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MHK's vs Their Values


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54 minutes ago, asitis said:

People moan , yes I agree, but to suggest those people are somehow expected to solve the issues, rather than the people elected, salaried and qualified to do so is a bit far !

I'd like to add I should moan about people moaning about people moaning. Should anyone wish to moan about me moaning about people moaning about people moaning,please contact your local MHK for referral

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4 hours ago, asitis said:

But those of us who point out the realities aren't paid to problem solve ! We have rafts of highly paid civil servants, some supposed experts in their field, and a huge number of local and national politicos who are similarly rewarded for their efforts. People moan , yes I agree, but to suggest those people are somehow expected to solve the issues, rather than the people elected, salaried and qualified to do so is a bit far !

We do.

But then people say they're not happy with what they are producing. Some people just moan for the sake of it.

However there's no one actually doing anything about it. 

So do you know what moaning about it on here, on Twitter, down the pub or anywhere else to an individual or small group will achieve? Absolutely nothing. 

If you really want to make a change, I mean seriously, then, dependent on circumstances, get directly involved. 

You (collective) elected these people. If they aren't doing what you think they should be, hold them accountable. Not by being a shouty angry non identifiable voice on here, Twitter or anywhere else. Get in touch with them directly. Alternately actually get off your backside, away from your computer and get like minded people into a group and lobby for change. Or if you really feel strongly, get involved yourself and see if you can do better. 

Edited by jackwhite
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11 hours ago, jackwhite said:

To the MHK? Yeah. Will they answer it? Depends. They don't do anything according to some on here so you never know.

If you want to actually change anything.......well I think you know the answer to that.

You might , perhaps maybe , missed the nuance there. Or maybe not. 

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16 hours ago, jackwhite said:

To the MHK? Yeah. Will they answer it? Depends. They don't do anything according to some on here so you never know.

If you want to actually change anything.......well I think you know the answer to that.

Put on a t-shirt with a slogan and stand at a road junction (or a school entrance until you get moved on)?


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16 hours ago, Passing Time said:

Excellent suggestion, then after a couple of emails to them they’ll have a restraining order put on you to prevent you from contacting them again

Considering how hard the CS fight to avoid FoI requests, it'd be great if they applied the same effort to say the actual work they are paid for?

The running theme on most of these issues is a lack of perfomance either in carrying out the work itself, managing others on behalf of the public or failing to communicate clearly. And if the failings can't be swept under the rug then circle the wagons and have a comittee. 

Where are we up to with the Covid enquiry btw? 

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