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MHK's vs Their Values


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9 minutes ago, Wake Up Call said:

The Island is in a right mess. You and 23 others have been elected to sort it out. Your job is to fix the nonsense of public service and work out how to stimulate the economy. Please tell us how this is going to happen. 

By putting about 70% of "government types" out on their arses!

Edited by finlo
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19 minutes ago, Wake Up Call said:

The Island is in a right mess. You and 23 others have been elected to sort it out. Your job is to fix the nonsense of public service and work out how to stimulate the economy. Please tell us how this is going to happen. 

I doubt you'll get an answer. He's a bit like Chris Thomas - come on here with nonsensical "facts" then disappear into the night when challenged.

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20 hours ago, Catrisk said:

After an election in 2021 we are now back to the full inertia point where nothing is happening and nothing will happen until MHKs start campaigning again for the next election as this administration, like all those in the last twenty or so years before it, has failed to deal with a civil service that’s totally out of control in every way. The Rob Callister thing shows that too. If you’re viewed as a threat (even though you’re a total known buffoon who will inevitably blow the job up anyway) you’ll be seen off in the quickest possible time via any dirty tactic going. This is how they work. Nobody wants change, nobody wants to be accountable for anything, and nobody wants to do anything over the bare minimum of what they’re required to do. And if they sense any threat to that the knives come out. There’s plenty of MHKs just fighting 24/7 to keep the knives at bay in a completely toxic environment. So nothing will, or can, change. 

A question. Do you have skin in this particular game, Cat? 

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16 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

I doubt you'll get an answer.

Well you won’t. Stu said he won’t be answering questions and gives his quite legitimate ( in my opinion) reasons for not doing so, in his post of about 18 hours ago

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Addition of “reasons”
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20 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'm not aware of any subterfuges, villains or vested interests.

Stu, do you think that Dr Ranson would agree with that statement? Or the chap who flagged up the pollution of Peel Harbour and Bay by the discharge of contaminated material?

And if all is well and good, why did no less a person than the Chief Secretary get the bullet? And the CEO DOI? (although political correctitudes do not allow it to be described in such terms, it's "retirements"). Then we can add on those two from the airport as well.

The governance of this Island has been in a nadir for the last 15 - 20 years. It has never before been so ineffective, incompetent, indifferent and shameful. The fact that it even goes on in the public eye now with hugely expensive cock ups and no humility, shame or apology for same is evidence enough that the system is sick.

Edited by Non-Believer
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38 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

The governance of this Island has been in a nadir for the last 15 - 20 years. It has never before been so ineffective, incompetent, indifferent and shameful. The fact that it even goes on in the public eye now with hugely expensive cock ups and no humility, shame or apology for same is evidence enough that the system is sick.

I'm not sure which is worse.   What you've said, or that the population now considers the situation you've outlined, as being the new normal, and somehow acceptable.  Sadly, we've come to expect it nowadays from government, and we almost willingly accept it.  It's 'business as usual' for the government, who show no appetite or desire to reverse the trend.  Attempted fixes usually mean layers of bureaucracy are 'streamlined' by adding another layer of bureaucracy on top.  And on it goes.  

I have no skin in the game, other than being a taxpayer.  I know several people employed in or by government, some of whom hold senior positions, and privately they all lament the current state of affairs. 

It seems there are only 24 people on this island who don't know or accept that the system might now be broken, and almost irretrievably so.   



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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Stu, do you think that Dr Ranson would agree with that statement? Or the chap who flagged up the pollution of Peel Harbour and Bay by the discharge of contaminated material?

And if all is well and good, why did no less a person than the Chief Secretary get the bullet? And the CEO DOI? (although political correctitudes do not allow it to be described in such terms, it's "retirements"). Then we can add on those two from the airport as well.

The governance of this Island has been in a nadir for the last 15 - 20 years. It has never before been so ineffective, incompetent, indifferent and shameful. The fact that it even goes on in the public eye now with hugely expensive cock ups and no humility, shame or apology for same is evidence enough that the system is sick.

Spot on post as usual. And all the while our own Government is warning the public to shut up, with the threat of police action, like we're the last colonial republic, while the national media is ripping the ass out of us. I want to ask does Cannan endorse his minister of Education issuing threats to the public ? Where did that statement originate ? 

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Every time a new government is voted in after about a year the shaking of heads start and the mutterings about this being the worst government ever but I really believe this lot really deserve the title.   They do not seem to want to connect with the general public, there is not one department that seems to be on top of their game, the pride seems to have gone out of the Island and they seem oblivious to the general discontent felt by many.   Take the DOI for example….the airport is looking neglected, the roads are not great or the pavements for that matter and what do they do they bring an electric bus over, fill it with sandbags and drive it hither and thither and they are doing it again in the Autumn, with real people on it.  What has this achieved ?    Even if it was practical  to run these busses we cannot afford them, virtue signalling and trying to look busy and justify their existence.    Then DEFA…..truly nothing , meat plant, wool fiasco, Claddaghs,  OFT….gas situation no positive action bit of shouting.   And so it goes on and on.

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38 minutes ago, Josem said:

I think the current value for a MHK is about £250 - I think that's the last bid I heard for one of them.

That’s quite ironic coming from someone who seems to sell themselves to the highest, in fact any, bidder at every opportunity. 

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:56 PM, Stu Peters said:

Some suggest we should pay our politicians less - which is a recipe for a return of the elites who can afford to work for free and look after their own interests.

No it isn't. Suggesting we pay our politicians nothing would be that. My suggestion was we should pay them median wage, half our working population live on that or less, which suggests to me that the other half could too. If your own income is more important to you than working in the best interests of the people of the iom then you're still free to go and get a job making more money doing something else. If you'd prefer to serve as an MHK and at least try to make things better then we'll pay you a wage that is wholly sufficient to live on (as demonstrated by at least half the people you're representing). 

Far from being a recipe for elites working for free and looking after their own self interests, it would be a recipe for people who could actually be arsed trying to make a difference, with fewer who are in it for the money and looking after their own self interest.

We're still awaiting a list of your "quiet, small achievements" by the way, as far as I can see your best achievement to date is completely ignoring anything that was written in your manifesto.

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7 minutes ago, SuperHans said:

That’s quite ironic coming from someone who seems to sell themselves to the highest, in fact any, bidder at every opportunity. 

Well by standing for the Keys he was clearly just trying to increase his tariff. 

What have you got against market forces?

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