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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I'd waiting for a fuller investigation before making any judgement.

If 3 officers were injured (one with a broken nose), then there was a danger that one of the perpetrators could have got hold of a police weapon, and there was a danger of this potentially being something else entirely...then yes, faced with that  it is down to an officer to use what he sees as reasonable force.

Life's not a video game you can rewind and have another go on, but many judging this seem to think it is and base their opinion on what should have been the correct response, the difference being they now have far more information than those officers did at the time. If you're 'Johnny on the spot' you have to make a split second judgement in a dangerous and violent situation - not one sat in front of TV hours after the fact.

The miscreant was lying face-down with his arms in clear view on both sides.

The officer was holding a taser that would have seriously incapacitated the guy on the ground at any time.

Looks to me like the copper lost it.

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No doubt he kicked him. Did he stamp on his head?

He stamped very close to it, but it isn't clear to me he stamped on it.

Something is also happening with the taser lines.

Even with video it often isn't exactly clear what is going on.

Another question: does the police woman fire her taser at the guy filming the incident? 


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Apparently the guy on the ground was from Rochdale.

We should all be thankful that they binned Galloway off at the last election or otherwise right now he would be polluting the airways with vast amounts of faux outrage whilst wearing a silly hat...

Several hundred Rochdale folks did go to the local nick to voice their disquiet but it seems to have passed off peacefully. Unlike the scenes at Term 2 MAN...

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Apparently the guy on the ground was from Rochdale.

We should all be thankful that they binned Galloway off at the last election or otherwise right now he would be polluting the airways with vast amounts of faux outrage whilst wearing a silly hat...

Several hundred Rochdale folks did go to the local nick to voice their disquiet but it seems to have passed off peacefully. Unlike the scenes at Term 2 MAN...

They weren't there protesting about the grooming gangs in Rochdale. Strange that 

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22 minutes ago, RecklessAbandon said:

No, it shows the double standard you are holding that community to.

Are you outside a court room protesting every time a white child grooming is on the docket?

No but I'm also not outside a police station when a white guy acts like an animal and gets a booting

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6 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Manchester airport: Videos of police beating men spark outcry as force reports itself to watchdog | CNN

I would suggest (from my arm chair), stomping on the head of an already restrained person is not in any training material any police force of good repute would use.


5 hours ago, P.K. said:

The miscreant was lying face-down with his arms in clear view on both sides.

The officer was holding a taser that would have seriously incapacitated the guy on the ground at any time.

Looks to me like the copper lost it.

I think the problem is that when you have officers who are capable of handling violent suspects, they are not going to be the measured PC Plod type we like to think that our police force is made up of! 

Police officers have a right to expect to go home to their families at the end of a working day. When they are violently attacked, they are bound to have the adrenaline flowing and have a fear that unless they handle things robustly, they may be putting themselves in further danger. 

Unfortunately, as we have seen, a measured police response doesn't appear to gain the respect of certain groups of people. I can see things getting worse, much worse, in future! 

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17 hours ago, Max Power said:


I think the problem is that when you have officers who are capable of handling violent suspects, they are not going to be the measured PC Plod type we like to think that our police force is made up of! 

Police officers have a right to expect to go home to their families at the end of a working day. When they are violently attacked, they are bound to have the adrenaline flowing and have a fear that unless they handle things robustly, they may be putting themselves in further danger. 

Unfortunately, as we have seen, a measured police response doesn't appear to gain the respect of certain groups of people. I can see things getting worse, much worse, in future! 

If PC Plod cannot control themselves in the heat of the moment (i.e. stamping on the head of a restrained person or holding the trigger down for 35 seconds rather than the prescribed 3 seconds on a taser) because of "adrenaline" then they have no place being a police person. 

That is a thug with a badge.  That is how you end up with "warrior mentality" policing like is the state in the US.


Edited by RecklessAbandon
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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Just shows the double standards of that community. 


Actually it shows the double standards of the appalling UK press who know full well that stories about white grooming gangs simply don't shift the same amount of copy.

In any event what would you know about that community...?

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Actually it shows the double standards of the appalling UK press who know full well that stories about white grooming gangs simply don't shift the same amount of copy.

In any event what would you know about that community...?

Maybe PC Plod was annoyed that some of his mates have been caught kiddy fiddling:

Police paedophiles: More than 30 guilty since January 2022 - BBC News

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