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DOI fails again


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The mountain railway trams are a huge multi fatality event in waiting.

5 braking systems? 

Fail safe?

My Arse...........................

What fuck1ng fail safe braking system needs a train driver to start "vigorously turn a handle to make the train stop a few minutes later, on a sharp bend" *

*Quote from a passenger who said the driver looked stressed.....

Proper Fail Safe brakes need no input from the driver or anyone else, that is the fail safe bit, they come on automatically.

Say for example, the next time this happens (and it will, until there is a multi fatality)  the tram driver has a heart attack due to the stress of the event, what then? Superman? Thor? or your very own Hooperman? Will fly to the rescue.........

That your DOI are again spinning this event as "Nothing to see here" is a very sad reflection of how low the island has sunk.

These train runaway events were not a thing when I lived on the island but now you have  5 huge events in the last 5 years? 

These are classic Near Miss Events that in any normal company health and safety recording procedures, would make the people responsible for safety sit up and take notice and then  make big changes to the railway to stop them happening again.




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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:


What fuck1ng fail safe braking system needs a train driver to start "vigorously turn a handle to make the train stop a few minutes later, on a sharp bend" *

a Victorian one ,  it is a heritage tramway after all .

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:


"The new track brakes apply instant braking at the push of a button in the cab and they also come on automatically in the event of the failure of the electric or pressure systems.

They are powered independently with 24 Volt battery systems."

That may be what they say should happen but what the passengers onboard reported was 100% different. That statement reads more like something from a Tesla Brochure

What really happened - 

The tram driver was seen to be  "vigorously turning a handle to make the train stop and a few minutes later, on a sharp bend , it did" 

No automation in that statement, no button pressing or automatic fail safe brakes

Just terrified passengers, AGAIN and a crock of sh1t excuse from you so called politicians, AGAIN.





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I worked on the MER, rather than the Snaefell railway. My recollection of the general chat amongst the crews was that it took both driver and conductor on the Snaefell railway to use a great deal of effort to wind on the brakes if the tram ran away. The installation of the track brakes should have provided the ultimate-first-and-last-resort backup. That the driver was winding on the manual brake seems to imply that the track brakes did not function - but that is just an uninformed comment.

I suppose one could make an FoI request for the accident report, but as it was not an accident maybe there is no accident report....

Unless there is complete openness from the authorities there will always be uninformed gossip, but that does not mean that the uninformed gossip is wrong.


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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:

That may be what they say should happen but what the passengers onboard reported was 100% different. That statement reads more like something from a Tesla Brochure

What really happened - 

The tram driver was seen to be  "vigorously turning a handle to make the train stop and a few minutes later, on a sharp bend , it did" 

No automation in that statement, no button pressing or automatic fail safe brakes

Just terrified passengers, AGAIN and a crock of sh1t excuse from you so called politicians, AGAIN.





Fuck off with your constant whining you WhenI and start a forum in Essex where you probably live & bore them to death!!!

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Seems the DoI might want to look up 'fail safe'? Or maybe the hand wound system is akin to ABS and the time the driver takes to wind them on is to prevent the tram from skidding on the tracks? Maybe we could turn it into theme park ride "Scream if you want to go faster" ?

Let's hope we don't end up with a tram full of cruise ship passengers off the rails at some point, judging by the photo 2016 incident theres not a lot of protection in a wooden shed sat atop several tons of steel.

2014 - brake failure


2016 - brake failure + empty tram destroyed


2017 - brake failure


2019 - all fixed?


2023 - brake failure


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19 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Seems the DoI might want to look up 'fail safe'? Or maybe the hand wound system is akin to ABS and the time the driver takes to wind them on is to prevent the tram from skidding on the tracks? Maybe we could turn it into theme park ride "Scream if you want to go faster" ?

You can highlight the problem there easily. From the 2016 report of the earlier crash:

“Mr Longworth insisted that the issue with the parking brakes was ’irrelevant’ to the cause of the crash, while Bernard Warden, environment, safety and health director, said it was ’peripheral’”

It then happened again three more times …  because the idiot trainspotter knows better then absolutely everyone else and listens to absolutely nobody.

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You can highlight the problem there easily. From the 2016 report of the earlier crash:

“Mr Longworth insisted that the issue with the parking brakes was ’irrelevant’ to the cause of the crash, while Bernard Warden, environment, safety and health director, said it was ’peripheral’”

It then happened again three more times …  because the idiot trainspotter knows better then absolutely everyone else and listens to absolutely nobody.

The same man who initially denied that the incident had even occurred at all.

Might go a long way to explaining the Promenade tramway issues too.

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16 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

That may be what they say should happen but what the passengers onboard reported was 100% different.

I’d take a lot of what passengers report with a pinch of salt. Trains and trams can’t stop as quickly as a car- a high speed train will take well over a mile to stop from top speed- so something which is completely under control is easily perceived as something else.

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