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MHK's vs Their Values


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Whilst I realise that Manx Forums isnt the best arena to try and get answers, I want to get a feel from Stu and Chris (and any other MHK who may lurk) as to when enough becomes enough with this latest administration. Unless I'm mistaken, they are there to represent their constituents, and I would say that the general opinion of those constituents is that the government is failing, and failing badly. Incompetence and corruption can take many forms, but there is no doubt that the government excels in one, if not both, of these areas. Given that you are both a part of this current administration, then it also reflects poorly on you, that you are not seen to be at least trying to make a change. Stu - I think you mentioned when challenged a few days ago that you would prefer to make a change quietly and look for winnable battles rather than being shouty. When asked what they were I think you went quiet. But isnt shouty what is needed to try and drag this shambles from the gutter? Surely none of you or your colleagues can be happy with the current situation, and that as part of government, you bear some responsibility for that. If we dont have shouty politicians willing to live and die for their values then this will continue in perpetuity. I'm not looking to pick on you, Stu, its just you contribute most, but a quick look at your manifesto in bold I see 'Change and Accountability.' I think we can all agree that nothing has really changed, and, as always, nobody is held to account (apart from Rob Callister!). Put simply this is not acceptable. Who is going to break the mould, stand up for their values, stand up for what is right, and deliver a government that governs for the people? 

I would like this to be a helthy debate where any contributers can put their points across without fear of abuse, so would be grateful if the trolls would just leave this one topic alone.


Edited by Weliveinhope
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  • Weliveinhope changed the title to MHK's vs Their Values

You talk of "the current situation" and "incompetence" and "corruption" but give no examples. I think that without examples you will not get anywhere. 

I would personally pick on the promenade and ongoing horse tram issue. I would like to know the cost of the promenade. Why nobody was sacked without a pension. What is going to happen with the trams. If they are to be extended then who is going to pay (should not be the tax payers again). Who is going to continue the subsidy and why.

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My view isn't that the Government is failing.

Could they do better in some areas? Absolutely. There are some baffling things going on. There are others, creating outcry, that are completely understandable or that are in need of investigation to actually establish the facts (people ranting on FB is not a fact).

You say they aren't representing their constituents, but how do you know that? I'm sure that at least some of them are in contact with their constituents. My own MHK has intervened a couple of times in the last year to help me. 

I think most of them are standing up for their values. You may find they are not the same as yours, or that the value of their constituents isn't.

We need drastic change. Do I agree with everything the Government are doing? No. Do I think they are trying to make things better. Yes.

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In business we assess capacity and capability, we think about knowledge, skills and experience and we provide traing and continuous professional development.

Compare that to Tynwald and IOMG - woeful on almost every parameter.

If you keep doing the same old thing, you'll always get the same old thing.

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