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DOI fails again


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1 hour ago, finlo said:

More likely we'll see these kind of increases on a whole raft of things.

Stu Peters will be along shortly to explain that the price hasn't risen for "X" years and therefore this rise is the consequence of all those missing rises being dumped on the system in one go.

Of course, all this will represent yet another Govt feed into local inflation if tradesmen choose to pass the increases on to their customers which at that rate most of them will almost certainly do.

It all gives the impression of desperate scratching  down the upholstery for coins and never mind the bigger picture or any damage in may be contributing to.

Reinforced by the difficulties Allinson is reported as already having with the next Budget.

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"The report states "it must be strongly questioned why the engineers at MC2 and BSA recommend demolition of the whole terrace, which has statutory protection as part of a registered building group, without having entered these buildings and relying on other opinion without question.""

The first report commissioned by DoI. The latest report commissioned by DEFA.

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33 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

Burroughs Stewart Associates involved in yet another Government farce!!

It really is pantomime Season. 

Jesus wept! After their catastrophic contribution to the Promenade fiasco, how are they even on the tender list for the DoI. I've never really subscribed to the 'brown envelope' theory, but stuff like this does make you wonder?

Or are the people at the top of the DoI just really thick, with very short memories?

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Far be it from me to be cynical, but it could be that persons within the DoI, for reasons unknown, wanted the building demolished. So they contracted companies which would give them the answer they wanted.

Thet did not expect anyone to make a fuss. When the fuss happened, the gov. was forced into getting a second (or as there were two companies involved in the first place) a third opinion.


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DOI are just a make-it-up-as-you-go-along, self-service outfit, keeping themselves in what they perceive to be glory projects. Burroughs Stewart are clearly signed up as their accomplices to this. Oh look. Douglas needs a sea wall.

Edited by Non-Believer
Extra bit
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6 minutes ago, code99 said:

"DoI 'clearly not fit for purpose' says Chief Minister", Alfred Louis Cannan30 October, 2021


Chief Minister was right. So, Alfred Louis Cannan, what are you going to do about it?

There have been ongoing moves to break it up, including recently moving Port Security to DHA. But it must be a behemoth task and no doubt one or two empire rulers will be contesting it.

The problem is that if you break up one empire, you end up with a lot of smaller ones and the CS will insist that they all have their own admin structures so you end up multiplying the problem.

Perhaps we could ask Tony Brown, its creator, for advice....

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  • 3 months later...

Ann Corlett MHK Douglas Central has been justifying her existence, moaning about the lack of action over 20mph zones near to Ballakermeen High School. Granted she has a right to moan, but at the first sign of climbing the greasy pole, and recognition she happily takes the CM shilling. The DoI are useless, but an MHK had good skills, they would have tried to foster good relationships, and tried to ensure an attempt to start any remedial works, in stages. Moaning won’t get the job done. 

Ex Minister Chris Thomas MHK Douglas Central also joined in with criticism of the DoI, which is really laughable when he was their former Minister. 

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