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Up to 30 megawatts of renewable energy by 2026

Moghrey Mie

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14 minutes ago, Expat. said:

You could be on to something. Small scale hydro power schemes are all over the place around this neck of the woods.

Gilkes Energy | Coniston Project

No input for Government obviously. They're all the result of individual community initiatives.

Hit the nail on the head, there’s no ambition here, they’re all wrapped up into keeping it going until they retire. We should be innovators, a showcase… but alas we have MHKs with no balls when it comes to energy solutions.

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These plans are mental. A few solar panels here, a few panels there. Maybe a few wind turbines in a windy spot or too. 

It's a bitty approach that will cost an absolute fortune to maintain. They're going to fit them to existing buildings when it's cheaper and easier to install them on new builds. 

We should have just gone for either a big fook off windfarm or a big fook off solar farm (or even half and half). Go big or go home. 

There will be multiple epic planning battles instead of just one (or two), the wildlife nerds will kick off about the endangered Manx Shitehawk being zapped by solar beams and the Victorian Society geriatrics will complain the solar panels don't reflect the correct level of shitty decrepitness.

Once again we're about to be fucked over by the Isle of Man Government.

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I don't think we can predetermine the outcome yet. Any step forward is a good one.

Small-scale hydro from a millrace was talked about earlier, but as Happier Diner pointed out, that'd be fine for a cottage, not so much for a village.

I saw the comments on the lack of wind this week, although from looking at the stats, wind meters on the IoM seem to have been logging more than enough wind all week to drive wind turbines, even though it's "not windy".

Really successful schemes don't depend on just having a few wind turbines though, they combine technology.

For example, If you've got a few spare reservoirs hanging about (as we have) you can pump water into them when you have available electricity from solar, wind or tide, and use them as an energy reservoir when you don't, channelling the water through large turbines. There's a very successful scheme in Wales that does precisely that to meet peak demand on the national grid.

Shetland generates too much power for it's community at the moment. They're looking at forward-thinking schemes like diverting it into generating hydrogen for road vehicles. There's no reason why we couldn't do the same.


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2 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

Shetland generates too much power for it's community at the moment. They're looking at forward-thinking schemes like diverting it into generating hydrogen for road vehicles. There's no reason why we couldn't do the same.

Didn't they build their schemes with all that love cheap/free EU money?

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10 hours ago, The Bastard said:

I don't think we can predetermine the outcome yet. Any step forward is a good one.

Small-scale hydro from a millrace was talked about earlier, but as Happier Diner pointed out, that'd be fine for a cottage, not so much for a village.

I saw the comments on the lack of wind this week, although from looking at the stats, wind meters on the IoM seem to have been logging more than enough wind all week to drive wind turbines, even though it's "not windy".

Really successful schemes don't depend on just having a few wind turbines though, they combine technology.

For example, If you've got a few spare reservoirs hanging about (as we have) you can pump water into them when you have available electricity from solar, wind or tide, and use them as an energy reservoir when you don't, channelling the water through large turbines. There's a very successful scheme in Wales that does precisely that to meet peak demand on the national grid.

Shetland generates too much power for it's community at the moment. They're looking at forward-thinking schemes like diverting it into generating hydrogen for road vehicles. There's no reason why we couldn't do the same.


Shetland built all those with massive subsidies & grants from EU/Uk which aren’t available here

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This is a good move and demonstrates some much-needed forward thinking about the Island’s future energy requirements.  Some imagination and acceptance of risk is going to be needed and a willingness to work in partnership with a variety of suppliers and financiers. Renewable energy is not a case of relying on one method of generation, but making use of a number of sustainable energy sources at our disposal, including wind, solar and tidal, with an openness to new technologies as they develop. Anyone suggesting that wind generation will only be effective for 1 day from 7 has not spent much time on the northern coast of the Island.. 

Planning is also going to need some resolve. There are greater issues here than nimbyism and a new landscape is going to be be necessary to generate our power. The road is likely to be rocky but the rewards at the end of it are worthwhile. 

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15 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

And God-forbid any renewables project becoming another Liverpool Terminal.


15 hours ago, asitis said:

Sadly almost guaranteed !

Whilst I understand that we have gotten used to Government stuffing up capital projects, surely we should be able to trust that they will get this right.

1. Both Solar and Wind Turbines are available off the shelf and they are a well established thing

2. The design of footings and fixings for both are, again off the Shelf and well established

3. We can run cables

4. There won't be voids to worry about

5. We can build tracks

What could possibly go wrong?

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