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Union leader still raving!


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I can’t abide this woman and it’s time they stopped giving her any airtime. 


The sound clip is well worth listening to as a raving looney badly tries to hide the rage. It’s bad enough we have to listen to Bernie Moffatt raging a load of old crap from time to time but this one’s more reminiscent of an angry tranny Bernie on acid. 

Edited by BriT
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1 minute ago, BriT said:

I can’t abide this woman and it’s time they stopped giving her any airtime. 


The sound clip is well worth listening to as a raving looney badly tries to hide the rage. It’s bad enough we have to listen to Bernie Moffatt raging a load of old crap from time to time but this one’s more reminiscent of an angry tranny Bernie on acid. 

I thought she scored a huge own goal when she revealed that over 50% of teachers are over 50 years old.

Whilst this creates an issue in 5 to 10 years, when they are retiring, in the immediate term, why would Govt. need to pay them any more? They'll be in more senior positions, at or close to top or scale, well settled here with comfortable life styles, so very unlikely to move to the UK, or otherwise leave This would ordinarily put the employer in a strong negotiating position. 

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2 minutes ago, Nellie said:

I thought she scored a huge own goal when she revealed that over 50% of teachers are over 50 years old.

Whilst this creates an issue in 5 to 10 years, when they are retiring, in the immediate term, why would Govt. need to pay them any more? They'll be in more senior positions, at or close to top or scale, well settled here with comfortable life styles, so very unlikely to move to the UK, or otherwise leave This would ordinarily put the employer in a strong negotiating position. 

Perhaps because after they all retire it might be an idea to still have some younger teachers on the Island?  I suppose it might be cheaper just to kill all the under-5s so there will be no need for any.

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28 minutes ago, BriT said:

I can’t abide this woman and it’s time they stopped giving her any airtime. 


The sound clip is well worth listening to as a raving looney badly tries to hide the rage. It’s bad enough we have to listen to Bernie Moffatt raging a load of old crap from time to time but this one’s more reminiscent of an angry tranny Bernie on acid. 

She really needs to wind her neck in

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

She really needs to wind her neck in

But is she wrong?

There was a post on FB a couple of days ago from a healthcare worker who moved here 7 years ago with every intention of staying.  They have had successive rented homes, losing each because the owner decided to sell.  They can't save enough for a deposit to buy, because of the private sector rent, and are just over the maximum earnings to qualify for public sector accommodation.  They are left with the only choice of returning to wherever they are from even though they really want to stay. 

Now it may or may not have been genuine, but it certainly has the ring of truth. 

This is what needs to be addressed.  Pretty views are not going to put an affordable roof over your head. 

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2 hours ago, BriT said:

I can’t abide this woman and it’s time they stopped giving her any airtime. 


The sound clip is well worth listening to as a raving looney badly tries to hide the rage. It’s bad enough we have to listen to Bernie Moffatt raging a load of old crap from time to time but this one’s more reminiscent of an angry tranny Bernie on acid. 

What's she wrong about? We don't have the infrastructure to support the population that we have. Much it is not fit for 100,000 people: schools are to small, the hospital is to small*, social services is underfunded, GPs are closing and those that aren't have huge waiting times for an appointment, in fact the only thing that is fit for 100,000 people is the incinerator and that's just rubbish.

* does anyone actually have any data on waiting lists because they seem to be getting longer and Manx Care don't publish them.

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Unions are an outdated conception. Everything they’re ever involved with suffers. The added red tape they cause due to organizations due to their own needs to justify their existence is outrageous. Why should local authorities pay employees, who when recruited by the unions, to work for the unions in normal business hours? No wonder the vast majority of private businesses don’t entertain them. Everything they get involved with hinders progress. Look at the pig headed ness of their reps over here. They actually enjoy causing trouble

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