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13 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You do understand what a joke is as opposed to you just making insulting comments?

I do. Jokes are funny. Yours wasn't. It was also done to death by everyone, including on here. Again awareness doesn't seem to be a strong point of yours.

Also jokes can be in the form of poking fun at people in general, including oneself. It's generally been the style of the best Scottish comedians actually.

Your joke got zero laughs, at least a couple of people found what I said funny. 

This has now become as tedious as every exchange with you, so I can only imagine what it's like for those reading. Hence this will be the last post surrounding it. Will leave you to get the last word, as you always seem to need to get. 

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Despite all the vitriol in the previous pages the Indyref Postergirl has the largest party in the assembly. More than twice the seats than her nearest rival. There must be a reason for that n'est ce pas?

SNP          64

Tory         31

Labour     22

Green        7

LibDem     4

Other        1

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Despite all the vitriol in the previous pages the Indyref Postergirl has the largest party in the assembly. More than twice the seats than her nearest rival. There must be a reason for that n'est ce pas?

SNP          64

Tory         31

Labour     22

Green        7

LibDem     4

Other        1

Means fuck all. 

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36 minutes ago, quilp said:

Means fuck all. 

Errrr if you look really really closely I think you'll find that the figures mean that the SDP is the most popular party in Scotland.

Do you think Sturgeon might just have made a contribution to that...?

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She was unusual for a modern politician in that she was genuine in her beliefs and was in it to make ( her world - Scotland ) a better country. Whether you disagree or not with her views is perhaps not relevant. She was a conviction politician and did not deviate from her view that independence was the right route for Scotland. I doubt you’ll see her making millions from her previous roles like some Tory and Labour politicians. She had integrity , a vision and commitment and she cared.  She failed ( as most politicians eventually do ) but she gave it her best shot and truly believed in her vision. For that alone she deserves the utmost respect.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2023 at 12:14 AM, Anyone said:

She was unusual for a modern politician in that she was genuine in her beliefs and was in it to make ( her world - Scotland ) a better country. Whether you disagree or not with her views is perhaps not relevant. She was a conviction politician and did not deviate from her view that independence was the right route for Scotland. I doubt you’ll see her making millions from her previous roles like some Tory and Labour politicians. She had integrity , a vision and commitment and she cared.  She failed ( as most politicians eventually do ) but she gave it her best shot and truly believed in her vision. For that alone she deserves the utmost respect.

But perhaps some of the energy that went into trying to gain independence for Scotland should have been spent on improving education, health and housing in Scotland.

I think she resigned because she couldn't see a way forward after UK parliament refused to allow a referendum.

There seem to be deep faults in the SNP that had previously been hidden from view.


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12 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

But perhaps some of the energy that went into trying to gain independence for Scotland should have been spent on improving education, health and housing in Scotland.

I think she resigned because she couldn't see a way forward after UK parliament refused to allow a referendum.

There seem to be deep faults in the SNP that had previously been hidden from view.


I don’t think anyone would disagree with your first paragraph bearing in mind the record the SNP have in those areas is not good. Bit like in England , Wales and Northern Ireland run by , respectively , Tories , Labour and nobody. So a bit of a non point other than everyone in charge seems to be making a bit of a pigs ear of everything. 

Your second paragraph is just speculation. 

Your third , well I’d ask if any other political party in the UK is any different.

Don’t know why VOR loved your post , what skin in the game could he possibly have? I can imagine but won’t say.

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