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Up to 30 megawatts of renewable energy by 2026

Moghrey Mie

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5 hours ago, hissingsid said:

If you are naive enough to think the Isle of Man will be saving the earth by putting some windmills on Snaefell you are truly doomed.     Until China, India and the likes are persuaded to join the club nothing is going to change.    The only way this could happen is for every country to heavily tax imports being produced by these countries and that will never happen….will it.     This pie in the sky notion the government has come up with will make some so called experts very rich and impoverise the rest of us.   We are still paying for the power station and that was a necessity, so we have been led to believe.   If I was younger I would invest in solar panels and encouraging people to do this would be good, perhaps pass legislation that all new builds have solar panels.   Ban plastic water bottles that are still getting sold in schools.   There are lots of things that could help, collectively they would make a difference.   But this scheme is just an expensive dream.

They're not *just* doing it for environmental reasons, though.

Even if you don't consider the carbon neutrality of it at all, they're building in a large degree of energy independence for the future.

The war in Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of energy supply to the island. Read the recent scare stories in the UK press about turning off the gas interconnector that largely fuels our main power station.

Businesses and individuals are struggling with energy costs. Almost every day on here there is lots of gloating about the latest business to shut down because of it.

Wind schemes are working worldwide. It's a proven technology that generates energy, and allows it to feed into storage schemes for when it's not windy. As others have pointed out, it's available off-the-shelf and it's a mature technology that's a long way past bleeding-edge. Couple it with other green energy schemes such as solar, and you can move closer to energy independence.

As the population moves away from gas and oil boilers towards technology like heat pumps powered from renewables, businesses and individuals will be spending much less of their available budget on energy, which will stimulate the economy.

You don't have to look far to see the impact. Shetland now has more energy than it knows what to do with, and they don't have an interconnector to sell it back to an energy-hungry UK like we do. A UK that is desperate to buy green energy.

Put simply for the petrol-head gammon, you sometimes need to spend money for long-term savings and to ensure continual supply. We move from energy consumer to energy provider.

Moving away from fossil fuels is important for the environment, but also because we don't currently have any control over the pricing and availability of them. Crogga hasn't taken off yet. In the meantime, renewables are almost constantly available and their pricing doesn't fluctuate according to the latest political crisis. Even if you don't consider the environment at all, it still makes financial sense to push for energy independence for the future.

Edited by The Bastard
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People like me are not sceptical of the need to ensure our energy independence, I am sceptical of our Governments and CS capability to make this happen, without bankrupting the island and its populace.

I would have much rather have spent 100mill on doing this, than building a tin shed on Merseyside that will be a balance sheet millstone around the SPCO's neck.


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9 hours ago, finlo said:

If they go anywhere they'll be foisted upon the north!

I honestly dont think it will. South west facing hills are best. I agree with @Non-Believer, gotta be somewhere in the area of the Sloc.

There would be potential in the north, but not as much and at low levels the environmental issues are greater.

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3 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I honestly dont think it will. South west facing hills are best. I agree with @Non-Believer, gotta be somewhere in the area of the Sloc.

There would be potential in the north, but not as much and at low levels the environmental issues are greater.

Also maybe site close-ish to the main grid?

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7 hours ago, asitis said:

People like me are not sceptical of the need to ensure our energy independence, I am sceptical of our Governments and CS capability to make this happen, without bankrupting the island and its populace.

Let’s face it, if anyone believes the latest load of old bollocks about 2026 being the date for any of this they must also believe in Father Christmas and Leprechauns. 

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10 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

It is despicable that at a time when there is actually “in work poverty” on the Island due to the cost of living crisis the government is committing to spending on a wind farm which will require higher energy prices!.

It is excellent forward thinking. You do want a habitable planet for your children and grandchildren?

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2 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

It is excellent forward thinking. You do want a habitable planet for your children and grandchildren?


How are your solar panels working out? Are you picking up a reasonable amount of power with more light in the day? 

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Just now, Roxanne said:

How are your solar panels working out? Are you picking up a reasonable amount of power with more light in the day? 

The panels are excellent. Even when overcast as I write they are generating between 1.3 and 2kW. I'm most impressed. Battery (10kWH) is charging nicely.

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Just now, GD4ELI said:

The panels are excellent. Even when overcast as I write they are generating between 1.3 and 2kW. I'm most impressed. Battery (10kWH) is charging nicely.

This is right now, it's quite overcast, no sunshine:

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2 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

The panels are excellent. Even when overcast as I write they are generating between 1.3 and 2kW. I'm most impressed. Battery (10kWH) is charging nicely.

Nice. Do you need a bank of batteries to retain the power or is it just the one? 

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Just now, GD4ELI said:

It is excellent forward thinking. You do want a habitable planet for your children and grandchildren?

My opinion is that committing to the spending at a time when many people are struggling and will not be able to afford higher costs is wrong. The plan should be considered in the future, when everybody, not just the well off, can afford higher energy costs?


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On 2/19/2023 at 4:39 AM, The Bastard said:

businesses and individuals will be spending much less of their available budget on energy

Fantasy.  If you think governments are going to let their populations live an a cheap-energy nirvanah you are as deludued as all the other brain-washed net-zero zealots.  Capital has to be invested and a return on that made.

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