. Anyone remember Mr Thornton at BHS? He taught woodwork/metalwork, he was brilliant as well cos he always used to be MC for fairs/boot sales etc at school. Always see him at Tynwald day at like 8 in the morning.


What about Mr Miller the head of science? One of the best teachers ever, people must have a few memories of him? I think he was quite into fitness....!

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Lol!  If Windy Millar is what the windy reference is then one of us is barking up the wrong tree.  I'd have said porridge is a more relevant reference.


Ah oh him....yes I think they both had a penchant for desk rubbing...well I mean they were at the right height and sometimes you just gotta..

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Mr Hogg the weather man over 7ft tall and one hell of a shot with the stick


That would, I think, be the late 'Jakey Hogg.' He taught maths at St Ninian's when I was there and I was supposed to go to the staff room for 3 of the best from him at lunchtime (difficult, as I caught the bus home for lunch) and I managed to avoid it with a variety of excuses for the last 2 or 3 weeks of the term and, the next term, he was off ill.

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Ah yes I remember windy Miller at BHS. Putting chalk dust on the corners of the science lab desks always proved funny.


It was Mr Wilkes at Ballakermeen with the dreads. He married Miss Geal the French teacher who then became Mrs Geal-Wilkes.


Mr Hartil was also a particular treat at Ballakermeen. My brother has fond memories of him.


MR Eastgate, I remember him throwing my coat out of my form room window when I walked into class with it on. No coats in school and no bags on shoulders!


Mr Ball the woodwork teacher, it was always a rumour when I was there that his brother was Ted the Tramp and he attacked him with a rake.


What was the name of the guy who did teach science at Balla then became a born again Christian and swapped to RE?


And I can't belive no one has mentioned half a pint of guiness!!!

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do you remember that english teacher what was her name? she looked like a witch & you could start her off on one topic & she'd just talk about random things & end up on a totally different thing, it lasted all lesson it was ace!


Mr Lister, how funny was he? always left his flies down! <_<


That would be Mrs Cottier aka Cabbage.


And Shirragh was always the best house

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Yeah, it was definately Mrs Cottier. I remember my mum going to see her on parent's night and all she talked about was her daughter...


I was in Shirragh too :D


Do you remember Mr Quinn, the Irish art teacher? Mr or should I say "Master" Bates?


I think our Penfold had to be Mr Kermode. Mr Clague...weren't his leathers pink?


My memories of Mr Elliott were the lack of understanding of how a music teacher could be so tone deaf?


Do you remember Mr "English" Miller and the paisley ties and corduroy trousers?


Mr Heywood - Man, he could shout!! Oh and Mr Beckerson too.


Mr Corlett - "those mice are only guaranteed for 999 clicks" in an attempt to stop us playing net trek etc...


Oh there must be loads more...mind has gone blank!

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Can't be bothered reading all the posts so I might be repeating other posts but:




Mr Clarke (music): Ran into a cow on his scooter and ended up with slight brain damage - for the better i might add, turned into a very patient man (previously smashed a glass cupboard and hurt my friend)


Mr Sutton (biology!!!!!) NEED I SAY MORE... other than he now works for ramsey bakery (can't believe he taught kids and sweated that much and all along..well)


miss ford (english): still got a fag hanging out of her gob (proved that the other day)


Miss Elliot (english) (RIP) and mr bassett: don't know what went on there but we were left to our own devices for a year, needless to say i had to resit my english at college a few years ago


Just a few that springs to mind

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