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House of Keys February 28th

Moghrey Mie

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The actual question was:

14. The Hon. Member for Arbory, Castletown and Malew, Mr Moorhouse, to ask the Minister for Infrastructure –

Whether there are any restrictions or recommendations about

a) the maximum speed of a steam train and

b) the use of a steam train whistle.

Presumably someone within earshot has been complaining about (b) (are there late night services?), but the important part is probably (a).

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That other know it all and general waste of space, Professor Ashford asked half of the Keys questions and Jason Moorehouse asked the other half. Either Professor Ashford is intent of grinding politicos and their civil servants down asking questions or he is showing off his know it all skills and general bullshittery expertise to remind CM Cannan that he wants to sit with the big knobs. I’m sure these pointless questions will cease if he had a meaty Ministerial role. 

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