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DOI fails again


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8 minutes ago, piebaps said:

There was an FoI (if you'd bothered looking). The response shows that it was installed at the request of Ramsey Town Commissioners. FoI number 2941610

Actually it wasn't quite if you look at the emails.  The first in the chain is to RTC and includes:


Which suggests that the request wasn't from RTC, at least formally.  Of course the request may have been of the form "Our lads in Ramsey have got nothing to do early next year.  Can you find some work for them?".

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44 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually it wasn't quite if you look at the emails.  The first in the chain is to RTC and includes:


Which suggests that the request wasn't from RTC, at least formally.  Of course the request may have been of the form "Our lads in Ramsey have got nothing to do early next year.  Can you find some work for them?".

I doubt it.  It was installed by subcontractors like the rest of them.

You are right.  It’s a total waste of time and money and hardly anyone uses it.  You have significantly worse visibility stepping onto the road there than on the corners on your left or right 

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

There was an FoI (if you'd bothered looking). The response shows that it was installed at the request of Ramsey Town Commissioners. FoI number 2941610

Obviously to enhance the trade for the George during Ramsey rocks on one day of a year. Meanwhile the quayside continues to disintegrate while RTC and DoI can't get a sensible plan in place and RTC fail to fix the lighting that is their own responsibility while power washing granite paving to within an inch of its life for a week and half.

Still no sign of the tram/bus terminal in how many years?

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9 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Meanwhile the quayside continues to disintegrate while RTC and DoI can't get a sensible plan in place and RTC fail to fix the lighting that is their own responsibility while power washing granite paving to within an inch of its life for a week and half.

I think DOI came up with a plan (of sorts, God help us) but RTC objected to the loss of parking spaces amongst other things, coupled with, q/unq, "a total lack of confidence in the DOI to deliver such a project" following the Douglas Prom debacle.

From my own frequent observations, the "enthusiastic" power washing of the lights has more than likely contributed to their failure, more than once I've watched staff blasting the grout out from between the blocks too. Some of the ground lighting is actually under cover, such as the Parliament St end of Collin's Lane where natural weather ingress shouldn't be much of a problem. Clearly we need to be shooting more pigeons to alleviate the problem in the first instance.

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we seem to have hundreds of thousands to spend creating home zones , sleeping policemen   drop kerbs  signage and paint everywhere   one way streets  , when all thats required  is to  create 20 MPH areas around schools   half hour in the morning and the same when leaving school in the afternoon . but this will only work  with the co operation  of the police who seem to have given up  any involvement in road safety   or work in the community 

Half the stop  or give way signs  at junctions are illegal  or can not be enforced as there is no road markings  to advise motorists  ,and the DOI     want to introduce more , same with the non skid surfaces they only last a few weeks  then the highway looks shabby  again , and when you are out ask yourself when the road signs on poles or roundabouts  were last cleaned  ,half of them you cant read for moss and slime , 

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6 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

20 mph are a waste of time no one gives a flying f..k about them even around schools and no one does anything about it.

I agree take all cars of the road until they ae equipped to automatically cap speeds to the defined limit, the technology is already well developed and cheap to adopt, we could limit all cars in a matter of weeks if we had political will to protect other road users from inept drivers of cars.

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38 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

20 mph are a waste of time no one gives a flying f..k about them even around schools and no one does anything about it.

I’m still waiting to see evidence of any accident that’s happened around a school in the IOM in the last 10 years where a kid has been injured by a car going over 20mph.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Sign cannot be illegal.

if the road markings are gone  surly the DOI are responsible if anyone drives over them and is involved in a traffic accident ,and probably liable as well  especially as many of the defects have been reported to the department  

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On 5/5/2023 at 9:15 AM, Roxanne said:

Where I live has an extremely high (50 metres) bank across the river and behind the house. It used to have small trees but is now covered in extremely large trees (for years no one knew who owned the land - recently its been found to belong to Laxey Commissioners.)

During the flood, the river bank was scored down half a metre leaving the bottom of the wall exposed over several metres.. Divers came and plugged the holes with sandbags, these sandbags have all but disintegrated now and the gap below the wall is still there.

Last year, Laxey Commissioners arranged for the felling of some trees close to the river bank. During the works, the huge land drains taking water from New Road into the river were broken and no water comes through them anymore.

The result is that all the water from upper Laxey falls down the bank via a permanent waterfall. The water now exits under the wall, not through the land drains. Trees that are waterlogged have died and fallen and the whole area is one huge sodden mass with the weight of dead trees on it. The whole thing is being held up by a 1.5 metre wall with a .5 metre gap underneath with nothing to support  it.

Commissioners and DOI have said it will cost an absolute fortune to put it right and they're not prepared to do anything about it.

So guess what?

We're just waiting for it all to collapse into the river and onto our homes. Obviously the cost of a landslide, blocking the river, and taking out a load of houses and people is cheaper than effecting a remedy. If ONLY the TT ran through here!

Anyway - when it does happen - do me a flavour and send someone high up this post.

Thank you.

There's a shitshow waiting to happen right there. Not quite sure where you are but if there is a road above the DOI have a statutory obligation to stop it all falling into your garden. That's why a load of civils was done by them at my gaff in Ramsey.

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