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Classsic Amiga Games?


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Well after the post on classic 8-bit games - have spent a couple of hours tonight playing Syndicate on the UAE Amiga emulator (Is that sad???)


From the response on the 8 bit post - I'm sure there's a few of us here that spent many an hour with the Amiga - when it was in it's prime....


- Really liked Syndicate, Monkey Island, F-1117, F-15, Wing Commander (classic), Settlers, Silkworm, Dungeon Master, Rick Dangerous, Lemmings, Skid Marks (used to go to a mates house & play multi-player over null-modem cable), Cannon Fodder, Gunship 2000, Gods, Defender of the Crown, and many more.


Probably spent more time playing Frontier (Elite II) than anything back then - it was an absolute classic - I found it way better than the PC version at the time!


What were your favourite games/apps from the Amiga days?


(Think I've got a mid-life crisis going on - LOL).

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Have to dig your Amiga out for a session - can hook up a cable to use "transdisc" to make some disc images - if you're ever sad enough as myself to want to play any of the Amiga stuff again!!!

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Hmm so many games to choose from.


Frontier: Probably the best game ever made, ever. I can still pick it up from scratch today and enjoy the challenge. Still searching for the one and only elusive alien ufo. The next game in the Frontier series isnt too bad either, First Encounters its called - not as good as the original Frontier though. I remember paying £40 for it boxed with maps and manuals and all sorts back in the day. £40!!


Sensible World of Soccer: Great addition from the original Sensible Soccer, I prefer the coach and player coach options here, as well as getting a £9M trial player for Hereford :P Still play it sometimes on the pc, although I just cant actually play the football side of it, cant adjust to not having a "Zipstick".


Syndicate: Never did complete the last level, not for the lack of trying. One of the best games ever, even with the expansion pack there just wasnt enough missions though, an editor would have been nice.


Lots of other games but I cant talk about them all, those were my favourite 3. Still play a lot of pc versions today though, including Cannon Fodder, Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, Populous, Hero Quest, Superfrog, James Pond, Alien Breed, Stable Masters and a whole load more that I cant even remember tonight.

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I used to have an Amiga 500, then that broke so I got an Amiga 600 with a built in 20mb Hard disk (uber). Most of my time was spent playing SWOS, Settlers 2, Deluxe Paint, Cannon Fodder, Desert Strike, Turrican 2, Alien Breed, Championship Manager Italia and The Chaos Engine.


I recently bought an Amiga 500+ with a load of boxed games for £20, then bought the original boxed SWOS from E-Bay. All I need know is a Quickshot to get the curls mastered.

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